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Posts posted by IcEWoLF

  1. Buy they aren't.in the NFC  West.....you play who you play....They didn't play 18 cupcakes..that';s just talk


    and the line will be improvedin 2014..with Clady, a Pro Bowler..returning...They have a top O-line....its obvious


    Again, at the end of the day, when you go to the SB, you will play top 3 defenses, that's when we can finally tell if that O-Line is really good or not.

    Example 2007 Patriots, 2011 Patriots and the 2013 Broncos.


    With that said, the Broncos are moving all the right moves on the defensive end of the ball, they may need to upgrade their LB corp, but I think they will be fine.

    They will make another deep playoff run this year.

  2. Revis to NE?


    I'd love to have him, but I really doubt BB is willing to shell out top 3 CB money for Revis.

    The Patriots very rarely will give out big money to players, BB looks for value all the times.

    I think the FA market is currently saturated after all the signings. I don't think there is much left out there other than couple WR's and DE's.

  3. Supe.....Their line was very good for 18 games...


    ..and the guys who were smoked in the Super Bowl...LT Clark and RT Franklin...wont be at those positions anymore..


    Franklin moves to RG and Clark to RT..


    Manny Ramirez is the center..and Vasquez...all-pro is the RG.....The O-line is fine..


    Montee Ball is going to be a great player..you watch..


    But they have no young linebackers


    Lets not forget that O-Line has played cup cakes D-Lines all year long.

    If the Broncos were in the NFC-West, then this would have been a different story.

  4. The Patriots seem like they may very well have a DOWN year this year?


    That's what they all say every single year...even last year losing Welker and we still won our division and had a good season.


    I am sure BB has some plans, we need to get younger, we need fresh blood, I think this year the Patriots will go after some TE and cornerbacks and maybe a safety in the draft.


    The Broncos are going all out, they want a SB ring badly, they will go all out this year and possibly next year.

    Once their 3 second is up, they will be in a lot of trouble.

  5. I would love to see the Pats add Allen. But they would never add both Allen and Peppers. Too much money and not sure they need both with Jones and Nink. I don't think they add another CB if they sign Talib. Dennard was solid as was Logan Ryan. They do need another safety though as they released Gregory. Not sure if they see Wilson coming back or not. But they need a hard hitting safety IMO to round out the secondary.

    True, I'd rather take Allen over Peppers.

    If we add Verner then I don't think we need a hard hitting safety since they can do a good job in man to man coverage. I think McCourty will be fine alone.

    Having a strong 7 upfront will take care of the secondary.

    Wilson is up there in age, I don't think he has anything left in the tank.

    Patriots need to add more offense this draft, but if we were to get a defensive player from the draft then if take a strong safety.

  6. This would be my preferred defense this year and honestly I think this could work and have a strong front 7.

    Patriots defense 2014

    Jared Allen DE

    Chandler Jones DE

    Vince Wilfork DT

    Julius Peppers DT

    Rob Ninkovich LB

    Jamie Collins LB

    Jerod Mayo LB

    Dont'a Hightower LB

    Aqib Talib CB

    Alterraun Verner CB

    Devin McCourty FS

  7. Totally agree here, Cooper has played really well in the past few years, it would be crazy if they let him go.



    I doubt Foles will repeat those stats next season and look terrific. Kaepernick looked invincible too in his first season.


    True, usually coaches make their homework to defend against such player during the off season.

    We shall see how the Eagles do this offseason, but they really need to bolster that O-Line. 


    The NFC East this last year has been meh...I'm sure they will be better this year. I think teams like the Redskins will still be the last one in the bunch since they will be under a new coach.

    As far as the Giants goes, who knows, one year they are SB contender, another year they are NFL's bottom-feeders. 

  8. He thinks Russel Wilson Colin Kapernick and Cam Newton are better QBs then Luck lmao


    Well they have accomplished more than Andrew Luck so far...doesn't matter if they did have great defenses, they still made plays and look at the position they are in now.


    Look at Russell Wilson last two years record...

    Look at Kaepernick last 2 years record...SB & NFC Championship games.

    Cam Newton took a terrible panthers team that the year before could rarely make plays to one of the best teams in the league on both ends of the ball.


    And then there is Luck & Griffin...

    Draft #1 & #2, but they are long term projects. I see them taking another 2-3 years before they make the big step.

  9. Like I said in another thread, the NFC has a murderers row...

    It will be hard for any AFC teams getting past SEA/SF/CAR/NO...also let us not forget about them Cardinals, Larry Fitzgerald is taking a paycut to make the team around him better and stay with the franchise. They are going to be dangerous, Bruce Arians has done a fine job with them Cardinals in his first year.



    Now back to the AFC, the Bengals are going to be better this year, I'm sure their QB coach will be working extensively with Dalton so he doesn't make the same bone head mistakes that he did this year. The Bengals have one of the best receiving corp I've seen in years, they just need the right QB to get things done. 


    Also lets not sleep on the KC, this was their first year and no one expected them to be this good, next year they will be even better, and I'm sure they will be adding couple key pieces on their receiving corp and add depth to their DE's.


    The Chargers will be better next year, that team has potentials, they found a gem this year in Allen, that guy can make plays, he will be awesome to watch this year. They will most likely get Floyd back too. The SD defense will be better, that defense looked great at times this year.


    Lastly the Patriots, they will get a healthy Gronk at the start of the year, lets hope he can actually stay healthy for a full season, then they will have both Wilfork & Mayo back this off-season, Wilfork at his age is still going to be a force in the middle of the D-Line and stopping the run, I think he will be rested and ready to go this season.

    I see Spikes not being re-signed, he is a good run stuffer, but I think we need a linebacker that can cover people and Jamie Collins will be a good replacement for him


    The Patriots will need to get a receiver that can go down field and that has size so Tom can throw it up there and expect his receiving to be able to make a play at it like he did with Randy Moss...

  10. Basketball does not keep me entertaining, it was fun few years back, but these days it just doesn't entertain me at all.
    All the other sports somewhat are meh...except soccer, I love watching EPL, Serie A, and BBVA La Liga.


    Plus winter Olympics to me are boring too.

  11. I actually thought the embarrassing question was a legitimate one. I have no idea why Manning got so upset. Okay yes, Peyton & the Broncos just suffered a crushing loss & naturally no team wants to lose the SB. Frankly, I have read countless articles on how swell of a guy Manning is, but none of that is relevant in the immediate aftermath of a devastating loss like that on the world's biggest stage with perfect weather conditions.


     An elite QB with over a decades worth of experience are expected to make the SB a competitive one & that clearly did not happen Sunday night. Is part of that the quality of Denver's adversary? Yes. Is part of that how the ball bounces strangely due to an expected safety? Yes. If Peyton gets so much credit for his regular wins, he cannot be pardoned from constructive criticism now. Denver's offense was stalled for a significant portion of the game & their o-line failed to protect Manning. But 18 made some poor decisions last night leading to costly turnovers.


    It bothered me when 18 shifted the embarrassment question to his teammates. Yes, I know the coaching staff & 53 man roster worked hard to get to the SB. I realize that. But. that's not the point or what the reporter was getting at. The reporter was essentially asking 18 to critique his own performance last night in terms of game execution. A fair question. Sports writers are paid to explain what happened on the field & to give you an opportunity to put your assessment on tonight's performance. It's not an out of bounds question because journalists have deadlines to meet. At least the reporter gave Peyton a chance to respond & offer feedback. Peyton is free to say no comment or I'm not in the best position to answer that question at this moment. Thank you. 


    The Broncos lost the SB & fans what to know why this happened. They don't care about Peyton's handwritten letters, his charity work, or his beloved NFL icon status right now. They want to know why such a prolific offense crashed & burned. Post season wins matter. They are part of any elite QBs legacy. So do SB appearances, rings, division titles, & regular season wins. Now Peyton has improved on his post season play this year & he deserves considerable credit for that fact. However, coming up short in 2 SBs cannot be ignored either. It's all part of the legacy mix of an elite NFL QB. 


    Do I respect Peyton Manning? Yes. Is he a 1st ballot HOF QB? Absolutely. Has he lost 2 SBs? Yes, unfortunately he has. Was the reporter out of line with the "embarrassment" comment? No, he was not. I was sad & embarrassed for him & that entire organization. I was disappointed to see Manning duck a reasonable question. JMO.


    Stories about 18's kind personality have their place but so do questions about a less than stellar SB performance by a reporter on a deadline. Elite QBs are judged everytime they step on the field why should last night be an exception to that rule?  


    Denver got a coach named John Fox who is not the best coach when it comes down to adjustments. They didn't change one thing from the first half going into the second half!

    Put BB in Denver and that team is going undefeated and win the SB. Yup I said it!


    The bottom line is that Seattle coaching staff was far superior than Denver's. 

  12. I disagree with this.



    Seattle's defense is a monster and they are going to very tough in the following seasons.



    The Saints are one running back, a few offensive linemen, cutting Roman Harper and Malcolm Jenkins away from reaching the NFC Championship again. The defense has improved drastically under Rob Ryan. They were ranked #3 overall this season and played very impressive but they still have a few problems. The main one is the fact Roman Harper (and Malcolm Jenkins) is still on the team, and besides that, they still have problems getting turnovers. The front defensive line is much improved and they got a lot of sacks this year, I was proud of them.

    On offense the Saints main issue all year long was protecting Brees. That's why they struggled so much against teams that can blitz like the Jets, Rams, and Panthers. They need to improve the O-line fast, and plus they need a running back. Not that there is anything wrong with Mark Ingram, but Pierre Thomas is getting old and they need a new one. The other main problem is Brees forcing 70% of his passes to Jimmy Graham, but that's a whole other topic in itself.


    I don't exactly consider the 49ers a powerhouse. Their defense has been struggling a lot when they play teams that aren't afraid to go deep. You saw it when they played the Saints, Seahawks and even the Cardinals were completing deep balls on them. Plus their offense is pretty much a joke as long as Colin "I throw the ball in triple coverage" Kaepernick is still the quarterback. I look for them to take a huge dive next season with Kaepernick.



    Denver is toast. Weak schedule, terrible defense, and get annihilated when they finally go toe to toe with a real top tier team. Next year they probably have a tougher schedule, same result. I expect a first round exit in the playoffs.



    I do agree with New England though but not exactly because of Brady. They were screwed before the season even started by losing Hernandez. That ultimately killed their chances from day one. Not Wes Welker, he was expendable, but losing their new coming TE, and then all the injuries stacking up, Brady has been very impressive with no one to throw to. Plus that defense is a joke when they play good teams. If anything injuries are going to kill them in the future.



    You know who is going to rise up in the future? Carolina if they put more playmakers around Newton and keep improving their defense. The Rams are a few good players away from competing for the division over Seattle. I expect the Rams to be a solid team in a few years, they already have the defense in the making.



    Can we all agree that the NFC has the AFC beat? It wouldn't have mattered who made it to the Super Bowl for the AFC, the same result would have happened tonight. The real Super Bowl was the NFC Championship, just like it was in 2009 and 2010.


    Actually their running back is going to be fine, did you see the last game of the year?

    Khiry Robinson looks like a beast, now the Saints are wishing they had played him more often throughout the year. The guy does not lose yards, he falls forward each carry. 


    I do agree the Saints need to fix that O-Line or Drew Brees will be retiring next year...he gets hit way too many times.


    Seattle is going to be the powerhouse for another year until contracts come up this upcoming year.

    Don't forget they are not paying an arm and a leg for a QB for another year I believe. I'm sure Russell knows that he is not worth 20 mil a year, he is not going to get a big payday because that organization knows they will be fine with any QB's at helm to get them into the playoffs. That defense is going to be that good.


    Everyone keeps forgetting about the Cardinals, that team is going to be very good this upcoming year, this last year they were impressive, but next year both the 49ers and the Seahawks need to watch out for this team.

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