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Posts posted by mouthofsouth

  1. Classy post. Thank you very much. The most watched show in American TV history at 111.3 million. Amazing that Madonna's halftime show was watched by 114 million. Madonna beat the Super Bowl game:)

    Another thing I forgot to mention. Many people complain when the Super Bowl is held up north because of the possibility of bad weather. Well, last year it was in Dallas -- very southern -- and they had a blizzard. Remember Miami in 2007 when the Colts had to play the Bears in a monsoon? Plus, if the game had been played in New Orleans this year, I can vouch that it rained all week long, which would have dampened the party on the streets.

  2. I am not sure if this post belongs on the Colts board or NFL board, maybe on neither. But I just have to say it.

    I live in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and had to watch the Super Bowl, like most people, on T.V. But I have heard nothing but good things about the game and the week long event in Indy. Even the New Orleans radio crew that went up to tout next year's game in their city, famous for its hospitality, had to admit that Indy did a superb job hosting this year's big game.

    What I have heard a lot of, from national and local media, is that it was so great for fans and media that everything took place within about an eight block area, so people could walk from place to place. That made it like a huge block party the whole week. The Indy natives were so nice and friendly, and the weather cooperated in every way. What a contrast to last year's fiasco in Dallas! Everything I heard was positive; nothing negative. The group that planned and put on the event did an outstanding job.

    The game itself was great, maybe one of the best Super Bowls, in my humble opinion. And I think most Indiana folk are smiling because, if it could not be the Colts, Peyton's brother winning and Brady and Belichick losing could not have been a better result!

    I remember my own experience in Indy in 2005 and will cherish the memory the rest of my life. It is a great city with great people! I think Indy will be on the short list for future big sporting events, including more Super Bowls.

    Way to go!

  3. I can only imagine how incredibly frustrated Manning must be. Never been hurt, best on the planet, then one day you can't feel your dang arm or throw the ball very well and you keep trying, keep trying, keep trying and nothing's happening. All the while your paycheck hangs in the balance. Yikes!

    Gonna make a great movie someday. The comeback of a great player. They can make it about Eli too.

  4. I am just so proud of the first family of football. There will never be two elite quarterbacks in the same family again. It is one time miracle.

    I do not understand why people call Eli dull. It just takes somebody like Letterman to bring him out.

  5. My point is you do NOT EVER make that call in the SB!! EVER!

    Other than the overtime rules being different for playoff games, they are played with the same rules as regular season games. The refs cannot be asked to call penalties different in playoff games. They are trained and trained in seeing fouls and calling them correctly. Why should they change in the Super Bowl?

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIkIjI6r6i0


    You can hear someone yell "Eli rules your husband!" Then Gissele later says to her cohorts, "My husband cannot [expletive] throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I can't believe they dropped the ball so many times."

    On one hand, I feel bad for her... I guess even the non-players feel the sting of a Superbowl loss. On the other hand, she needs to keep her mouth shut. As Tom Brady's wife, she is indirectly making official comments about the Patriots organization when she says these things. Now this puts Tom Brady in an awkward "pick your poison" situation - if he defenders her, he bashes the Patriots. If he refutes her, he makes Gisele look foolish.

    Brady does not have to comment on this at all, except say something like, "My wife stands by her man," in a joking way.

    I am no Brady fan, but I do not blame Giselle. What about those obnoxious fans yelling at her and saying ugly things about her husband?

  7. Watching the highlights....and here come the excuses for why it wasn't Brady's fault....it was all the drops by his WRs, Gronk being hobbled....blah blah. Sure some of that is completely legit, Brady wasn't totally to blame....but the BSPN boys are trying SO HARD to pin this loss on anyone but Tom Terrific. It just gets...so


    Just two words for these Brady lovers: Tuck rule. If it were not for that insane rule, which I think has never been used except to allow the Patriots to go to their first Super Bowl, Brady would have only as many rings, and one less MVP than Eli.

  8. Peyton has been tacky lately.

    I know I hope this all makes Eli want to play the game of his life but if he loses or sucks Sunday night I might actually start to blame this ridiculous Peyton distraction hanging over him.

    Peyton has a bigger ego then the Peyton fans realize.

    Geez, you people are making Peyton the bad guy in all this? Some people forget so soon what this man has done for the Colts and the city. Without him, the Colts would probably be in Los Angeles. There would be no Super Bowl in Indy. The media is going to pursue any story that is hot! Peyton is not a Favre. But I do not blame him if he tells Irsay in the end to stuff it and that he has no intention of retiring, like Irsay wants him to do. I hope Irsay is not succeeding in turning Colts fans into Manning haters. That may well be his intent. Tear Peyton down in order to get everyone on board with his plan.

  9. I cannot see how Peyton is construed as taking away Eli's glory. Eli is not available for interviews. He is practicing, concentrating on the Pats. There is an awful lot to write about and discuss this week. There is plenty to go around, and the talking heads really have more than enough time to chew on everything; in fact most topics have been regurgitated over and over to the extreme. They ran out of new material quite early.

    And as far as Peyton speaking out, wouldn't you? He must get sick of the owner making his tweets that imply he will not be ready to play when the time comes. He knows his own condition, and it is natural to want to set the matter straight. He knows what Irsay is up to. He knows Irsay has decided to dump him and move on, and that must hurt. He made it clear many times that he wanted to play his entire career with the Colts. And Irsay himself said even last summer that Peyton would retire a Colt. Now he seems to be undermining him. Irsay tweets his thoughts so much because he wants to be perceived as the good guy in all this. But Peyton is not supposed to say anything? Hogwash!

  10. This is ridiculous. Because what Eli said was that after the game is all over, in the future, he will look back to the past where he played in the Super Bowl in the city where his brother played during the regular season. Meaning, in the future, which means that anything reflected on is in the past.

    Poor Eli. I bet he hates media day as much as Osi.

    Gosh, I wish sportswriters would get a life!

  11. The people who want Luck so bad should realize there are never any guarantees that a great college qb will succeed in the pros, and some of them who do become great later start out very slow. I would rather have a Peyton Manning who is ready to play and has proven himself one of the greatest of the greats, than an untested rookie to hang my hopes on. Wouldn't you?

    I hope the Colts bring Peyton back and also draft a qb of the future. It can work.

  12. If Peyton is diligently rehabbing, and really wants to play next year for the Colts, is it beyond reason that he may sit down and negotiate with Irsay concerning the $28 mil bonus? Seems they could work out something, like paying Peyton some of it and then making the rest (majority of it) contingent on his being able to play up to par in 2012. No one is discussing that possibility. I do not see why this cannot happen, along with drafting Luck or Griffin, and let Peyton play and tutor the new guy. It really is based on how much Peyton wants to stay with the Colts, and how the Colts organization handles it. Thoughts?

  13. Doesn't everybody realize that things are playing out the way they are so that the movie script, when it comes out, will have some really touching and exciting story lines?

    The movie, made about five years from now, will be named MANNING, about Archie and the 3 Manning boys. Archie, hero at Ole Miss, does not work out in the pros, going to a perennially sorry team, the Saints. His dream is his 3 sons will succeed where he did not. Cooper, the oldest is diagnosed with a spinal problem and has to give up his dream playing receiver at Ole Miss catching his brother's passes. Peyton is heart-broken and refuses to go to Ole Miss, choosing Tennessee instead. He achieves greatness, and goes on to further greatness in the pros with the Colts. Eli, the youngest brother is drafted by the Giants and goes on to gradually become an elite qb himself. The Mannings are revered as the first family of football. Peyton and Eli win consecutive Super Bowls. Then Peyton has neck surgeries and has to sit out a year. Everybody predicts his retirement from football. He loses his position with the Colts and a qb is drafted to replace him. In the meantime, brother Eli has won his second Super Bowl to Peyton's one. Everyone says Eli has eclipsed him. Peyton gets well just in time and re-signs with the Colts just before the season starts. He wins the job back from the rookie qb. His first year back he carries his team to and wins the Super Bowl in his hometown of New Orleans, winning MVP of both the NFL and Super Bowl with his heroics. At the end of the game all the Mannings, including Peyton's two year old twins, rush out on the field to hug him and watch him raise the Lombardi, tears of joy streaming down all their faces.

    The Miracle Mannings have done it! Two elite qbs, brothers, win consecutive Super Bowls not once, but TWICE!

    A major hit song will be written for the movie and Peyton and Eli will play themselves. No one will mind that they are closer to forty than to twenty playing kids right out of college. Peyton will win an academy award and be touted as a future star of action movies.

  14. I believe the Giants have a better chance at this one than they did in 2006. That year it was a miracle, this time I think they should be favored. And I have an idea the Giants defense is going to be what gets it done. I envision Brady sacked about 8 times and leveled another dozen after throwing. It is indoors, but if was outdoors in a rainstorm, he would look far worse than Eli did in San Fran.

  15. No one is kicking him to the curb or not wanting him to be here just for kicks. Some of us look at the situation logically and have come to the conclusion that based on his current situation, it would make more sense for the Colts to part ways. Some of us are Colts fans. Not just Peyton Manning fans. I want this team to be good for as long as possible.

    Now if you have logical reasons as to why Manning should stay such as based on his salary, health, or other factors I'd love to hear it. Because the reasons I keep hearing we should keep Manning is because it's Peyton Manning. He is an immortal football messiah that is exempt to logic. WE MUST KEEP HIM BECAUSE IT'S PEYTON MANNING. Sorry folks there's 50 something other Colts players too.

    Okay, Andrew. Just don't turn out to be another Matt Leinart.

  16. October of 2002. And I only remember that because the DC area sniper was still shooting people, and there was a little tension in the DC/Maryland area at that time. I do remember Edge pulled a hammy in that game. I don't remember any injury to PM, or awkward hit, etc.

    No, it happened in 2006, I think, and they played Redskins in Indy. It was when Peyton was tackled by 2 defenders and doubled over in a terrible position. Someone had him around the neck, and he did not get up for a few minutes. It happened in the first half and he was in obvious pain. But in the second half he lit up the game with about 3 TDs. I think that was when the neck problem began.

  17. It is what happens in the NFL. Good assistant coaches move up to head coach positions, and it is bound to happen when they become noticeable by being good. They deserve it to happen. It is extremely selfish for the fans to resent these men moving up.

  18. What specically?

    Was it the 250 million dollars or so he was paid during his time here? The constant use of first round picks on offensive skill positions so he would have only the best wide recievers and running backs? The complete control he was given over the offense? The God like status he was elevated to in the city?

    How exactly has Peyton been so mistreated?

    Did you just read the first line?

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