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Posts posted by bahhummbug

  1. So, are you saying he should volunteer for a pay cut? We haven't seen him play for real this year, but still, it's managements decision to go ahead with the pay structure.

    Your not happy with how that salary affects the team structure. We get that. It's not rocket science. But to be upset with Freeney about it is senseless IMHO.

    no cut him
  2. Maybe I don't understand your dialect of English(it seems i'm not the only one), but I would love to see where I said any of that.

    can you read your reply now they would only be depth to them lol and i use cap links for all answers and still talk alot to undecided frog
  3. Maybe I don't understand your dialect of English(it seems i'm not the only one), but I would love to see where I said any of that.

    you said it would not improve the team?so your saying link and mcglynn is better than carl nicks ben grubbs pat williams aubrayo
  4. How would cutting him help us in FA next year? And what question do you keep saying we haven't answered? It's all in one big wall of text, with no spaces or punctuation.

    14 million to spend more on a an oline? and would our team be better with olinemen i mentioned or nt or cb then we are now seriously
  5. I'm not certain that any of those players makes the team a better team.

    It might provide more depth, but that might be the limit to that. There aren't many if any game changers on your beloved list.

    //lol link better mcglynn in your words link and mcglynn is better and Aubrayo no good pat no good lol in your words
  6. Wait, this is really a topic?

    Can I make a thread like this?

    YUp and just trying to get it into peoples head how the cap effects a team and the later years of a team Freeney is done most 6 sacks 7 tops 2 mill a sack wow what a payday
  7. cutting him and rolling the money to next year does not make the team better this year

    Really hmm do you know players are going to come available again? your not logical 1 man over many? So hes more important than the team and everyone on planet?
  8. I don't think anyone is arguing with you're logic. We're all saying you shouldn't bash Freeney for his salary. The front office chose to pay him and not go for any of the players you mentioned. Why should anyone bash Freeney about that?

    Iam saying hes not worth 19 million dollars
  9. you can't prove any of the players you suggested are better than we have... I know freeney will have a positive impact... you need to drop your hatred of dwight like a hot tater

    You know Freeney can play OLBr you have tape we do not have lol
  10. Let me rephrase that.

    What question are you trying to ask?

    Would we be better off with 2 Ogs and another CB and a NT and whoever else we wanted than 1 Freeney? or better off to spend 14 million next year truly not a Freeney lover answer a real reality check?
  11. It does take two to tango.

    As it is he's making 14 million this year. No more no less.

    If they offered him a 3 year extension with a 15 million signing bonus and 1million base salary he would make more money this year than he currently is set to make, while lowering his cap hit 8 million dollars.

    Nobody is suggesting that he sign a deal to make less money. It would be worth it for him to do so.

    Doing an extension is three fold. It pays him more $ this year, it gives the team cap relief this year(and/or future), and it makes his contract more manageble to possibly trade in the offseason in case he isn't what he used to be in the new scheme.

    And again no reply do you think 1 more time slowly do you think our team would be better off with OGs and CBs and NTs that were available then they r now? Roll the money spend it next year.
  12. Freeney is being paid 14 million this season, it's the last year of his deal. Who cares??? What free agent out there now are you going to get? If he does well this season, maybe you look at giving him a new deal, if he doesn't you could trade him by week 9, or he just leaves in the offseason as a free agent.

    I fail to see why this is even an issue, just seems like you harping on something that really does not matter. We will have a ton of cap space next year to persue guys who fit this system, time will tell if Freeney does as well.

    Again you do not understand english roll the money to next years cap spend it then instead of gambling it away really cmon people have any sense?
  13. so you think signing other teams cast offs its better than keeping a potential hall of fame player? excuse me if I think grigson and irsay know a little more about building and fielding an NFL team

    Reall y another 1 that doesnt answer? so i do not want to see you complain about our oline d line or corners we could of had them so no complaining u
  14. What question are you trying to ask?

    That every position everyone is complaining about shouldve been fielded i asked what and where we could be with above mentioned players instead of 1 man you all think is an army? read OP
  15. Lol not 1 person would admit what horrible mistake we made keeping Freeney and none of you will answer knowing we would of had a better team but you defend Freeney lets see what he can do.He will run pass thr runners miss tackles and not be in the play wont set the edge and get thrown on any questions?

  16. I said from day one if Freeney did not fit the mould of the Pagano/Raven style 3-4 he should have been traded while value was there.

    He is here now and I want to see him in action in an attacking defense....not the Larry Coyer Cover Nobody....Bend But don't Win....Prevent a Victory defense.....Go get em Freeney and Mathis.....Blitz is now a word in the Colts vocabulary!!!! Hope Coyer enjoys his coney dogs at home this year. :)

    And no answer to OP lol add the players i mentioned then tell me your expectations
  17. FJC said it best. The only thing I'd add is - let's see what he can do in our D. He may well be worth that contract. Or he may be a bust. Either way, you can only be upset with his production, not his contract.

    So 1 million a game gamble instead of signing real OGs and whatever you want next year? Roll 14 million forward i will and everytime you like a guy in Fa think we could of would of should of make it a Miami rebuild 20 years later?
  18. FJC said it best. The only thing I'd add is - let's see what he can do in our D. He may well be worth that contract. Or he may be a bust. Either way, you can only be upset with his production, not his contract.

    Really still not 1 of you answered the op With 3 or 4 other people on lines Freeney was and is expendable 14 million gamble still. And not 1 has answered the question
  19. The only problem that would be holding that extension up is Freeney himself as I understand it since he would have to agree and why would he agree to an extension after only limited playing time in the preseason especially when it wasnt successful limited playing time, I agree he doesnt deserve any venom for his current deal, Furthermore I believe we truly are in a win win situation only if he gets his roles down or is cut or traded for a low round pick such as a 5th

    You cannot trade away a 14 million salary at this point no value in him left just drop and roll money forward
  20. Maybe the two people that should be bashed are Chris Polian for not extending him last year, or Ryan Grigson for not extending him now.

    Freeney hasn't done anything wrong.. He signed a contract that was very team friendly early on, and is playing it out....

    I don't agree with what is playing out either, but #93 doesn't deserve any venom over it.

    It's similar to the people that ignorantly blame Peyton for his contract last year. The blame for that contract falls in Irsay's lap.

    Lol he needs cut roll it forward that simple. Not 1 person has answered op WHY? because all would have to agree we need the players mentioned that simple reply to OP not Freeney hes grown drop him there is no trade value roll it forward simple
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