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Posts posted by IinD

  1. 2 minutes ago, CF4L said:



    So does Jacksonville and a bunch of other teams in this league.


    And at least in Jacksonville he would reunite with Coughlin and not have to worry about being compared to his brother who was a QB at Denver.


    They go out of their way to not have their career paths intersect.

    I honestly think all bets are off now in regards to careers crossing. Peyton isn't around anymore so Eli (as Manning's always do) will put himself in the best position to win. If it's Denver, he's going there.

  2. 4 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

    I don't see why it couldn't happen. They do need a QB. 

    That's my point also.


    Would be a great situation and his bro would literally be a wealth of info into all things Broncos. The D would get better simply because they'd get some help because they are horrible on O.

  3. 8 minutes ago, JaguarsWoman said:


    There is no guarantee Eli Manning will still be playing several years from now. If all the Jaguars needed was a QB they certainly would have traded for one under age 35.

    As a jag fan I'm sure you know your team better then I do.


    I was only stating a 2/3 run of Eli I'd take over Bortles. Eli can still play (as someone who watches all giants games), that team is terrible and that coach is terrible'er'. :)


    Players I think would come to Jax to try and make a SB run with a Manning.


    Totally just random thoughts by me.

  4. 3 hours ago, Superman said:


    I do see the cause and effect. The coaching staff favors long developing pass concepts despite having a bad offensive line, which leads to more pressure on the QB. 


    Cause -- bad play calling

    Effect -- the most sacked QB in the NFL

    100% correct. Sad, but correct.


    Can't run your system if it doesn't work on a weekly basis. You've got to figure out what we can do REASONABLY well and that has to be how you move forward.


    It reminds me of bad nba coaches who will try to play run and gun style with taller players who'd be better off in a slower offense. Or the coach who wants slow half court play using a bunch of Guards.


    They can't block, so let's make them hold those blocks longer so this play can work. Odds are it isn't going to work.


    Most are over him because what we see is what we're going to continue to get.

  5. 30 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:

    I'd say, at this point, they dont want Eli messin up their top-two or three pick that they will use on a QB.

    I honestly don't know his contract situation, but Jax would definitely benefit. With Eli, they'd run the south for a few years with that D.

  6. Just kind of reminds you of that boxer who's on wobbly legs and you know it's only a matter of time before he's about to fall.


    I think he knows what's on the horizon and in a way is ok with it.


    It can't be fun coaching this team right now and my personal opinion is that he's ok with whatever happens, firing or another chance next year.

  7. 2 hours ago, lollygagger8 said:

    Morrison is trying to do his best TJ Green impersonation and goes for that missile hit and doesn't care who he hits. Teammate or not, someone's getting blasted. 


    Bostic is almost DQ Jackson Jr. Terrible in coverage, but not as good against the run. 

    That Walker catch with 3 Colts around him was a thing of beauty (in a terrible ugly way)...Green was totally lost on that one.


    But that one play just stuck in my head. Three guys couldn't prevent that one. Pretty much a Colts 2017 type play.

  8. 35 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    Chuck only goes by what the medical team has told him.

    I hear you. I'm simply saying I don't see how he'll cover anyone effectively with one hand. Bad position to play one armed.


    A fracture is probably a few weeks. Not much time to get back I think being we're basically in December.


    I think it was a coach speak type answer, I wouldn't bring him back with one hand in a club honestly for game 15 or 16. 

  9. I'm not going to defend the guy seeing as our oline is terrible, but I'm not sure what you can do with guys like Vujo, Haeg and Goode as what you have to work with.


    They're not good, flat out.



  10. Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Not disagreeing with what you were saying at all. I get your point. Of course without Indy in it, it doesn't really matter. Like I said earlier after the Colts game yesterday, I went to the store and went to bed early with HBO on lmao 

    Definitely wasn't being argumentative..it's hard sometimes on the internet with sarcasm or being serious..


    I'm definitely out of it in terms of football this year. I see NE steam rolling the afc and then Bill B will have a solid couple weeks to gameplan for one game and they'll probably win.


    Annoying to say the least.

  11. 1 minute ago, BlueShoe said:


    As of today, here is the draft order (below).  This will likey change over the next 5 weeks. Hell, a lot it will change after next week. 


    Notable games next week are:


    49ers at Bears

    Broncos at Dolphins

    Browns at Chargers

    Giants at Oakland


    1. Cleveland Browns (0-11)
    2. San Francisco 49ers (1-10)
    3. New York Giants (2-9)
    4. Denver Broncos (3-8)
    5. Indianapolis Colts (3-8)
    6. Chicago Bears (3-8)
    7. New York Jets (4-7)
    8. Miami Dolphins (4-7)
    9. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (4-7)
    10. Houston Texans (4-6, traded to Browns)

    Third pick is still realistic, I've been pulling hard for Eli.


    No way we get #1,2, they've (sf,cle) got those locked down..lol

  12. 12 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I don't see anything wrong with rooting for another team if your favorite team is out of it in a certain year - most people still love sports and have rooting interests. I am diehard Colts, Pacers, and Cubs but if those teams have no chance in a certain year than I will root for players I like. For example, I wanted the Broncos in 2015 because of Peyton since the Colts were out of it. I think most people are like that.

    To each his own of course.


    I was just staying I'll take anything Indy dishes out. One we're roast I pretty much stop following.


    I know I will most likely miss most of the playoffs unless I'm home doing nothing. I don't care honestly about any other team...maybe the giants if they're in it, but that's obviously not in the equation this year.

  13. 22 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    Fair-weather fans need everything to go the way they want, or it's no fun being a fan.


    Real fans bottle-up every loss, internalize it, and use it as fuel for celebrating future wins.

    Or we're just dumb and stick to one team haha..


    I realized long ago if you're a fan of ANY team, odds are they aren't winning every year...unless you're a ne fan of course.

  14. 38 minutes ago, Dingus McGirt said:

    I counted eight.  I could be wrong, though.


    One was lame though. It was one where he took off and slid for a half yard gain, but they said he slid before the LOS so it counted as a sack. 


    To me it was 7 sacks...as if that's any better..lollol

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