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Posts posted by ColtsUrUs

  1. Boom? More like bum .. Richerson would of done the same



    Dan Herron              78 ATT 351 Yards 4.5 YAC 1 TD

    Trent Richardson 159 ATT 519 Yards  3.3 YAC 3 TD




    Just off these stats alone Boom would have 702 Yards if him and Trent had the same attempts. Hell I think he would have more yards if you ask me. 


    But it's ok Trent better luck with your new team next season.  :highfive2:


  2. Grigson has drafted some really good players, but he's not good at evaluating o-linemen. Even going back to when he was with the Eagles, Mewhort was a major reach. I don't see him converting into C, he's 6'6. Stronger DT's would have leverage. We basically just drafted Cherilus backup because he's a RT.



    You're crazy. Did you not hear them say he can play ALL POSITIONS ON THE O-LINE. Some people are never satisfied. 

  3. I'm not sure what all the hype is with Hakeem Nicks.  He didn't have any TD's last year in 15 games.  He no longer has any separation, and is just an average reciever at best now.  I think we have at least 3 guys that are better than Nicks.  Wayne, Hilton, Rogers, you could even say Whalen may be better as well.  Maybe I'm just a bitter Fabtasy Football owner that got burned by this guy.  He had Eli Manning throwing to him so it's not like he didn't have a QB either.  He just doesn't excite me at all.


    Did you not watch how Eli played this year. He looked like Retro Eli and that's not a good thing. And he played hurt most of the season. Eli was the major problem this year not Nicks. 

  4. No to Decker only because of the price tag. You never overpay for average or above average. You overpay for the best top 5 at the position period. Haven't the Pats should you guys you don't have to overpay for players. 

  5. No matter if we sign Davis or not I believe grigs has failed in this situation. He should have at least put transition tag on him or something should have never let him just become a free agent now the ball is all in Davis favor and we are left to either pay or let him walk and hope we can pick up a replacement

    Lol really.... Griggs failed because he didn't overpay for a inconsistent CB. Putting the tag would have gave him reeves money and he's not worth that. You better wish for Polian to come back if you want a gm to overpay for average.

  6. It's okay to do that when you are in reach of a Superbowl. We're not going to pay everyone that much money but with all the ridiculous amounts of money he's given  to guys like RJF, Landry,etc... I'm sure he would be willing to give Davis the money. He may be inconsistent but at least he comes up big, unlike the other Grigson guys who have offered nothing.


    You don't see a problem here. You just stated of a guy being inconsistent but you want to give him big money. Just think as if you're running a NFL team and you had a inconsistent player on your team asking for big money and that wouldn't bother you. That's like saying lets sign Tim Tebow QB for big money. He's inconsistent but he makes big plays.  :scratch:

  7. Maybe they want to save money for all the people that will need to get resigned next year. If that's the case you might as well start trading people away too. I thought Vontae was going to be a part of the future Colts. Hope I'm still right. It would make sense to keep him, then draft a young corner to be the #2. Worry about safety next year. If money is the issue, then trade away guys like Ballard, Toler, Brazil,etc... so we don't have to pay their remaining money,and give Davis the money he wants.


    He's still relatively young too. And young is what we need. I don't want any of the FA corners, since they might be even more expensive. Vontae is decent though. But unless Grigson thinks he can somehow get Darqueze Dennard, who is a better version of Davis, then we need to keep him.



    That's how the Colts got into a hole last time when Bill Polian started to just pay players what they wanted. 

  8. Ok. 

    TDs allowed: Peterson 7, Davis 8. Davis gets beat here.

    Opponent Catch Percentage: Peterson 54.4%, Davis 50.6%. Davis wins here.

    Opponent Yards per Reception: Peterson 14.0, Davis 13.0. Davis wins.

    Passes Defended/Intercepted: Peterson 10%, Davis 14.1%. Davis wins.

    Stops/Missed Tackle Ratio: Peterson .86 stops for every missed tackle while Davis 4.25 stops for every missed tackle. Davis wins.


    But you fail to state the obvious. Top Tier CB's don't get the ball thrown to their side much. But it's funny you through out stats but you said int's doesn't mean anything either.

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