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Posts posted by ColtsUrUs

  1. Why, are you saying no he wont drop or no you wouldn't want to trade up for him?

    No he will not drop that low. Sorry but Blackmon and Floyd are the top WR projected in the draft and with Floyd character issues mentioned by scouts Blackmon will be taken before him.

  2. Peyton Manning, Wayne, Edge, Dallas Clark, Dwight Freeney, Bob Sanders were all solid early round picks. Gonzo had potential but was injury prone (can't blame Polian for injuries). Addai was a good pick, too. Pollak was always forced to play out of position but continually improved his play year after year. Marlin Jackson and Kelvin Hayden were both good players too; Marlin was injury prone and Kelvin was just overpaid, but both were solid corners

    Guess he's meaning in recent drafts. Well the past 4 years.:hmm:

  3. I disagree. You have to look at them when they were signed, not when they were let go.

    1. Brackett would have definitely found spots on other teams as a coverage LB when he was younger. Like Ray Lewis who needed Ngata to resurrect his career by clogging the middle letting him make plays, any MLB needs that D-line support up front, that was lacking for the most of Brackett's career. When he was able to roam when he was younger, he was a good MLB. Maybe not a great one but definitely a good one, IMO, that made plays.
    2. Other UDFAs - Melvin Bullitt, he stepped in pretty well for Bob Sanders till his shoulder issues started taking a toll.
    3. Not to mention, our best UDFA signing - Jeff Saturday.
    4. We do need to be reminded that Blair White was a UDFA as well and is an intelligent slot wideout for the rotation. Blair White had several other teams call him when they realized he was going undrafted and he chose us because we had No.18 at the helm.
    5. Dominic Rhodes was an invaluable UDFA.

    So, let us not knock down Polian's UDFAs with a broad brush just because they had faded towards the end. They were let go because their skills had eroded but when they were drafted and their skills were good, they made more than ample plays I can recall. Just because Polian did not win more SBs, it does not mean we put the "Johnny come lately" Grigson on a pedestal. It is fair enough to ask for Grigson to be given a chance but let us not act like Polian did not put in enough pieces to keep the winning going. Polian did fade eventually but he did shine, at least till 2006, IMO.

    People have such a short memory. Just because someone has a divorce, it is no reason to "trash" the ones involved in the previous relationship. That is how I see it.

    Only thing I remember is a undersized Defense that couldn't stop the run with two of the best pass rushers in the game. Our D was built wrong and we lacked Playoff and Superbowl wins because of it. Only thing saved us 85% of the time was #18 plain and simple the other 25% was Freeney and Mathis.

  4. But does he look any better than Griffin did yesterday? RG3 set the pro-day bar kinda high. Not that it matters as I think Colts have already made their decision.

    For someone that's throwing outside while it's windy he's doing very good. RG3 threw in a control situation inside with no wind. Lucks doing great.

  5. I would not get to excited. He does not solve our problems entirely.

    He is a solid player that will know the system, which will help the rest of the guys learn. Probably will be fine for this season but we definately still need to address the safety this draft or next.

    It's a weak class for Safety this year. And for the bold words in your quote that's the best reason ever to be excited.

  6. sorry, this guy is some guy in Denver, if there were actually reports coming out of Indy saying that Irsay and Manning had issues, then I would pay attention.

    This is just some guy out of Denver as like a blog with no sources of anything that is definitive


  7. Peyton is gone. I know it's hard but you will have to get over it. Some of us can get over a break up fast but some it takes longer and for others never. I hope you're not the last one. Just because you can't see the vison doesn't mean their isn't one.

  8. He's already been paid $5M for this year, we're only paying him $14M.

    (not sure if that changes your position)

    You don't see nothing wrong with paying a player $14 mil for one year and he can leave after that. :no:

  9. You lost me here... Freeney is not a DT. He ran a sub 4.5 in the combine, and likely can still run a sub 4.6. He had a 37" leap. His measurables were off the charts.

    Freeney is in the mold of a Demarcus Ware. The key different is that he is 3 inches shorter.

    As far as whether he can stop the run... he's done it, it's simply never been his primary objective. He's been a pass rusher first and foremost.

    I would like to think he can fit this scheme. He'd be pass rushing mostly, and would be called on to do other things from time to time. In any case, Freeney is every bit the athlete the Mathis is, and then some.

    FYI - Only 40 time I can find for Mathis is a 4.67 (http://www.nfldrafts...2003&genpos=OLB)

    So no, Mathis is not faster than Freeney.

    But 18 million is a heck of a lot of money to pay someone for one year. :barf:

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