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Posts posted by KarlKuffs

  1. well since you told us the only way we had a chance against the Packers was if they over looked us I think it's safe to say you didn't even think they looked beatable for us going into the game.

    Unfortunately for the Texans, the Packers are going to be hungry for a win and looking to impose their will on their next opponent.

    That, coupled with a less than stellar Houston pass defense that had trouble dealing with Mark Sanchez of all people.....I see Rogers having a big day on Sunday. I gotta tell you, this was the first time this year I watched a full Texans game. After hearing all the hype about them, I came away less than impressed. Stagnant offense for the last 2/3 of the game; suspect pass defense.

  2. You have to ask the question of how much were they dedicated to the Jets passing game? None of their(the Jets) receivers could sit on the bench for the Colts. I think they were more focused on the running game. With that being said, I've always been on record saying I didn't totally respect anybody they(Texans) have in their secondary other than Joseph. They would have some problems without the talent they have in their front 7. I respect the Texans, but those who are Texans fans in this forum know that I've said several times we could beat them.

    The Jets had one of the worst rushing offenses in the league, so I don't think that was something the Texans were looking to take away.

    I think they are incredibly over-aggressive on D and a good, experienced qb will capitalize on that and beat them long. I also think they are over-confident, which is why a scrub like Sanchez was shredding them at times last night. The Jets almost beat them with a bunch of nobodies at WR, for Christ's sake. Had Santonio Holmes been healthy, the Jets win that game.

  3. Texans played the 2nd easiest schedule so far in the NFL(Dolphins, Jags, Broncos, Titans and Jets). thats a .322 win percentage out that group, not neccessarily top competition. they are good but I dont put too much stock in them yet like everybody else is. we will find out where they are over the next couple of weeks vs Packers, Ravens and so on. But right now its not shocking they are 5-0 considering who they played so far

    Exactly what I was going to point out. They've played 5 sub .500 teams so far, with a combined record of 8-17. Pretty soon they are going to have to play teams that are actually good. I don't know what you people were watching last night, but they looked very vulnerable in the pass game against a sorry Mark Sanchez, holes all over the place, so I can only imagine how many yards a good qb like Aaron Rogers or Tom Brady wil put on them. Not to mention how sluggish they looked on offense after about the middle of the second quarter. They are no more special than any other NFL team, and still have a ton to prove.

  4. Thats about what i figured. I ask you a couple simple questions and you can't answer them....again. Time to put you on ignore as it appears you just like to flame and troll. This will be my last response to you and i will have your posts hidden. Maybe when you turn 12 we can have a little better discussion. Maybe by then when you make a case and i destroy it with holes you can actually respond with substance instead of "lol...if you say so".

    You were told in great depth, several times, by several different people. Instead of admitting you were wrong, you're attempting to create some fantasy scenario where you "won" this argument. You're like a 6 year old. Unfortunately for you, people can go back and reread this to see exactly what went down. Whatever helps you sleep at night, though.

    You better put me on ignore, cause i'll go at it with you every day for the next year, if need be. My guess is you'll respond to this within the next half hour.

  5. Except your the only one saying it. But hey, if it makes you feel good to think 6 other people are saying it, then good for you. Since you think Arian's was not referring to Fleeners drops, then what part of his receiving game do you think he was talking about. Love to hear it.

    And just so everyone is clear on your stance. You believe since every one in the NFL has great hands that you can't work on catching the ball,correct? No wonder why you wont answer my question on Reggie.

    lol.....if you say so.

  6. Where did i ever say he had "below par" hands? Needing to work on catching the football doesn't mean the guy has terrible hands. You seem to have a problem understanding. You think just because a guy is in the NFL means he has great hands and never needs to work at it. His "craft" is catching the football and blocking, so yeah when he works on his "craft", it involves his hands. Let me ask you the question again. When Reggie Wayne spends extra time at the Jugs machine in camp why is he doing that? What is he gaining from that activity? Would you say he is perfecting his route running in this activity? How about his blocking? Or is he simply catching ball after ball because he believes it has helped him both in hands and concetration? Why does he do it? He has great hands, so there is no need to work, right?

    Now, go back to slinging insults at me since that is all you seem to have.


    I give up. You can lead a horse to water.....

  7. Quality rebuttal.

    By the way, i responded to his post.

    And if you think Coby Fleener has made it this far in football having "hands" that are below par, then you aren't real bright. If you're saying that he can improve his production by working at his craft, then it's not his "hands" that are the problem.

    I don't think this can be spelled out any more simpler for you, so if you still don't understand, there is little hope for you.

  8. Pretty much every NFL receiver or tight end has decent hands. If they didn't they wouldn't be in the league or playing a different position. Does that mean they should never work on catching the football, since they either have good hands or they don't? You ever seen Reggie Wayne at camp? You should probably should send the memo to him because that guy sure wastes a lot of time catching balls from a Jugs machine. You seem to be implying that catching the ball is not something that can be worked on. Ridiculous in my opinion. If that were the case guys like Wayne wouldn't bother putting the time in. What do you think he has to gain from catching balls from a jugs machine? What is he working on? Is he working on route running while he stands and catches ball from the machine?? How strange is that, a pro bowl, superbowl winning, wide receiver still doing something as fundamental as catching balls from a Jugs machine when according to you it's not something that can be worked on.

    As for me educating myself, i have an idea for you but i will keep it to myself. Not worth the ban.

    Read new era's post if your still confused on what the difference is.

  9. No, they really are not. Considering Fleener's problem all of training camp was dropping the football, i would say there is a good chance that when Arian's says he needs to work on receiving, that he is including catching the football. Just a guess.

    Yes, they really are.

    Hands are but one of the numerous aspects of receiving.

    That'd be like saying that "working on throwing the football" means the same same as "working on arm strength."

    Either you have hands or you don't, much like you have arm strength or you don't.

    Educate yourself.

  10. At least one pro scout thought Fleener was the most overrated player in the entire draft. I remember reading about it i think on PFT. That may not end up being right, but just goes to show that not all scouts see it the same way.

    You can complain about fans seeing what they see, but Bruce Arians himself said Fleener needs to work on the receiving part of his game. Should we ignore his take on it too?

    Working on receiving and "needing to work on his hands", the thread title that I am taking exception to, are two entirely different things.

  11. Andrew Luck

    If only Andrew Luck were still his QB. Oh, wait!

    As it stands now, i'm supposed to accept that Coby Fleener has questionable hands, and this fact somehow eluded all of the professional scouts that graded him as being one of the top TE's, if not the top TE, in the entire 2012 draft. As usual, though, It did not elude the keen eyes of the football expert message board posters of Colts.com, who's sample size to make such a statement is watching on a handful of quarters Fleener played during the preseason on a TV in their living room.

  12. I expect our coaches will point that out a time or two or I hope they do haha

    I'd attack that right side of the Texan line. It's an obvious weakness, with them losing both starters, including the aforementioned elite RT. That, coupled with Matt Schaub being about as elusive as an iceberg, means it shouldn't be too tough getting pressure on him.....causing him to panic & make mistakes.

  13. Ballard averaged 3.1 yards per carry during the preseason hardly anything special, 24 carries for 74 yards

    If only Hayworth Hicks were starting, like you proclaimed he would be earlier this summer. Why.....I bet Ballard would double his ypc in those exhibition games your talking about.

    I wish there were some way for those professional football coaches to see what you see so clearly, the Colts would be much better off.

  14. Eric Winston #1 and David Stewart #4 in my book. Is Stewart no longer on the Titans or Winston with the Texans? I haven't checked lately...

    Winston was cut by the Texans......he's now on the Chiefs.

    He was a top 5 RT.....you are correct. A top 2-3, actually. That is a BIG loss for them.....one that nobody ever seems to want to point out.

  15. It seems to me o line, especially the right side, is a concern for a majority of teams. I also find it interesting that the Titans and Texans have (IMHO) 2 of the top 5 Right-OT in the league.

    One thing people tend to forget, the o-line takes a long time to grow into a cohesive unit. The consistency of a unit that knows each other, their responsibilities, and can communicate with each other when noise levels are excessive cannot be underestimated. We have what we have, coach them and let them grow into the best unti they can be as quickly as possible. If/when we get a chance for a significant upgrade, then do it and re-start the unit jelling process again.

    Derek Newton? Top 5 RT in the league?

    I would vehemently disagree with that.

  16. Boy, you'd think that the Colts just completed the regular season, and there's actually a sample size to judge the performance of the 2012-2013 Indianapolis Colts offensive line.

    You wannabe analysts do realize that you're basing all your brilliant commentary on a handful of quarters that these guys have played during EXHIBITION games, right? lol

  17. He putting it in an apples to apples comparison. Polian made trades in the rebuilding year to make the team better. Just like this trade for Davis.

    Im putting it in an apples to apples comparison too. The comparison is how Polian would address a blatant area of need as compared to how Grigson would.

    And "rebuilding" is a matter of opinion. Just because you think this is a rebuilding year doesn't mean anyone in the Colts front office does. And this year has yet to play out, so you don't know WHAT label to put on it yet. For all we know, we'll go 9-7 and sneak into the playoffs this year.

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