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Posts posted by ColtsUrUs

  1. Exactly we lose Vontae and the rest of our CB are terrible other then Gordy showed a little promise both of those teams have a way better secondary then us also I was talking about the whole pass D that includes the S


    You're missing the whole point. I would not my team i like to overpay a player when it's needs in other places. And from my time watching football all my life. The D starts up front and ends at the backend. And another question for you. Did you complain about pass rush and defensive line more last year?

  2. Using interceptions as a stat to prove a point. Lol ok. Interceptions is a bad way to judge players. Davis beats Peterson in almost every category. Don't believe me? I'll give you the stats. Peterson has a surrounding cast and he still does worse than Davis.



    Could you state the other categories Davis beats Peterson in please. 

  3. Burning is burning. It doesn't matter if it's 100 yards or 300.


    Sherman is a shutdown corner. I never said he wasn't. Peterson is actually worse than Davis.


    Burning is burning. It doesn't matter if it's 100 yards or 300.


    Sherman is a shutdown corner. I never said he wasn't. Peterson is actually worse than Davis.


    Peterson is worse than Davis lol but Peterson in his third year has 12 int vs. Davis in his fifth year has 13 int. But you guys will still bank off potential with a guy in his 5th year vs. a 3rd year guy. lol ok. 

  4. Vontae was absolutely amazing until he had that little injury issues that was nagging him. He had the best game by a CB in the broncos game last year but whatever. All the Vontae hate is really starting to tick me the hell off. The guy has done nothing but keep us from having the worst passing D the past 2 years by himself


    So Robert Mathis pressuring the QB to throw the ball wasn't the reason why our secondary wasn't horrid last year. 

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