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Posts posted by IinD

  1. From the outside looking in it seems they may have wanted to MAYBE try just the rotator surgery because that was the obvious injury. See if it's ok, if not we'll do it in 2 surgeries type thinking.


    Kind of like fixing something that has 2 main parts. Fox the big obvious thing and if it doesn't work, you know the other thing is broken as well. Total guess by me, but that's kind of what it seems like.


    Or for all we know he may have been told it might be two and he's the one who opted to only fix the cuff and see if it worked.


    I never knew the shoulder was this tough of a thing to fix, diagnose and all this other stuff we've learned over his injury period.

  2. 2 hours ago, Old Colt said:

    On Mike & Grady, on WIBC have discussed with some others including a physician and they said that for someone who would be using the bicep and arm like Andrew, true recovery time is more like 6 to 9 months.  it is basically January and could well put him into missing the start of next season.  That's assuming he is ready or is able to get ready for the season.  Lot's of questions that will need to be answered before the draft now.

    Could be they're trying to be dramatic for ratings, but a basic Google search says..


    Surgical recovery after a biceps tenodesis is usually about four to six weeks. However, as mentioned earlier, often a tenodesis is performed along with other surgical procedures that may require a more lengthy recovery. If having an isolated tenodesis procedure, the patient can expect to wear a sling for a few weeks.


    We obviously aren't Dr's, but I think just from reading the above it would be a long rehab if you had both done at the same time. Luck's shoulder has to be fine by now, if it's simply the bicep relocation, it sounds pretty straight forward and like they said above it's 4-6 weeks.

  3. It's funny because a few weeks back Francesa (the radio guy) had a Dr on that basically said if he's having trouble it's probably the bicep and not the shoulder. Looks like he was correct if this becomes the case.


    Apparently this happens someone's in rotator cuff injuries because after the shoulder is corrected the bicep sometimes isn't lined up 100% like it was prior to surgery.


    He also said it's not a big deal because of the 2/3 month rehab.


    Fingers crossed he doesn't need anything done of course.

  4. 1 minute ago, #12. said:

    No, unfortunately I've suffered through every moment.


    A solid half might be enough to beat Houston.  It didn't take much last time.

    I just haven't seen anything that makes me think they'll win.


    Plus to many guys on IR at this point.


    I think if it's simply for pride that they'll still win. Colts players are searching for vacation packages after they get stomped next Saturday.

  5. Just now, BlueShoe said:


    I think it is getting hard for the players to buy into anything. Sure they are playing for pride, but it's not the same. They all have to know a house-cleaning is coming. it has to bother them. They're human. 

    That's my thinking as well.


    We're way past then winning on effort and pride like we were earlier in the season. 


    They looked like they packed it in last week.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Aluckiswolverine said:

    All of the rookies RB who have made an impact this year have one thing in common. Solid O-lines, why is this so hard to see.  Our line sucks.


    Also every year there is a new flashy RB on another level. A lot of the things being said of Saquon were said of fournette, Mcaffrey and Dalvin Cook. 

    I agree with this.


    We HAVE to fix this line. Can't keep getting Luck killed. RB can be found anywhere in the draft.


    Gore is a tough dude, if we had someone like Addai back there, he'd have 4-500 tops this season. They can't pass or run block. That's a big problem here in Indy.

  7. 9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I am for drafting O.Line and Pass Rushers actually but in all fairness I think Barkley is on a different level compared to Mixon and McCaffrey. Most will remember I wanted Hunt last year. If we Draft Nelson I will be happy but some here think it's silly to take a Guard at #3. Whoever Ballard chooses, I see a lot of  people still not being happy.

    And you'd have been correct with the Hunt pick. It also proves you can find a rb anywhere in the draft.


    Kelly was supposedly a reach, imagine we didn't have him? We'd essentially need every position on the oline. Because of that safe pick, C is no longer needed.


    For me, at #3 you better be an instant really good starter. Regardless of position honestly.


    People always talk 'value' about draft picks, but screw that, if you get an instant good starter, who cares what position it is.


    I think if Ballard gets the oline help through FA, then you can draft the RB, but let's say he goes strictly D in FA, then I'd take an OL at 3 and get that RB in Rd 2-3-4.

  8. 19 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    What if it's Barkley?

    In all honesty, speaking personally, that would be terrible.


    I'm sure some will disagree, but we can't block for any RB at this point.


    How many times have you seen Mack or Gore dodge a guy as soon as they get the ball?


    Just for conversation sake let's look at two RBs folks were clamoring for last year, the Mixon kid in cincy (500 yds) and the Mcafferry kid in Carolina (319 rush yds), neither is doing much.


    How would that Penn State rb help us if he gets say 500 yards? Not much I'd guess. But put a competent line in front of most RB's and I'd bet they can get you 500 yards in a season.


    If by chance they did draft him, he'd better be Edgerrin James or Adrian Peterson. Not just some rb who will get us 300-700 yds a year. At #3, he better be getting us 1100-1400 yards yearly.

  9. 1 hour ago, RockThatBlue said:

    Yup. The QBs will always hold the ball too long when there's a severe lack of a short passing game. I think even Peyton and Tom Brady would 'hold the ball too long' in this type of system. There's not much the QB can do about it.

    Not sure if you caught the pregame with Reggie, but he even said he's surprised the offensive play calling isn't more creative lately, especially since we have nothing to play for.


    I think a guy as football smart as RW clearly sees we have no direction or creativity on offense.


    But I agree with you, Chud hasn't done anything to make Jacoby's life any easier. I'd bet this O would look almost identically inept even if AL was back there. Only difference is he'd probably get us a win or two more by being superman.

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