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Posts posted by WoolMagnet

  1. 2 minutes ago, Zoltan said:

    Gotta say it's amazing how quickly some of ya'll go from praising the team to doom and gloom

    Its not doom and gloom.

    It’s seeing signs of exactly what concerns you most about this team.

    We’ve seen this movie before. A great start, almost dominating in nature.  Only to be followed by a meltdown top to bottom.

    I , personally, havent given up, but its like 2 different teams in half 1 vs half 2.

    We have the weather and 17 points on our side with a quarter and a half to go.   Run the clock.  I’m ok with run, run, run, punt at this point.  Use the clock!  Line up and bully them.  End the game.

    its just frustrating is all.  But i understand seeing the “doom and gloom” is frustrating too.

    Lets hope we finish. With 17 and rain and time left, you or i should be able to coach this one home.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, rockywoj said:

    Even now … Colts up 15, which means only 2 TDs with one 2 pt conversion and this game is tied. If Reich were smart in taking that FG we are talking about, Colts would be up 3 scores.  As my best football friend messaged me earlier, it was just DUMB not to take the FG.


    Hopefully the Colts don’t epically fail to once again cause this coaching decision failure be the cause of yet another unlikely loss.  

    We should be fine due to level of competition and playing their 3rd QB.  Will be interesting tho how many points we allow here out.  I’m concerned they are getting the yards and points they have.  Some fools gold in this win.

    ....... but we’ll take it.


  3. 2 minutes ago, John Waylon said:

    In this game I don’t mind the call. The Jets aren’t gonna get anything going. This one is pretty close to over. They’re not an offense capable of coming back on us. 

    That situation against Buffalo, or Tampa? Yeah take the freaking points. But to Reich it’s just all the same and he’s going to go for it almost every time no matter the opponent or situation. 

    I know, but thats my point.  Frank will do the same against Buffalo, or KC, etc.    its who he is.

    I’m not Reich bashing (in my mind).  Im pointing out what i think is his weakness.


    Reminds me a lil of street smarts vs book smarts.  Frank needs a lil more street smarts (feel and tone of the game) and a lil less book smarts (the numbers guys in his ears) when managing a game.  Because managing the game is really his main job i think.  My opinion.

  4. 1 minute ago, rockywoj said:

    Complaint time …


    Up by 18, you have all the momentum, JUST TAKE THE BLOODY FG!!!  It puts you up by 3 TDs, thus making a possible comeback that much more remote.  It is this type of disregard for point differential decisions that drive me crazy in a bad way about Frank Reich. <face palm>

    Im with ya bud.

    we’ve seen this.  And not just this year.

    Overall, i like Frank and the offense.  It’s just undeniable that, on occasion, he calls a play on 4th down or a key moment that sets us up for failure or gives a team with little hope a glimpse of a light.  3 or 4 this year.  Games we are cruising along with control.

      Up 18, with chance to go 3 tds up?  Instead, u give them momentum.  Shouldnt matter here, bit Rams?  Ravens?  Titans?  Looks familiar.

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  5. Frank lettin us know he’s still calling the plays.

    ”a strong go” from the academics in the press box.

    take the 3 Frank.  Wth?

    no big deal i guess, but those are exactly the type of momentum swings we’ve seen in past.  Deja Vu.

    while it shouldnt matter, its not understanding the feel of a game.  Imo, of course.

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