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Posts posted by bahhummbug

  1. The story comes from the Denver Post... a good newspaper...

    The writer says Manning's arm strength is about 85-90%. How he knows this, I don't know?

    Says Manning's arm strength was at about 65% back in the spring when OTA's started, so it's much improved.

    Then adds.... but he doesn't know if Manning's arm strength will come back to full strength, either this year, or even ever. How he knows this I don't know.


    I suspect this story is going to get a LOT of attention. And I suspect Manning -- whether he wants to or not -- will have to respond. He'll either say, he agrees, or disagrees, or has no idea.

    How a Denver reporter knows what Manning's arm strength is based on his Indy days is anyone's guess. So, I think it's an odd story. It may be 100% accurate. Or it maybe wildly off base.

    How he knows the strength may or may not come back is easy.Look up the injury I had the same surgery 1 month before Peyton.He had no strength I had no feeling.There is no reason or medical reason why some recover some do not.I have very little feeling below my elbow,the longer up to a year after surgery it remains the more permanent nerve damage will be done.Peytons clock is ticking on a year mine is expired.
  2. I think he knows how to build a team. I'm assuming the team in question has been floundering for a little while, let's say the Jaguars or the Browns or something. He'll lock down a lot of outside influence, get rid of a lot of dead weight, and he'll hire a scouting staff that will scour the country looking for collegiate talent. And no matter how you feel about his drafting over the past few seasons, he always had an eye for talent. I'd make him bring in a consultant or two who have no loyalties to him as a counter-balance, someone who would challenge him. And I would give a directive to explore every single avenue of adding talent, not just focusing on the draft.

    The reason for the five year limit is because that's more than enough time for him to leave his stamp on the team and the staff, root out some problems, and get the train back on the tracks. But I wouldn't want to be in the position that Irsay found himself in here recently, where it was unclear who the top dog in the building was. Polian has been a polarizing, if not divisive factor, everywhere he's been. He's damaged media relations with the Buffalo media, the Carolina media, and the Indy media. And he showed signs of nepotism here. By limiting his term, it would allow him to work with autonomy, without regard for the politics, but it would impress upon his staff and the rest of the football world that the job will be available in short order, so get yourself ready.

    I think you and others may disagree about his potential virtues, and that's fine. We can hash it out, sure, but I think maybe we've already done this a half dozen or so times in the last few months. I think highly of his ability as a talent evaluator and team builder, and I think he could help an unfocused team get back on the right track. But too much of him isn't good.

    I am going to have to agree that he can build a team,problem is he cannot maintain it thru the draft and is 1 sided offense offense offense.But as for 5 years I agree he can build but his drafting by 5 years would kill the team he built.Must add for some reason personal or whatever his contract signings of his favorite players not the greatest kills a team by 5 years.By signing his overrated high priced nobodies to big contracts Hayden?I can go on and on.
  3. The Colts also have a more mobile GB and his delivery speed in far faster than Collins or Painters.These are factors and deficiencies Peyton covered his time with the Colts.Also in any scramble I would take Luck over Manning,or Brady,or Phillips any day.So add in this year a QB that can scramble,run,take a hit,and quicker release then judge O-Line or figure atleast a top 10 IMO easy.

  4. If I am reading it right, this means the Colts are trying to have veto power over Luck's endorsement deals and he must run it by them for their approval before accepting. If I'm wrong, someone please correct me.

    If my interpretation is correct, then the team is being a bit ridiculous. You just had Peyton Manning as your QB, arguably the most over-exposed player in NFL history. And doing all those endorsements and commercials never hurt his performance or the team. If you are trying to be more secretive, start by having Irsay shut down his Twitter

    I cannot think of 1 reason why Irsay or Grigs would put any more pressure or bad vibes on Luck.Andrew if you ever read this do not take any of that pety ____ to heart.Thumbs down to front office on this 1.Was not sure I could say crap not the other word guys.Just is not right to hold up contract on something we never did with 18.
  5. I dont understand why we would want Harvin at all. He is not even that good and he spends a lot of time in the injury list with his migraines. I swear, I think people just want any other player thats played for another team whether they are any good or not. We have good young, fast recievers and we don't need anymore.

    Haven't seen many posts from you lately and I agree the more I think about it we do not need a big contract especially rebuild ooops Building The Monster too many needs for 1 man to take too much pie.Oh and I really truely believe TY and Avery will show all the gas we Need For Speed.
  6. My thoughts exactly. Maybe I am overboard, and I don't want to burn'em out...but a lot of guys from the 1st unit on both sides of the ball should get a lot of minutes together.

    I agree about pre season being very important I also like the early bye week to tweek OFF or DEF deficiencies
  7. Not all migraines are equal. Also I think I read some where that the shot he could take for it violated one of the policies with the NFL. I could be wrong about the last part.

    Violating NFL rules sounds more likely than the shot not working,and there are other meds you must take before shot to reduce amount of migraines.
  8. My nephew was born with Cerebral Palsy.He worked hard to learn to even walk,as a die hard Colts fan his boss always took care of him to see Peyton and Colts games.Dustin(Nephew)is now restricted to his chair and can no longer work.It has not stopped his former boss from taking care of him like a son.So today Pat McAfee pulled up in his driveway and surprised him with a visit.My nephew is so excited he just cannot believe he came to his house.TY Pat for making my nephews day brighter.Been hearing about Pats bad Twitter so i wanted to post some good he has done with no obligation he went to my nephews house.post-6795-0-75973600-1340137404_thumb.jp

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