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Posts posted by Blueblazes

  1. Its' sometimes tough to compare players of different eras. If you have seen the players over the decades, you can compare them more easily, with more validity. It's very true that as a whole the athletes today are bigger and faster than those in the past. However, I tend to try to put them on the same plane by thinking if someone like Jim Parker at 6-3 and 278 lbs., whom certainly had as much talent as an O-lineman ever has, took supplements of today and lifted weights year round instead of having to work a real job half the year, then he would easily have been 6-3 and 300 lbs. and been able to be All-Pro today as well. Another that comes to mind is Paul Warfield, supremely talented WR, whom ran a 4.5 back in the day---with shoulder pads and helmet, would certainly run a 4.4 without them----then give Paul supplements and training of today's athletes and well, you can see he could excel in any era as well (he also ran a 9.5 100 yd dash).Many others can also compare favorably in any era, particularly if you give the availability of supplements and training of today. So yes, there were many that could perform at a high level in any era. 

  2. and I feel sorry for the younger colts fans that didn't get to see mike Curtis play. can u comprehend the fines that this guy

    would have to pay if he played in this time

    No one meaner or tougher. Never will forget when he nailed the silly fan that ran on the field in the middle of the game and tried to run away with the ball. Mike flattened him and said "he was on my field".

    Another true Mike Curtis story--during the SB V season, after a disappointing loss, the Colts had to win their last 4 games then 3 games in the playoffs to win it all. Mike stood up in the locker room and told the team that they had to win 7 straight games and that he was going to give 100% and if he would kick anyone else's *** if he saw them not giving 100%.They won the last 4 regular season games and the 3 post season games and won the Super Bowl (after Mike intercepted a pass that set up the game ending winning FG).


    So I would love to see what you guys and gals would put down for the all time Colts team.  And I mean Colts, no matter what city they called home.  here is mine:
    QB: John Unitas - Doesn't have Peytons records, but probably did more for his team and titles given the time he played in.  Toughest position to pick on this team
    RB: Edgerran James -  Hard to argue with the yards he put up.
    FB: Alan Ameche - Didn't play that long in the NFL but what a fullback
    WR: Raymond Berry - Made himself a great receive despite physical limitations
    WR: Marvin Harrison - Probably the greatest Colt receiver of all time
    TE: John Mackey - What a freight train coming at you with speed!
    T: Bob Vogel - Great offensive tackle.  Doesn't get the respect.
    T: Jim Parker - As dominant as a tackle as you will see
    G: Chris Hinton - He could play tackle or guard, so I'll start him at guard
    C: Ray Donaldson - Considered one of the best centers in the NFL for a long time.  Very strong and quick footed
    DE: Dwight Freeney - Relentless on every play
    DE: Gino Marchetti - Considered by many the best DE of his era.  Deacons Jones looked up to him
    DT: Tony Siragusa - You simply couldn't move the man.  Great run stuffer.
    DT: BillY Ray Smith - Very good lineman who could play end or tackle
    LB: Ted Hendricks - Didn't play too long with Baltimore but was very good his entire career.
    MLB: Mike Curtis - Easy pick.  Very, very good MLB.
    LB:  Duane Bickett - Forgetton Colt who could play run and rush the QB very well.
    CB: Ray Buchanon - Size, speed, and playmaking ability
    CB: Bobby Boyd - Long time Colts standout
    S: Antoine Bethea - Sanders was flashier, but Bethea was better for a longer time.
    S: Jerry Logan - 10 year starter who stood out
    P: Rohn Stark - One of the NFLs best during his career.  Great athlete
    K: Mike Vanderjagt - Gets flack but one of the best kickers in NFL history.
    KR - Joe Washington - Could do it all.
    Coach: Don Shula - Never lead Colts to a title but had them good every year.


    Dude, this is amazing. Another accurate lover of the Colts through the years. And pretty amazing that I agree with all your offense except for very minor changes:

    I would put Lenny Moore in for Ameche or Edge at RB (Lenny wasn't a FB, and I didn't see Ameche play); if have to keep a true FB, it would be Ameche

    I would move Parker to G so I could put George Kunz in at Tackle.

    There never has been a better O lineman in the NFL than Parker-way ahead of his time with quickness as well as strength--maybe some as good but none better.

    So true about Bob Vogel being underrated; look back at '60s games and see how much time they had to throw



    I would put Art Donovan in for Billy Ray Smith at DT, and Stan White in for Bickett at OLB

    Good pick with Bobby Boyd--another underrated CB that deserves HOF attention-a shutdown corner before the term was used--HOF Don Maynard had 0 catches vs. Boyd in SB III--that's 0 catches for a fast HOF WR in the biggest game of his team's career because Bobby Boyd was covering him.(and held Paul Warfield to 2 catches for 30 yds in the NFL C'ship game the same year) Maynard and Warfield would be All-Pros in any era. And that was Bobby Boyd's last year of playing--not his prime!

    Tough choice between RIck Volk, Bob Sanders or Antoine Bethea at S, but I would go with your pick of Jerry Logan at the other safety spot for sure.

    I'd go with Weeb Ewbank as Coach--with 2 Championships, but Shula was awesome with the Colts as well.


    Great job LennyMoore24

  4. To justify the trade?... or for him to be a positive contributor to the offense?


    In order for the trade to look more favorable, I'd expect him to be close to a top 5 running back next year. In order for everyone to forget about last year and move on, he should have at least 4 YPC, with close to 1000 yards rushing. I'd be happy with that for next year. No, that's not #3 overall pick production, but it's way better than what we got out of him last year

    Good goals for TR to be acceptable. 1,000 yds is only 63 yds per game--he must do that. And if he gets 4.0 ypc, that would be acceptable as well. I don't even fault Grigs for giving up the 1st round pick (only 40% of 1st rounders achieve their expectations). But I would not give up this 1st rounder for him. If we had given up a 2nd or 3rd rounder, we could not be so disappointed (dang, did we really only get a 2nd rounder for Marshall Faulk?-wowww-but I digress).  I never saw TR do much at the NFL level before the trade or after it. I see him getting 800 yds (50 per game) and 3.8 per carry). And this would be fine for a decent RB, but certainly not top rate material. Ths bottomline is that we could have had an equally as good RB, by picking up a free agent and not losing our 1st round pick. I genuinely hope I am dead wrong and he puts up 1,100 yds at 4.4 ypc.

  5. Thank you. That's the only point I tried to make

    Yes, and you are right about Pags. I'd love to play for the guy or work for him, because he does build up players in coachspeak. (Btw, I'm still waiting for that "bowling ball of butcher knives" to show up, too.)

  6. I think Reitz will be a backup, Keep in mind my response was only about Thomas potentially getting hurt again, Otherwise







    Agree with your prediction of the starters. Sure do wish we could get better at center or right guard instead of our prediction though.

  7. A 5.1 from PFF is above average. Definitely starter material. Not sure what the Mike Pollak reference is supposed to mean, but he's a good guard as well, and earned another contract after a strong year. 


    Schwartz and Wharton were among the very best guards in the league last year. Not sure why you're calling them average. But we have guards. I get that Thomas is a question mark; not sure how many times I should mention that, or if I should increase the font so everyone can see it. But he's still a good player, assuming he's healthy, and he was brought here to be the starter. Thornton is a young player who showed promise, and it makes sense to continue developing him, rather than spending long-term starters money on someone like Schwartz. I think we'll be okay at guard, and if you want an insurance policy alongside Thomas and Thornton, a player of Reitz's caliber is a good and affordable option. I would like to have another vet -- Wharton would be great, but he'd want a guaranteed starting spot -- but guard isn't the problem.


    Again, it's my opinion that the problem, the real question mark, is at center. If we don't get better center play, our line won't be improved enough. But I think our guard play will be fine, assuming health. Getting rid of McGlynn and Satele was the first step, and now we can move the young guys in and let them show what they can do. That makes me nervous at center, and I'm still holding out hope that we add someone else, but at guard, it doesn't make sense -- nor do I think it's necessary -- to bring in someone like Schwartz at this point.


    By the way, where did you read/hear that Wharton is retiring?

    Here's the article on  Panthers' Wharton from last week. It actually says he was considering retirement-so don't know if he's made it official or not yet (or if he will). http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2014/03/11/4757750/carolina-panthers-guardcenter.html. I agree that fixing the center position will correct a lot of the problems. Just don't agree that we are set at guard either.

  8. We have a run stuffing o-line. Maybe just move our defense and offense up front to the other side of the ball respectively and we will be unstoppable.


    I had to laugh out loud at this post--hilarious and I agree. Well, after thinking about it, the O line didn't do a bad job of half of their job--run blocking, unless TRich was carrying the ball. But yes, overall, they were not good--as evidenced by the old eye-test.

  9. Reitz was good last year, just hurt too often. McGlynn and Link are gone, along with Satele. We do need a center, but that's really the only concern at this point. 


    The idea that there's something wrong with adding the players we did add is completely mistaken, which is my beef with the criticism in the first place.

    I'm fine with the signings we've made since none really broke the bank. My issue is that we are ignoring the huge elephant in the room--that being our O-line and it's many troubles during 2013. We add Thomas (if he stays healthy)--but he's not more than ''reliable". Reitz was not impressive to me at all, and wondered if I missed something, so I checked his PFF guard grade and it was 5.1. As a point of reference, a 5.1 is just ahead of our old fried Pollack at 4.9--while average guards like Schwartz (KC) graded out at 18 and Wharton (33 yrs old and retiring) graded out 20.5. If we think Reitz is ''good'' imagine what a really good O lineman would look like to us. If we go into the season with the current line, it will be better (w/Thomas in at G and Satele gone from Center), but it won't be championship caliber.

  10. I think spending 5.5 mil a year on one of the better guards in the league is money much better spent than these 1-2 year contracts we hand out on positions we don't even need upgraded immediately. I'm not saying it's an "either/or" scenario, I realize we might have been able to do both. I just think Grigson wasted much of last week flirting with Mack until he realized it wasn't going to happen. By the time he figured it out, however, the handful of impact guys on the interior line in free agency had already been snatched up. And while free agency is only a week old, the damage has already been done. Most of the coveted G's/C's are already gone. Now we're just better served drafting and crossing our fingers that we landed a day one starter. Otherwise, I'd say Grigson blew this off-season, if we go into next season with the line still as our primary weakness

    You are correct in your assesment. There really is no good reason for the O line not being a high priority in free agency. The reason I believe is that there weren't as many first rate  interior O linemen on the market this year----is why Grigs didn't move on it. But we still must improve in maybe the most important position group in football. Even going from less than adequate (Reitz, McGlynn, etc.) to average (Thomas) will help. But we must get a true center.

  11. Wow, we are going to bolt from #15 to top 5? With Reggie's age and injury recovery question marks, not much of a running game when we need it (lost our leading rusher), and haven't added anything to the Oline (at least we will have Thomas back, but he is solid, not great). Nicks is on/off depending on his mood and injury status as well. I just can't see us shooting from mediocre to top 5 in the NFL. I'll say we go from #15 (average offense) to top 10. If we get one more O lineman in free agency, I could see top 5. But right now, I see Luck running for his life a lot, just like last year. And I see the running game, led by a suspect Oline and TRich, hmmmm. Hate to sound like this, but top 15 is not bad, but just don't see top 5 unless we do something more with the O line.

  12. It's tempting to say we need him, but he will be 33 before the 2014 season is over and while he is an upgrade vs. our D line (sorry underwhelmed by RJF and Franklin), I'm not even sure he has one good year left coming off the fairly serious injury.

  13. Tbh I'd give them our 2nd rounder

    Without question. Considering only 40% of 1st rounders actually achieve more than average careers, and it goes down from there for each round. Mack is a proven quantity. The only question is that we may could get him next year without giving up a pick at all. I would still try for him this year.

  14. A couple things are glaring to me watching Costa from 2011 now


    1.He lacks lower body strength

    2.Short arms

    3.He has short area quickness but struggles getting to the second level



    He is on the ground alot

    Great. We have enough O-linemen that can get on the ground quite well. (Or watch others).

  15. We need a center and roaming FS who can get us interceptions. What about Champ Bailey for one or two years? He said that he would be willing to play safety and he's a ballhawk. He could also play CB in a pinch.

    I agree. A leadership presence along with him switching to a cover safety would be a good move for at least a season. He'll be good for 2 years if moved to safety. 

  16. No they don't :facepalm: They look like a team going all in to win a superbowl. They beat the patriots in the playoffs with the team they already had

    Exactly. They are going after it. The deals were similar with Talib and Davis. Talib's probably more consistent but comes with baggage. Davis is good when he wants to be. For $9.75M per year he better want to be good all the time now. We'll see.

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