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Posts posted by IcEWoLF

  1. Brady has been really bad on deep passes since Randy Moss days in 2007. He has never looked this bad on deep balls.


    Now, for more bigger concerns, that O-Line looked god awful! They got their butts whooped big time! Miami rushed 4 all day and that O-Line could not stop their rush! They were coming from the edges and middle. Brady will not last a whole season with that O-Line!!!


    The Patriots are missing Mankins big time!

    Someone call Richie Incognito because we definitely need him!


    Now, lets move on to the defense. Like I said on my other thread/post that run stop looked terrible, I think half the guys on our team needs to re-learn to tackle again!

    Jones need to stop going one way, he really needs to start securing the edges, its funny how he can't disengage with O-Line men to pursuit the runners, I've seen in several occasions he just can't secure the edges.



    This was a winnable game, but all 3 phases of the game looked bad for us. 20-10 lead during the half and we let them score 23 unanswered points. 


    Despite everything I've said, I think this was a good thing that this loss came on week 1, hopefully everything will be addressed and we will see some improvements next week.


    Oh btw, Revis looked fine, he got beat once deep, but other than that he looked good. The rest of the team looked awful.

  2. And people were complaining about his height.

    I expected a blowout and this was a lob sided game after the first half.

    Greenbae needs to address that awful D line and O Line or they may risk to miss the playoffs this year.

    They looked weak and Rodgers looked uncomfortable in the pocket.

    The Seattle defense looked even better than last year!

    It's bad news for the NFC teams that are going to the playoffs since most likely the road to the SB will be going through Seattle this year again.

    I really don't see any other NFC teams being at the same level as Seattle with the 49ers having issues with suspensions and injured players...

  3. I just don't understand...Tom Brady is perhaps the best leader in football....and maybe the best QB in the league...why would you EVER let him go. He is cap friendly, does nothing but win games, and is a great leader on the team and in the community. You would have to be crazy to let him go. Unless he suffers a catastrophic injury why let him go? He hasn't slowed down any...if anything he gets better with age. While I think Jimmy was a great pick he still years away from being able to do what Tom can do. If anything let Jimmy play behind him ala Aaron Rodgers and when Tom's contract is up or in the last year THEN you can consider it. Not sure when that is but the Patriots would never live down letting Tom Brady go....not at his current form. He could go to basically 29-30 of the NFL teams and instantly make them a playoff team if not a title contender. The Patriots don't understand how lucky they are that Bledsoe got hurt....without Brady they don't win a single SB, without that defense they don't win a SB, and without Belichek they probably don't win any of those SBs. Well we have seen that take away 1 of those things and they haven't won a SB....you are telling me take away the defense AND Tom Brady and they are going to suddenly be better?? Even if Garoppolo is really good that is still not nearly as good as 85% of Tom Brady. Last year he carried that team ala Peyton Manning style into the playoffs....nobody else could win their division and make it to the title game with that roster outside Manning and Brady....the talent was dismall. You have something special you don't let it walk away....and if you do you better have a hall of famer backing him up. I'm thinking Joe Montana to Steve Young, Brett Favre to Aaron Rodgers, and Peyton to Luck.....anything less and you've done yourself a disservice and your fans. There will come a time to let Tom go....father time comes for them all....but it isn't now or even the next couple years...and you will still have your back up by then...no reason to rush into the great unknown! Give Tom another stout defense (like you seem to be building) and your going to have several more Lombardi trophy opportunities....mark my word they are the team to beat in the AFC if that defense stays healthy....no matter who Tom is throwing to.




    Jimmy is good, but he needs at least 2-3 years sitting behind Brady before he is ready to go. He needs to learn how to read defenses, he hasn't done a great job at it yet, but of course as a rookie I don't expect him to be perfect in his first year. He could be the next Aaron Rodgers if he sits behind Brady for the next few years. The kid has potentials, he has a strong arm, he is mobile, and he is very smart.


    What I see happening here is the Patriots will keep Brady starting for at least the next 2 years, maybe a 3rd year, then he will be moved to backup if he still able to play the game at a high level, if not he will retire as a patriot, I highly doubt Rober/BB will ever consider trading him to any teams. I am sure once Brady retires he will have some type of role with the New England Patriots at some point, just like Elway.

  4. The Texans are only few pieces away from becoming a playoff contender. I believe they will address all of their holes next year's draft.

    We will see how Clowney does in the regular season, he might be a good candidate for a huge deal in 2-3 years time depending how he performs and if he becomes a regular pro bowler.

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