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Posts posted by mouthofsouth

  1. Again due to his contract trading Peyton Manning is nearly impossiable. If Manning isn't going to be here next year we will have to release him and get nothing for him.

    Trading Manning would certainly not be impossible if Manning agrees. He could negotiate with some other team, and agree to allow the Colts to cut him and then sign with the other team. He may be agreeable if the Colts hire a coach he does not believe he can work with, etc. He may take a cut in what they owe him in order to move. This is all conjecture. I still stand behind my statement that he is a Colt for life.

  2. Well I think the coaching staff is flux to say the least. I am kinda wondering how this effects the DC search. I don't think Caldwell will get to hire someone till Irsay decides if he's going to be the coach next year or not. Even if he can go looking for one who would take the job till the know if Caldwell is going to stay in place or not because they can get fired when a new coach comes in.

    As for the top pick all bets are off at the moment. I will say I think based on what he said today and what he said earlier this year Irsay wants Luck but a new GM might change his mind.

    As for Manning, before today I thought Irsay wanted him as well (assuming he's healthy) but after today I am a little less confident about that but I still lean that way. I can see a way no where Manning is not a Colt next year but if he's not it's going to be the Colts call not Mannings. I am not trying to be rude when I say this but frankly Manning's feelings on the subject don't really matter because he's under contract for four years. If he doesn't like the idea of the Colts taking Luck the only thing he can do is hold out or pull a Carson Palmer which is going to force the Colts to take Luck. I mean yes he can ask for a trade or to be released but the Colts can say no you have to honor your contract. So if he leaves the Colts have to agree to it, of all the people in this situation he has the least amount of power at the moment because if Luck doesn't want to sit he can go back to school (I am not saying he will) and the Colts can trade the pick if they don't want Luck or release Manning if they wish. At the moment Manning is pretty much stuck with the will of the Colts.

    You are right of course in most of what you say. Except I do not believe Irsay will treat Manning with total disrespect after all he has meant to the Colts. The Saints treated Archie with disrespect when they traded him, but he was never to the Saints what Manning has been to the Colts. I know it is all big business, but I believe Irsay wants to retain the good will of Manning, and if Manning does go to play somewhere else, he will still return to the Colts at the end of his career in some major front office or coaching capacity, if that is what he wants to do. He may, on the other hand, choose coaching in college or even broadcasting. Who knows? But, bottom line, the Colts are not going to disrespect Manning.

  3. Bill Polian semi-retired and got his son hired as general manager which is nepotism. Irsay went along with it for the time being. However, Irsay has since gotten a strong inkling that the son is not as good as his father, so the future of the Colts cannot be with Polian Jr. as general manager. Bill, on the other hand, is trying to do what any father would: guarantee his son a cushy and secure future.

    The Polians did not like the fact that Irsay is so attached to Manning that he has plans to keep his stellar qb in the organization even after he retires from quarterbacking. This strongly implies a situation somewhat like Elway and the Broncos. The Polians saw this as meaning that Polian Jr.'s position with the Colts may soon be in jeopardy.

    So the Polians made a power play to oust Manning and draft Luck, hoping to get rid of the threat to the Polians' future with the Colts. It did not work. They had a serious fight with Irsay over it resulting in the ousting of the Polians.

    Bill Polian gave hints of how he feels about Manning on his radio show, did he not? And I know only what I have read. I do not live in the Indy area, so I cannot hear the show. But he made negative remarks about Peyton's physical condition which Peyton said were not true. This was in the article I read on Polians' firing.

    Most of what I have written here is just my putting two and two together on the matter. (Woman's intuition?}

  4. A lot depends on who the GM chooses as the new coach. If it is Jeff Fisher or Jon Gruden, both of whom would love to coach Peyton Manning, you can take that as being the Colts will stick with Manning. But they will probably draft Luck also.

    But, at any rate, as I stated in another post, I believe, because of the way Irsay feels about Manning, he will be a Colt for life in some capacity. And it will always be a high paying capacity. Look who is running the Denver Broncos now: John Elway. The same situation will exist with the Colts. Put it in your pipe and smoke it.

  5. I keep reading comments that Peyton would refuse to tutor Luck as his future replacement. I disagree on this, because of the way he loves to mentor and tutor young offensive players. Mentoring Luck would help pave the way for him to make a gradual transition into coaching.

    And he has been coaching and mentoring ever since he was quarterback at Tennessee.

    I live in Louisiana where the Manning Passing Academy is so well-known. Many of you may not know that the Passing Academy was the inspiration of Peyton himself, while he was still at Tennessee. It has been in operation now for about 15 years. It started out with high school quarterbacks from Louisiana, but over the years has expanded to other offensive positions too from all over the United States. All the Mannings take great pride in contributing to the success of young qbs and receivers, no matter where they play. It is in Peyton's blood to teach.

    I think he would enjoy teaching Luck the things he knows. He knows he cannot play forever. Part of his legacy is to pass it on. BTW, Luck knows Peyton well, and has participated in tutoring at the Passing Academy.

    One more thing. I have an idea that Peyton will always be a valued member of the Colts. I really do think that, even though he will eventually have to retire as a player, he will remain permanently attached to the Colts in some capacity. That is because he is such a class act and Irsay greatly respects and cherishes him. If Peyton is to be a Colt forever, then mentoring his successor would just be the natural thing to do.

  6. If Manning's arm returns to normal, since that was his biggest problem caused by the neck thing, I see no reason he cannot play 4 or 5 more years SOMEWHERE.

    But it may not be with the Colts. With all the changes being made in the front office now, and the probability of a new coach, too, those hired may not be in favor of keeping Manning around and passing on or trading Luck. They may want to build from the ground up for the future.

    I do think Irsay is on the side of keeping Manning and had disagreement with the Polians over that. Which may have influenced his decision to start cleaning house. But who knows? We will just have to see how it all plays out, won't we? The next few months should be very interesting indeed.

  7. How about Bill Cowher as GM? Great football mind, I think. For coach, I think Jeff Fisher or even Jon Gruden? I may be prejudiced because they both love Peyton. What do I know? I do not even know if Bill Cowher and Jeff or Jon could coexist.

    All I know is the Colts need people running the show that are imaginative, progressive, and desirous of winning rings.

  8. Whenever Peyton retires it will be at his volition and from the Colts. They will give him that. They will not just trade him or let him go. As far as him wanting to play on another team, he does not. For one thing, he knows it would not be easy to pick up on a new system, and go in as the new guy on the block, with little say as to how things are done. So, he will retire with the Colts. I hope that is four or five years from now, and he is still on top of his game when he does so.

  9. There is one thing about Peyton I have not heard discussed. He is immersed in the Colts' offensive system, which is different from any other in the league. I do not believe he would be able to just go and be plugged into any system and pick up where he left off. I think he would have to unlearn the Colts' system and give up his role of calling his own plays, etc. He may not want to do that, because it would be a struggle for awhile.

  10. Eli, like most football players, speaks in cliches when interviewed, and all the words say nothing.

    Now, what did he say? "Yes, I think so."

    We are grabbing at straws here. You think Peyton does not act positive around his family? He does not want to worry Eli and put stress on him during football season. The kid has a chance to take the Giants all the way!

  11. Ya i agree i would really like to pick Luck. But i really dont get why the Chargers pick Rivers when they had Brees im just still stumped on the reasoning.

    San Diego did not pick Rivers. They picked Eli Manning. Brees had not yet proven himself, and San Diego had he first pick and took Manning as the first pick. No one would pass on Peyton Manning's brother. Then the Giants negotiated a trade because Manning did not want to play for San Diego. The Giants drafted Rivers and then swapped with San Diego for Manning.

  12. Well Painter made the Come On Man on ESPN before the game not once but twice. Come On Man how many players can say they did that? haha

    Wrong. He has made it 3 times. The first one was when they opened with "They had a surgeon, now they have a painter..." This was the Saints game a few weeks back where he fumbled the first snap. Then they showed the one where he threw the ball twice on the same play. And last night he made it again. 3 times.

  13. I answer why the Colts are so dependent on Manning. Manning is selfish to a degree and greedy. I think his skills have begun to decline and his injury is only going to make that worse, but if you look back over his career you see my answer. No flip, you just can't handle anyone speaking poorly on your favorite player. I respect what Peyton did and how he helped this franchise, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have flaws.

    So Peyton is greedy, you say? Name me one player -- just one -- in the history of the NFL who will not negotiate through his agent to get every dime he can get paid. Name just one player of any sport who doesn't do the same. That is not greed. That is just business. If it is greed, it is greed on both sides. The owners will try to pay as little as they can to get talent; and the talent demands all they can get. This is the USA and this is our economic system. It is called capitalism.

  14. The question really comes down to money, does it not? Will the Colts pay Manning his high salary and draft a first pick who will demand a high salary and bonus going in? Will this work, with the salary cap and all? After all, the Colts need more positions filled than qb. They need a lot of help in almost every area. Having a great qb behind center does little good if he does not have time to set up and throw the ball, or if the defense cannot stop the other team.

    I personally do not believe the Colts will carry both Manning and Luck. If they draft Luck, and Manning gets healthy, they will trade Luck for help in other areas. If Manning does not heal as expected, heaven forbid, they will cut or trade him;, or Manning, seeing the handwriting on the wall, will retire.

  15. For Peyton's own good, let us hope if he can play for a few more years, they will go all out to provide him with a great offensive line. I would hate to see Peyton play on this year's offensive line. They have done little to protect Painter, which makes him look worse than he is. Peyton's Dad suffered behind a bad offensive line all his playing years with the Saints, and got banged up pretty bad. Peyton deserves better. I would hope he retires before he agrees to play behind a less than terrific line.

  16. The upcoming Colts vs. Pats game scheduled for prime time has been dumped in to regulars time because of the Colts. Oh, the humiliation of being a really bad team. I heard some sports broadcasters explaining why the defense is so bad despite Manning being on offense; The reason they agreed on is because they are always on the field!!! This is getting worse by the minute.

    I would love it if the Colts pull out a miracle and win, and then it is declared the greatest game ever NOT played in primetime.

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