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Posts posted by IcEWoLF

  1. If the Colts take care of the Bengals, Steelers and Patriots in order, a lot of AFC seeding will fall our way.


    Steelers are turrible, you won't have trouble with them...

    Pats and Bengals can be a tough game...but you never know what you get with the BUNGELZ

  2. Wow, its been couple weeks since I posted anything, I will definitely make it up to you guys and make this long!


    You ready? Lets go!








    Now let us not forget how cowboys are....people like Michael Irvin saying they are the best team in the NFL, but everyone forgets that this happens every single here, don't believe me? See this:





    Now back to the Patriots, first of all I want to congratulate the bills on their new owner....but oh wait!




    Also Bucs new logo has now been exclusively been revealed for next year!












  3. Yeah, that didn't look good when Ridley went down.

    I am not sure what is going on with Mayo...if he is out for the season then its truly going to suck.

    We need to sign a FA RB too...

    On a positive note Tyms made a great catch, it reminded me back to the 2007 season when Moss was catching everything thrown to him downfield.


    LaFell is finally been playing well the last two weeks and Wright is slowly becoming a 3rd go to guy. The Offense is truly becoming much better, what I am really worried about now is that O-Line, we have to keep shifting people because of injuries. We will have to stock up on O-linemen next draft again...

    We still need a bruiser, someone that can be as dynamic as Ridley but that can run downhill...someone like Murray.

  4. Tonight's game was good.

    The whole team was in sync.


    The O-Line has looked really good today, Stork being under center was a huge+, the run game was there, the pass protection was really good!

    If you give Brady an extra second or two he will make the plays.


    Also I am glad we used Tim Wright, the kid can catch the ball and be very explosive, we finally found a replacement TE that can replace Hernandez.

    The Patriots are at its best when they run two tight end and 2 WR packages...remember the SB year in 2011?


    There are still couple concerns on our secondary, our safetys have been suspect all season, they have been playing poorly. We truly need to draft a stud safety to replace Chung this upcoming year..and we need to draft one in the first round!


    I am not sold on Collins in coverage, he gets beat easily, I think he is best fit to play a run stopper/pass rusher, he shines at rushing the middle. 


    Revis has been earning his paycheck tonight, other than that one TD AJ got while Revis was out....AJ Green was on house arrest all night on Revis Island.


    LaFell and Edelman played a good game...I am looking forward seeing Tyms in soon...we could use that guy, he had a good preseason, hopefully by mid season he will start contributing on offense.


    I am interested in seeing what the Pats do with Browner, I am not sure that they will play him as a corner, I think BB might try to move him on the safety spot and replace Chung...Browner is big and he can deliver big hits. Plus he will be a better cover man than Chung.


    Gronk finally had a breakthrough game, hopefully we see this again next week again the Bills.


    Shane Vereen is just awesome, the guy is a young Kevin Faulk, but 10x better! He runs hard from the gun. Hopefully we see more of this throughout the season.


    McDaniels is finally earning his paycheck too...he has been criticized all season for not making adjustments during games, hopefully he keeps improving this team as we go deep in the NFL Season.


    I am looking at Danny Amendola...I am honestly not sure why we still keep him around, he has not lived up to the "replacement" of Welker role...I'd say unless he becomes a play maker on this offense this season we cut ties with him after this season, I'd like to see Tyms taking over that position.


    Patriots 2015 Draft Needs:


    DT 1st round talent. - Wilfork only has few more years left at its best, and he no longer is as dominant as once he was...

    SS 1st round talent, no lower than 2nd.

    WR 2nd round talent, we need someone that can go deep, Brandon LaFell is just not that guy. 

  5. Just finished watching the replay and here are my thoughts:

    Our Offensive line is total garbage, thanks BB for letting go our cornerstone Logan Mankins..Nate Solder has played horribly the whole season as left guard!


    Our D-Line is awful, Chandler Jones needs to be better at setting the edges! Mayo and Hightower need to do a better job at backing them up.


    I have not seen much from Collins...he has been invisible so far this season..he has not been as good as last season...


    Our run game is non existent, we need a bruiser like Blount...unfortunately none of the RB on our roster are capable of doing that.

    Fire McDaniels, other than Edelman all the other receivers are just not there....


    If BB is serious about getting back in the SB he needs to draft a high pick WR and we need to revamp the whole O-Line because the current O-Line is a total mess and Brady will not last a full season behind these guys.




    This will be probably the first year the Patriots might not make it to the playoffs in a while if we keep playing this poorly.

    I think if Brady keeps playing this poorly then its time to insert the young Jimmy in...


    ATM its not just Brady, its the whole coaching staff and the whole team is playing like a B league team.

  6. Our defense is a problem, but our offense is a bigger problem.

    McDaniels has not used our offense at its full potential...we suck.


    We need a new OC and someone like Crennel to fix the D-Line...

  7. I missed tonights game since I had to work, but I had a bad feeling about this game because the Dolphins ran the ball well and they destroyed us. I think MN would have done the same if they had AP...we could have easily gone 0-3 this season.


    I'll have to watch the whole game later on to comment on this game.


    Like I said few threads ago I did not like the run stop game of the Patriots and our front 7 have been mediocre at best.

    Teams like the Broncos would rip us apart in the playoffs if we go that far...

    Of course the last time we had a season like this (back in 2003) we won the SB...

  8. Well lets not forget the Wilson has a SB ring to show for it lol...

    I still think Luck is the better QB, but Wilson is not too far behind, he makes plays with his feet and arm and he has been very good! He doesn't make too many stupid decisions ala Robert Griffin.


    BTW Andy Dalton is playing really well, looking forward to see how far him and the Bengals go in the playoffs, they are playing lights out!

  9. You know its crazy that both the coach and GM did not want to reinstate AP until the investigations were complete, but the owners are too greedy and now he is going to be back on the field.
    Trust me there will be a lot of locker room drama and the vikings will implode this season!

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