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Posts posted by mouthofsouth

  1. I agree, after hearing the comments, Irsay didn't sound real mad about it, he was just upset that Manning went public. Im just getting tired of people automatically thinking that the media(namely Kravitz) is making everything up. People are putting Manning on a pedestal and im thinking a lot of people actually get on their knee's and pray to a bronze statue of him. Im a Peyton fan too but some people take their love for him to an unhealthy level.

    Thing is, what did Irsay get upset with Peyton about? I read Kravitz's interview. I thought Peyton treated the subject with great respect and class. He did not say anything negative about Irsay or the Colts. He talked about his own feelings over the changes taking place so rapidly. If that is being a politician, Irsay is almost admitting that Peyton handled the interview well, because that is what politicians do -- seek to please everybody. It almost sounds like Irsay wants to pick a fight with Peyton to make it all look better on his part when he sends him packing.

  2. I do not like the way Peyton is being treated. No one would have ever thought that there would be this kind of debate going on about him, or that he would be ignored by the owner and left to wonder where he stands. Who would have thought he of all people would have to "run into" the new general manager in the hall and be given the royal brushoff, so to speak. That is what happened. Read between the lines of what he told Kravitz.

    The business of pro football is rotten. Many, of course, would say, and rightly so, that Peyton is crying all the way to the bank. But I just think it is a rotten way to treat the man that saved your franchise and gave you perhaps the best run your team will ever have. A man who will go into the hall of fame unanimously on the first ballot and is in the argument for greatest of all time. A man who is a class act in every way.

    At the very least Irsay and the new g.m. and coach owe Peyton a real conversation and the respect he so richly deserves. They definitely should not cut him like he was a third stringer and let him find out the hard way. Any change needs to be done in mutual respect and good taste. He deserves that.

    Maybe I am just prejudiced for Peyton. I know Montana got treated bad at the end of his career, and Peyton's own Dad was shuffled around before he retired. I just did not think the Colts would do that to Peyton.

  3. I saw Brady throw 4 interceptions. Only 2 of them counted, because on the other 2 the defense was called for penalties. I know officially he only threw 2, but all of them added together made him look very erratic. We all know even the greatest of qbs have those kind of days. All year long he had a great season, and no one can deny that. He is largely the reason they had home field advantage, and I hate to say that.

    I do think, though, that overall, the Patriots had it much, much easier making it to the Super Bowl than the Giants. The Giants shut out a very good Atlanta offense at home, then went on the road to play 2 very tough teams, the elite of the NFC. The Patriots had a bye, then played a Denver team that backed into the playoffs. Then they played a tough team in Baltimore at home, and could have as easily lost it as win.

    I think the Giants, right now, have the better team.

  4. Yes, I remember a few years back Eli got a separated shoulder in a game, and all the media said he would be out about a month. He never missed a beat, playing in the very next game. Both the Mannings are tough. It is in the genes.

  5. I remember in the superbowl where the Giants defeated the Pats, I clearly remember there being more NY fans on the stands.

    I expect this game to be like a Colts v Pats game, where the Indy fans, and the NY fans will team up f and make lots of noisewhen NE has the ball and stuff like that.

    Am I right? I mean how many tickets does each team get? How many tickets will go to Indy fans? How is the preference in neutral fans outside of Indy? Since I am from another country, i don't quite know this stuff, I'd like to know. HELP?

    Major radio station in New Orleans did a poll and 88 per cent of those responding are pulling for Eli and the Giants. But of course Eli is a home boy. Since the Saints did not make it, they are for Eli. I believe there are a lot of Patriots haters around the country. Brady already has 3 rings and now 5 trips to the Super Bowl, and people think that's enough. Also, since the cheating scandal, their popularity diminished. I do believe about two thirds of the fans will favor the Giants. I hope they turn that into noise.

  6. The thought of Brady and the pats, in our house playing without Peyton there to defend it makes me sick. I can't help but think that they are/will enjoy this SB more then the others knowing it's in our house and most of us(fans and players) are at home watching...it really is a shame I was really looking forward to watching Peyton and the colts play in the SB on their home turf....would have been great

    Well ill be watching anyway... and I hope it's a good one!!

    Oh... my definition of a good game... G-men by 30, Brady 15-40 4picks, a man can dream can't he!!

    Don't worry. There will be a Manning defending it. :banana:

  7. Look at it like it was your own situation. You are the "golden" boy at your company. Everything revolves around you, you are protected, catered to and listened to.

    All of a sudden everything is changed. People running the company are fired and replaced by a whole new crew. Assertions abound that a total revamp is coming and the organization is going to rebuild from the ground up -- meaning you may be next to get fired. At the very least you may be playing with a new bunch of guys even if you remain.

    Would you feel bad? Feel insecure? Sad that all your friends and supporters are gone and you do not yet know how the new people even feel about you? You have got to feel like your world has been turned upside down.

    Now, I know that Peyton is tough enough to handle it. He also has a future with another team if he is healthy and wants it. Nevertheless it is not easy to give up what you have built for years. You may be asked to give up the home you have come to love, the city, the people.

    I feel for him. But pro football is a business, and money is, in the end, more important than individuals, no matter how great they may be.

  8. I'd be shocked if New England lost this time around. I don't think lighting is striking twice for Eli against them. Pats will be out for some redemption and I expect that they will find it in Indy. Hope I'm wrong.

    You may be forgetting that the Giants also beat them in Foxboro this year. So why can't they do it in Indy in a dome, where I believe they will have most of the crowd cheering for them?

  9. Seems like everyone on the postgame shows were saying that Eli played great today. He certainly played with a lot of heart considering the beating he was taking. There's no reason to knock on Eli for today's performance.

    He played fantastic considering the weather conditions. He certainly secured the ball and made some great plays. Did you know he threw over 50 times and they had NO running game at all???? San Francisco was a tough, tough defense. And you have got to admit any qb that gets sacked and hit that many times in a game would not look that fresh as a daisy in the locker room during the trophy presentation. Got to hand it to Eli. And the Giants. Boy, that was a tough one to watch.

  10. probably a rumor

    if Manning had his home up for sale the media would eat that up lol

    Manning having his house up for sale? How suspicious is that rumor? Why would a man as rich as him make his very first action, even while he is still with the Colts, the selling of his house? I think he owns several homes, one in New Orleans and I think also one in Knoxville. The man can afford as many homes as he wants. There is no reason he would be selling his house in Indy at this stage. That is what makes all these rumors so ridiculous.

  11. I would like to see another Giants/Pats with the same outcome as the first one. :highfive: Go :giants: take it all.

    You mean same outcome as the 2007 Super Bowl or same outcome as Giants/Pats this year? Cause the Giants beat them both times!

  12. What are the odds that two boys in the same family would end up playing in the NFL..

    ...play in different towns and opposite conferences

    ..get to 4 Super Bowls (2 each) in eight years and never face each other?

    A friend of mine was kidding me this morning about Eli being touted as better than Peyton now. I smiled and said, "Two elite quarterbacks from the same family? That is pretty good."

    Pretty good? It is a miracle. I am very proud of that whole family!!!!

  13. at the time I was mad he didn't run the extra 5 yards for the TD...

    Can you imagine peoples reactions when Peyton comes back & pulls stunts like that???

    He did exactly the right thing. He made a first down and allowed the Colts to run the clock out without giving up the ball to the Raiders. He was being chased down and so there is no proof he would have made it into the endzone anyway. All they needed to do was get a first down and then run out the clock. Peyton has brains.

  14. Green Bay and NO would be fun..

    WE could have a fake Mardi Gras in their honor in downtown Indy...NOLA folks might like downtown Indy...

    Maybe for Packers fans we could come up with some honorary blue and white cheese heads...

    Peyton Manning could throw out the first ball.....(as long as its a 50-yard spiral to reggie)

    It cannot be Packers AND N.O.

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