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Posts posted by IcEWoLF

  1. Manziel will be the next Brady Quinn, all hype and no show.


    Lets hope he can hang with the big boys...or he will have a very short career...

    Also Manziel needs to learn to be humble. The way he has conducted over the last few months since the draft has not showed me that he will be a player like Luck/Griffin/Wilson/Kaepernick.

  2. He does not deserve to be in the NFL...

    So many great kids could have taken his spot and make a significant impact.

    I'd say throw the book at him, fire his a$$ from the NFL and let him think things over on how he blew it all.


    These delinquents do not deserve to be part of the NFL...Gordon is another one of those guys.


    It seems fame makes people more stupid.

  3. Tom Brady is nowhere near retirement...


    Manning has 3 more years and Tom  has more than that...


    ....The TV heads auto matically start predicting retirement for sports stars in their mid-30s...


    Its lazy thinking,....because if you keep predicting someone will retire for four or five years in a row..eventually you're right


    I'm guessing both of them go into broadcasting.  


    It seems like most future hall of famers go do this when they retire.  


    My guess is the reason is that broadcasting is a lot less work then coaching or being a part of the front office.  


    Also just because someone is a great player doesn't necessarily make them able to do those jobs.  However in broadcasting people will listen to whatever it is they have to say because they were so good when they played.  


    Plus people don't usually keep score in broadcasting.  But if you go into coaching or management that W-L record is your scoreboard.  


    Can you image Tom Brady and Peyton Manning broadcasting together for Sunday Night Football? Holy ***** that would be awesome!

  4. I am sorry to inform you that BBs draft picks have not been all that good over the last few seasons. His percentage of players drafted of making the team is kind of low. Even the die hard Pats fans have made similar comments stating that. With the hoarding of picks the Pats have made the results haven't been great.


    Well, he has had no luck drafting Defensive Backs in the draft....Meriweather, Ras-I Dowling, Darius Butler, Patrick Chung, Terrence Wheatley...the list can keep going on and on.

    There are of course some prospects that look good like Harmon and Ryan, but its too early to say for them.

    With that said, at least he drafted 1 good DB the last few years worthy of this team and that was Devin McCourty.

  5. Huh? Collins IS a cover LB. Did you not watch him last year?

    I agree about the OG need, though.

    Easley was a great pick; top 10 talent, and appears to be healthy.

    He did good at the end if the season, but again, such a big guy like him, can he keep that up? He would do so much better at DE than Nink...

    Wendell is too small, he got beat badly lady year... If you want Brady to last another season or two we need a better interior line. Ideally is like to see seine that can improve our run game.

  6. I am a realist and don't live in the "we need to make excuse for very mistake we made and need to prove you wrong". I love my Pats but this is getting old real quick, we have not addressed many issues on our D...

    We need a safety, we need a true cover LB, I think Collins is too big to play all snaps at a high level. Like I said in my previous posts he would play at his full potentials if they converted him to a DE.

    Will Smith is not going to be an impact player, hell I wouldn't be surprised if he gets cut before the season even starts.

    We had 0, zero , nada from our TE corp when Gronk went down. You just can't survive in this league without a TE, you need those big targets so you can slow down those linebackers. If lbs stay in the box then you become 1 dimensional because then you won't be able to run the ball...all because your TE don't impose a threat whatsoever...

  7. If you want your team to succeed then you need a great O Line that can push the pile...right now this oline is just weak. I want us to win, tired of seeing the Broncos doing everything they can to get a winning cast around manning.

    All we get is patchwork year after year just like the Talib and now Revis signings.

  8. I think the defense is actually pretty solid. They addressed the secondary in FA with Revis and Browner and then resigned Wilfork to sure up the interior. They also signed Will Smith to address the pass rush and they took a DT in round 1 who is a rusher. I think we are set on D honestly. Maybe a SS is all that is left.

    I am kind of mixed on taking the QB in round 2 but if Mallett is not their guy which appears to be the case then you have to get the guy that you believe can replace Brady. The time is now as he only has a few years left.

    They did trade out of the third round and picked up in addition 6th round pick which is good. They need to draft TE and outside WR which they may do with a trade to Houston for Mallett.

    There aren't any TE left in the draft worth mentioning...you are not going to get a decent TE this far in the draft.

    We need a playmaking TE not a blocking one to replace Hernandez. With Gronk always hurt we need another starting TE, not a backup. I am looking at the whole picture and I am not seeing the Patriots fixing the main issues.

    Resigning Wilfork is not going to make everything better, plus he is coming back from a season ending injury so at this point we are not even sure if he is going to dominate in the middle and be double teamed.

    NE has a good shot at getting to the SB again before Brady retires, but frankly I am sick and tired of keep thinking of the feature. This reminds me of the Colts ( I still love you guys) and we are not building a great playoff team, just a team that is going to be in the playoffs and then just get slapped around by the Broncos.

    At times I wish we had Pete Carroll, that is a guy that knows how to draft true talent.

    We had many bust in the 1st round over the last few years, players that just never lived up to the expectations, this tells me that either we have a terrible scout team our BB is just on something when the NFL draft starts.

    Hightower might be early to say but he had not shown greatness entering his 3rd year now.

    Brandon Meriweather, couldn't cover worth crap, he only laid big hits is all.

    Benjamin Watson, total bust, kept dropping the ball.

    Laurence Maroney, terrible.

    Also our later round picks were just horrible, Chung , Dowling, Hobbs...

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