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Posts posted by bahhummbug

  1. I think the important things to remember about Luck right now are :

    1. He's not Peyton (no duh lol)

    2. This is really only his sixth work out with the team (3 day rookie mini camp right after the draft) so I wouldn't worry too much about all the incompletes. He's behind and I am sure he'll catch up and as he does those will go down. Not that anyone is freaking out over him yet.

    Noone can be someone their not,lets let Andrew decide on who he is.
  2. We're no longer running the Tom Moore/Peyton Manning offense. We're running the Bruce Arians offense. I think they'll give him a nice chunk as a base, and then build from that as the year goes on. Week 5 (first game after the bye) will be a good measuring stick to see how much leeway the coaches are willing to give him.

    I agree Iam all for an early bye week this year.Will help rookies that are not clicking get on page with vets.
  3. As stupid as it seems to be crying about this now with no real need for urgency because there is no benefit or real cause for concern because he still is going to be here I will say this.....it is the absolute stupidest thing in the world not to have it done.

    We just cut.....CUT one of the greatest QBs of all time to bring this kid in. The contract money is basically already preditermined based on the CBA. Really it is just formalities like guarantees and out clauses but lets be real....our future is tied to this kid. We are going to give him every chance to be the man....drunk driving arrests or prostitution scandals or poor play it won't matter we will ride and die with this kid for the next 4 seasons regardless. And the money is PUNY for starting QB money. Most of the backups in the league have bigger contracts then this kid. Just give him what he wants...because he has all the leverage. We are a last place team with no chance without him and a fan base thats foundation crumbled this offseason with getting rid of the most beloved player we have ever had. Quit playing around and get it done and perhaps you will get a tiny bump in ticket sales. No positives can happen now by continuing to try to force the negotiations. Give him his money and a show of good will to build a since of support because if he plays well he could be holding out by year 3 to get real QB money.

    I would say it is his agent Uncle wanting just a lil bit more guaranteed and a bigger signing.
  4. I keep reading posts and articles on Freeney that state he probably wont be a colt this year and there is no way he gets resigned here next year. I am going on record to say I think Dwight will be a colt for life. He stated in an interview a while ago that he wants to retire a colt. He felt players should stay with the franchises that toook a chance and drafted them. He even called out Lebron for leaving Clevland. I don't think he is going to leave for the biggest contract. I think he will take a reasonable contract here that pays him what he is worth. What the number will be will be determined by his play this season. I think he will be effective this year in the new system and will quiet all the fans who have written him off.

    That being said, unless Hughes emerges as a real player, I think they still draft an OLB in one of the first two rounds as it usually takes time to adjust.

    Manning wanted to retire a Colt is Freeney larger than Manning?It all depends on his play,to me Iam all for dropping him now.I have said it for months sign a couple CBs and a OLB and more for his 14 mill experiment not worth it.
  5. If it was me, I'd be far less tolerant. Drinking and driving is incredibly stupid and selfish and I can't think of any good reason for it. I would have absolutely no trouble suspending a player for an entire season without pay if he did that

    I agree but it is easy for me to say that, I have lost several close friends to drunk drivers and I do not drink nor did they.
  6. Technically, it was only one play and it was just showing how the defense will adjust based on what formation the offense comes out in. But still, what are you thinking when you do something like this? Are you even thinking?

    It must be in the water their drinking this year.Between players drafted not going to play DUIs, DWIs Marijuana,PEDs and other arrests,Saints Bounty situation,Roger is going to be one busy man handing out suspensions.
  7. I've wanted this move for a while. Either way, he knows how to play Nose, and would be a big upgrade over Mookie. Sign him for a short deal and he's the best Nose on the roster, until Chapman learns the game.

    Franklin > Mookie/McKinney

    Agree been wanting him signed for 2 months,we all talked about it awhile ago.But here comes the Big But he must have an injury issue we do not know about to still be on the market.Several NTs have been picked up and hes still there so?
  8. Do you think that perhaps his contract not being signed or finalized might have something to do with it?

    i No not a contract issue,only contract issue would be a hold out and hes not going for that Iam sure.
  9. I think most of those guys will be back with their current teams. I can't see Rey leaving the Bengals or Mayo leaving the Pats

    I Agree lets not forget we will have alot of FAs also.Might be rebuild year 2 and see alot of players not resigned by us also.60 mill is alot to have I'm sure Grigs will do fine with it and the draft.
  10. 10-6 record. wildcard seed

    I agree mainly Texans lost some pieces and more LBers in camp so far,might be Texans (INJURY BUG BITTEN) this year.And if Brown stays at 1 back he will break 1k.Ballard could do it IMO if he got the carries.Our O-Line will be talked about soon enough they will be fine.D will greatly improve even as season progresses Grigs will grab the next best talent he can afford.I do not want to even imagine the D we draft and buy next year with almost 60 mill cap space.
  11. Don't know the cost there, I have been getting my tickets to park over at Victory Field for the past few years, don't know if they will have any open available yet or not. Think it was just under 160 for the 8 home games, didn't cover preseason.

    As of today they had alot too sell.
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