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Posts posted by bahhummbug

  1. ... every other series?

    Okay, I know that's not realistic. Yet we're seeing that Andrew is at his best when he's in the no huddle and we have the other team's D on their heels.

    Yes - I know we need to establish the run. However, I'd love to see more no huddle. The kid can not only handle it, he owns it.

    Doesnt it seem odd every game that comes down to last drive and its perfect.You think why havent you been playing this way?Why wait play all the time that way?
  2. To all you haters that said we would loose are you colts fans or ban wagon jumpers that was impressive to come back and win and a rookie do it in a minute 14 cmon rookies are not suppose to do that say what you want about ints I don't like them either but wow luck needs rookie of the year minus the ints what a win so what are the real colts fans saying now? ?

    well iam glad i said atleast 10 wins this year back in april tenn jax will be 10 would love to beat tex at home for 11
  3. Peyton Manning....in 12 games

    On pace for 4,700 yards and 40 TDs...

    .......a medical miracle....who were the doctors who did that surgery again???

    wish i had his doctors i had the same surgery within a month of his.still no feeling in right arm even after additional surgery to relieve pressure in elbow.now 2 surgeries 3 physical therapies and meds no relief.oh what money can buy.
  4. In time, I could see it. He needs some work on his hands.

    Thing is, too many fans get caught up in size. They want a 6-4, 220lb guy that can run a 4.3 and cut/accelerate with the best of them. Problem is, everybody wants those guys.

    To me, a jump balls account for a small percentage of throws. Generally speaking, you most often see route running as the #1 attribute, as a guy that can cut and cause a defender to lose ground gets himself open for a catch. TY can be that kind of guy. But I'd see him as being someone who has to do what Marvin did. Get the catch, get down/out of bounds/whatever to avoid getting injured. He's a small guy, so if he can avoid big hits, he should be able to use his speed to separate and do some damage.

    killed collie trying for extra yards seemed to get him hurt alot :(
  5. I loved what Peyton Manning did as the Colts QB, but all for a very few years when "the Edge" was running wild the Colts offense was so 1 dimensional. Many may argue its still 1 dimensional with not much of a run game at times, but there is something really different.Andrew Luck. The Colts still rely heavily on the passing game, but that kid is a duel threat. Even under constant pressure he delivers, doesnt fall down or "take the sack", he makes things happen with very few errors. Not trying to make a Peyton vs Andrew thread out of it but this is a totally different offense that still attacks down the field along with an improving run game each week And frankly, I like it

    I agree and adding the TEs to the offense a little more each week woulb be even better.Dwayne is looking awesome and such a big target with sticky hands.He seems to be playing like a vet to me on blocking and route running.
  6. I get the point of the OP. We are a bit handicapped this season because of the way we terminated some contracts. We're allocating nearly $40 million of our $120 million cap space to players that are no longer on the team.

    But the idea of "dead cap space" is a bit of a misnomer, to be honest. Or, I guess I should say, the idea that we're the only team with dead cap space is off base. Every team has dead cap space. The way contracts affect team payrolls means that there is necessarily a "dead cap hit" for a great deal of players on every roster. Dwight Freeney is the best example of this on our roster: his cap hit includes a prorated $5 million bonus that was actually part of a $30 million bonus that was paid several seasons ago. That's a dead cap hit. (Some would say his $14 million base salary for 2012 is a dead cap hit as well, but that's another discussion entirely.)

    On our current roster, we don't have very many players that have large prorated bonuses hitting our cap this season. The biggest reason why that's the case is because our five best/most productive players this season are either lower paid players or just signed/re-signed this offseason, or both. For instance, Wayne and Mathis (both in that top five) just signed contracts that will average $6 million/year and $9 million/year, respectively. Their bonuses and first year salary are $8.5 million and $17 million, respectively. But their cap hits for 2012 are $3.5 million and $5.75 million, lower than both the yearly average and the 2012 total cash outlay. Same thing for Luck, Redding, Satele, and the other players we drafted and/or signed this past offseason. We're getting more bang for our buck on a significant portion of our roster, especially among key players.

    The only players that are actually on the roster and taking up significantly more cap space than cash space are Freeney (plus $5 million), Vinatieri (plus $1.2 million), and Bethea (plus $1 million). Add to that the $38 million in "dead cap space" for players that aren't on the roster anymore, and we're at about $45 million.

    Just as a spot comparison, I picked a team that is generally considered a well-run team, one that doesn't do a lot of flashy free agent signing, but is also up against the cap: the Steelers. They have about $10 million in "dead cap space" for players not on the roster. But they're prorating about $17.5 million in bonuses for Roethlisberger and six other players currently on their roster. So they actually have about $27.5 million in "dead cap space." The Giants have about $3 million "dead cap space," but they have about $24 million in prorated bonuses for 12 players. These are not comprehensive comparisons, just a quick look at the top guys whose 2012 cap hits included prorated bonus money.

    Anyways, my point is just that "dead cap space" is not unique to the 2012 Colts. Having $38 million allocated to players no longer on the roster is an anomaly, but we're making up for some of that with contracts for guys we just signed/re-signed. And it's good that we're getting so much contribution from young, cheap players. It is a handicap, and it makes it somewhat difficult to field a competitive team. Of course, we've overcome it, sitting at 5-3, when most people didn't expect us to win five games all season.

    handicapped by d freeney
  7. It was definitely a case of Ballard being the Power back, and Brown being the Speed back. Excellent tandum.

    I still am baffled at why Moore is getting more play time than Carter. That's just dumb to me.

  8. You are FUNNY! All the teams with $7Million in cap space are lining up to get this ALL-PRO you think.

    Thanks for the laugh.

    Still with you bbs what a waste of money and time on Freeney.And yet people still defend him.Clay had more sacks in 3 games then Freeney will see all year.Waste of time to even laugh at people here about Freeney, because they still defend him.
  9. I am surprised that we aren't hearing anything about trade talks and freeney. He just doesn't seem comfortable at LB. I would much rather have Huges on the field. I would take a 4th or 5th rounder

    I would take his remainder salary if i could what awaste hes been.And yes i have said it all year now i want to hear from stats how awesome he is to deserve 19 million lol.I lmao at everyone who even thought he had a chance.Ty for the laughs.
  10. Not quite but he carried on the first 6 plays of overtime//// :thmup:

    You can make an arguement that he won the game Sunday ..but I wont..

    I want to ask people who have had minor knee surgery (I never have)

    What kind of minor (I'm assuning arthroscopic) knee surgery can you have that can allow you to run that hard in less than 3 weeks? :dunno:

    Unless I misunderstood, they said he did have surgery....on Oct 8 or 9 and played on the 27th taking hits on the same knee.

    I dont need a doctor to answer this. I just need someone who can play one on a mesasge board.

    MY son had meniscus knee surgery was running crosscountry in 3 weeks
  11. He may never be back coaching ......... I wish him well...

    I know that millions get cancer

    But this is such an unfair thing for him...at this point in his coaching career...when he achieved what I assume was a life's goal.

    It makes me angry..to be honest...

    As meaningless as I know it is.......I just hope his team wins for him...knowing he's watching..

    Agree 100% being in football so long then given a HC job just to have it snatched away has to be hard.Minus the fight for his life Colts need to step it up leave it all on the field for chuck.God Bless Chuck
  12. This loss stings, but we will grow and learn.

    I'm not trying to say don't be mad. And there is plenty of criticism to go around, but try not to get too down.

    Have faith in this team. And if not we can turn this into a rage thread instead. lmao

    Edit: never mind Luck just fumbled. Let's RAGE!!!!!!!!!

    Freeney no pressure not enough blitzing let sanchez shine wow horribly played on all 3 sides.rushed passes into double coverage o line pushed around like kids .Only 2 i saw playing freeman and hughes
  13. I feel like Reitz is very underrated and can't wait for him to get back. I do agree though, he seems to be better suited to play RT but it's really just a potential fit at this point. Vollmer is a top 5 RT in this league where a good RT is hard to come by. Rinehart has been in a RG tandem with Kraig Urbik in Buffalo for a couple years. He's pretty much the backup, but both guys have been good for a while. They're both FAs next year so I don't see why one of them fails to hit the market.

    I really like reitz also has great speed and footwork for Tackle but not enough strength for run push
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