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Posts posted by mouthofsouth

  1. Today is a very emotional day for everyone who loves the Colts, but instead of being angry or sad, I want to hear everyone's favorite Peyton Manning moment and to look back on the best era in modern football.


    That first game on your video, Steelers MNF game in 2005, was the game I was the 12th man (fan) at and threw out the ball. Great moment in my life. I met Peyton and he was so gracious to my daughter and me. I have my video on youtube.

  2. Peyton has one of the smartest agents out there. He is also Drew Brees' agent who has just been franchise tagged and word is Brees is mad. Well, you can bet these two great players really are not into all this negotiating like Tom Condon is. He is the one who stirs the pot and advises his client what to do in these matters.

    Peyton is more into football than he is business. Not saying he is not smart enough to think about and know business, but that is not his focus. He puts most of the football business part of it into the hands of his agent, I am sure.

    I think you are wrong about Peyton being greedy. Watch him choose a team based on how it fits him as a player and sign a contract that is based largely on his performance.

    One more thing. Why should players not be as savvy and as enthusiastic (through their agents) of protecting their business interests as the billionaire owners are? Pro football is a business, after all.

  3. I am one of those sad fans. I would not have thought Manning would ever play for another pro team. I cannot envision him in any other colors but blue and white with that horseshoe on his helmet. I have always told people that he just looks like what a football player should look like in that uniform, which is the prettiest in the NFL. (Woman's view. LOL) Anyway, I will always be a Manning fan, because I came to the Colts when he was drafted. But I wish the Colts well, and will continue to pull for them, too. I certainly think they have made a bad, very bad, decision.

  4. I'm just sick. Even though I knew it was a real possibility I still can't believe it! Of course I've only been a Colts fan since Peyton has been with them so haven't gone through changes of the quarterback. But - I am sad that he won't retire a Colt. It just seems to me the perfect solution would have been for him to stay and mentor the next quarterback (who I think should be RG3 and not Luck). However, on the other side if Peyton truly wanted to stay then he should have been willing to forego a good portion of the bonus so they can continue to build a good team. It will be interesting to see things turn out for the Colts and Peyton. I will be watching both closely and wish Peyton the very best, as well as the Colts. I'm just soooooooo sooooooooooooo sad!!

    I do not believe it was all about the 28 mil with Peyton. I think if that was all it was, he would have negotiated. I think the breaking point was that Peyton was going to be asked to compete for the starting job next year, and that the Colts would have leaned toward benching him and starting Luck. He is not ready for that. He wants to play where he is the acknowledged kingpin, and rightly so. He has earned that!!!

    When I say it is not about money with Peyton, he said he would be willing to make any new contract based largely on performance. He can certainly afford to do that, and I believe he will agree to that wherever he goes.

  5. It is just not right that the greatest Colt of all time should be left in this position, when we know that he did not really want to change teams. I know Irsay said he could stay a Colt if he really wanted it, but we also know that Irsay meant it would have to be on the Colts' terms, i. e. drafting Luck, pitting Peyton against Luck, maybe sitting Peyton on the bench, and not paying Peyton what he is deserving of.

    Sad day for a great franchise. Ah well, that is pro football.

  6. There is never any assurance that a rookie quarterback coming to any team will be a success, no matter how good he has been in college. Haven't we seen some monumental failures? Ryan Leaf is an excellent example. No one knows if a young man will be able to handle the pressure, let alone elevate his skills to meet the NFL level. Andrew Luck will probably make it; but there are no assurances.

    But we know Peyton made it, and we know he is in the argument for the greatest ever. He has maybe five more years to play. Why would the Colts just throw that away, and why would so many fans be for that?

    I know it makes sense to draft a qb for the future now, because Peyton cannot play forever. But just to throw him away after all he has meant to the Colts is just awful, and cannot be condoned. The Colts need to negotiate on that 28 mil and do what they can to keep Peyton a Colt.

  7. In the meantime, Archie is the happiest person on earth. Eli got his second Lombardi. Archie just opened a restaurant -- Mannings -- in New Orleans and he can look forward to having it as a meeting place for those hoping to meet Eli and Peyton, and for celebrities and sports figures to gather when they go to New Orleans. And next year New Orleans hosts the Super Bowl and Mannings will be one of the centers of attraction! Archie is riding high. I love Archie. One of the finest men I know.

  8. Absolutely that is when it happened. I have known this for sometime. In addition I have the game on DVD. Peyton was twisted up like a pretzel between two defenders. I believe Peyton has been quoted as saying that is when it all began. Whether it was the result of a bounty on Manning, we do not know, however Williams was the defensive coordinator, right?

  9. I was an Archie Manning fan when he was at Ole Miss and then the Saints. I lived in New Orleans (now Baton Rouge.) Archie never really made it as a pro because the Saints were so bad. When he had sons, I looked forward to the day they might make things right for him. And have they! Anyway, I followed both Peyton and Eli at high school, college, and then the pros. The Colts drafted Peyton and I jumped on board. Don't get me wrong. I admired the Colts way back when Johnny U. and then Bert Jones (another Louisianian) played. But Peyton and his greatness with the Colts really did it for me.

    Some people call us bandwagon fans. But you have got to remember that you gain fans when a great college player comes to town. Andrew Luck will no doubt bring many fans with him. You should be proud of that, not shun fans no matter how they come.

  10. It is all over the news, that Manning had a 4th procedure in 2011, not 2012. But, folks, a procedure is not necessarily surgery. Any kind of medical attention is called a procedure. A 4th procedure on his neck could mean something as simple as a cortisone shot. The media blows everything out of proportion and starts all these rumors to sell newspapers and t.v. advertising.

  11. Kind of ridiculous.

    The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

    Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

    Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

    So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

    I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.

  12. I personally think the owner should speak only through his hired spokesmen. He should at least make it appear that the g.m. and other hired executives are running the show. If Irsay wants to be in charge publicly and openly, then he should just make himself the general manager. He does seem to be turning into a Jerry Jones quite rapidly.

  13. Oh they did get around to talking about landing sports for Manning. Mort says if he doesn't return to Indy he really thinks it's going to come down to Miami and the Redskins. He ruled out the 49ers because I guess Harbaugh has said Alex Smith is his guy again and Mort said Harbaugh is one of those guys when he says it he really means it. He wouldn't completely rule out the Cards but he seemed to think that Manning would not be comfortable with the Cards track record of being "cheap" with good players an letting them walk rather than paying them to keep them. They didn't not bring up the Seahawks who is the other team that has been a major rumored landing spot for him. He also said no way for the Jets. He said no because Manning wont put himself into that soap opera and he wont go to the same city as his brother.

    He won't go to the same city as Eli but he will go the same division? I doubt that very much. He does not want to compete against his brother in that situation.

  14. Thanks mouthofsouth! It was a great time, and we were truly blessed with unseasonably warm weather. Indy has always been a great city for hosting major sports events. The NCAA loves to have the Final Four here. I truly hope and believe that we will be given another SB. Best of luck to you guys when you host, hope everything turns out as great for you as it did for us!

    New Orleans, of course, has hosted the Super Bowl a bunch of times. It is a popular place because of the food, the party atmosphere, etc. However, even New Orleans is more spread out than Indy. The Super Dome is blocks away from the French Quarter, and unless you are very young, you need transportation, maybe just to get from your hotel to the Dome. With it being so spread out, they need more security, etc. so people can stroll around at ease. Usually the weather is great. We have not really had a winter down here this year.

  15. meh...I say 3 million newbs tuned in to watch the freak kiss a woman while riding a naked man across the stage or whatever.

    I know...I know...we had this conversation already. I'll stop being a hater. Madonna's a phony!

    Anyway, there were already 111 million folks watching, and many of them could not have cared less about the halftime show. Everyone I hang with generally despises the halftime show and view it as nothing more than a joke.

    To be honest I mute the T.V. during Super Bowl halftime and go wash the dishes. It just seems to me that loud ridiculous display does not belong at a football game, especially one as important as the Super Bowl. It breaks the mood for the fans. It is tiring for the players. Plus, I do not like the music (if you can call it that) PERIOD! I much prefer the old time halftime shows of marching bands. Doesn't Indiana have a few great marching bands at their colleges they could showcase? I know the NFL makes the decision, though, not the local host.

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