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Posts posted by IcEWoLF

  1. Panther fans:




    The Panthers had a great year last year, that defense is going to only get better, but the question mark is going to be the offense, Cam had a good year last year, but now with 0 weapons what is the man going to do?


    I think he is going to be * at the Panthers front office...

    The Panthers need to draft some WR's and a TE this draft or they going to be in trouble.

    There isn't much left in FA other than Britt.

  2. I don't think calling Browner a thug is right at all because he only hurts himself... and his team to a lesser extent. As a God fearing person (not to get too religious) I believe in forgiveness for people who make such bad choices in life. Hernandez may have taken one which puts that man on a whole nother plain.


    Yup, I wouldn't put Browner on the same level as that guy.

    I also believe in second chances, I think Browner will redeem himself this time around, otherwise he is going to be done, once you are done with the Patriots, you are done for good.

  3. Edelman even played on D in same cases lol.


    He is a versatile player.

    Honestly we need to have him play in the slot, we need an outside receiver.

    I am not sold on Aaron Dobson...he played injured the whole year...it's really a bad signal when a rookie is injured on his first year for years to come.


    The Patriots still have many holes to address this offseason, I am not sure if the draft will be enough.








    The above and obviously we need to draft more O-Line players.

  4. It's pretty simple why everyone says Denver is better than New England...and as a Patriots fan it doesn't really matter if you agree or not because...well...they are. For one, they were the #1 seed in the AFC for a reason. And if that alone wasn't enough, the Broncos kicked our butts in the AFC Championship game, went to the Superbowl, and have done nothing but improve their roster ever since. The Patriots have addressed their biggest need this off season as well, but in the three months since Denver sent New England packing, can you honestly say that anything has happened that would change people's perception of what they watched when the two last played?


    New England has some work to do this offseason...we still need a safety and another DT or two...and we also need a true #2 TE and a deep threat WR.

  5. I'm a patriots fan, die hard you can say, but even I have to admit the Broncos are a superior team than the Patriots at this stage.


    -Brady has been missing the deep ball the last few years, he has not been very good since the Randy Moss days.

    -Gronk is always injured.

    -We don't have a #1 deep threat, we brought Amendola to replace Welker, not to replace someone like Randy Moss, we are still looking for a deep threat receiver.

    -Our defense is suspect at times....Yes we don't give out a lot of points, but our defense at times has looked plain terrible. We need better defensive tackles, Wilfork is up there in age and past his prime, he is good as gone for this upcoming season.

    -Fumble galore, our RB's these days fumble way too much Ridley can't hold on to the ball for ****t, I give him 1 more season before the Patriots decide to cut him if he keeps fumbling.


    Coaching wise, BB has been on top of his game.

  6. You sure did miss the comment i was responding to.


    Broncos did throw a lot of money. Its a risk but i like the aggressive move. Polian would never do or did anything like this. 


    If Pats land Browner, now Broncos and Pats are even. Would be another epic year coming up.


    Not really, my Patriots receiving corps is non existent.

    They have D.Thomas, J.Thomas, Welker, Caldwell...

    We have bunch of no names except Gronk. We can't even get Edelman to stay. Amendola has not lived up to his contract this past year with his injuries. 

    I honestly think we should have done a better job trying to retain Edelman, he is the type of guy that will get you 70-80 receptions on a regular basis a year and we need guys like that to take off pressure from Gronk, we can't make Gronk do all the work...

  7. They had to make this move...its just as much all in for them as it was for Denver. Bill loves this guy and they had the space to do it. Being prudent early on meant they had the money in the end to sign this guy. This does leave holes elsewhere but NE is great about next man up and getting the most out of what they have. I don't see Edelman back and they still are thin at LB. I think the did well in getting Revis in. Smart move by a good franchise.


    True, Edelman most likely won't be back since he would want top dollars, and the only team right now that I can see spending decent amount of money for him are probably the Eagles and maybe the Jets or Bills


    The guy was really good this year, pro-bowl caliber season, It was a shame he wasn't selected.

  8. The question is if the agreement he signed allows the Patriots to franchise tag him next year.

    If he does well then extend his contract ASAP.

    I like Revis, he brings toughness to that defense. I think this signing will re energize out secondary, now we need to go out and get Allen

  9. I just read on The NFL site that they are both going to meet with the Broncos today, do they have the $$ to sign both of them? If they did, might as well crown their butt ahead of time for the AFC title game and a possible SB appearance return.

    It's either all or nothing it seems for the Broncos this year.

  10. Talib will never see the 5th and 6th years of this deal...even he probably knows that..


    Yup, that's what I think too, I highly doubt that. 

    But he will be an "it" factor for that D-coverage for the next 2-3 years for sure.


    With that said, both SD & KC have been very quiet this off season, who knows what they are up to.

  11. Well I wouldn't want DRC in a Patriot uniform if he keeps talking about retirement...that to you shows his mind is not into football anymore.


    Talib is a versatile player, who can play anybody, very few cornerbacks can cover tight ends, mainly because of their size and strength. Talib has long arms and the size to cover players like Jimmy Graham. 

  12. Wow...if only NE was as bad as you make your team out to be lol...they all have their plus and minuses...and Bill puts them in position to do what they do best...I think your being a bit critical...especially Mayo...and few MLBs like Spikes are GOOD at coverage....I still think Bill has done a better job drafting those positions DL/OL than secondary...and its clear secondary will be a priority.


    I watched all of their games since I've been subscribing for ST for many years.

    I am not saying that as a team we are terrible, we do fairly okay, but looking at each individual player and how they perform, I've seen them getting burned multiple times in coverage. Mayo less, but the other two are just not good. Spikes day in NE is over anyways, I see Mayo coming back as MLB and Collins taking over the Mayo role as an outside linebacker.


    Back to topic, I don't want to hijack this thread, I think Talib got a good deal, I am sure he is happy and set for life now.

    The only two question mark is his off-field troubles and if he can stay healthy the whole season, unfortunately for NE he has not been healthy the last 2 years. 

    I think Broncos should use Talib sparingly if they have their division on lock by week 12.

  13. Also I would not call our LB's great.
    Spikes - Terrible at coverage

    Dont'a Hightower - Terrible at coverage

    Mayo - Mediocre at coverage.


    I wouldn't call our LB crew great.

    The only player that I see good in that LB position is Collins, but it's too early to tell, he only played few games at the end of the season, I will hold my judgement about him once I see him play the whole season.

    Our D-Line is terrible, Jones & Ninkovich are not cut out to be 2 hands down DE's. I think Ninkovich will do a better job at LB than Hightower honestly. As far as Jones, I think we need to have him stand up more and become a full time pass rusher, just like Matthews in GB.

  14. Thing is their window is about as big as yours with Brady. Lets be honest...without Brady...NE is 7-9 at best. Its the same window essentially for both teams. I agree they will target those areas...they just need to hit on some secondary guys...been awhile for them...lbs/ol they have been great...but secondary....mehh.


    7-9? Forget about the season when Brady was out the whole year and still went 11-5?

    Again, NE employs a good system where all players have a chance to succeed. 

  15. You never know who you'll face in the SB...I cant guess....


    ...but the O-line was good..one game doesn't negate 18..


    ....To say their line was shaky is revisionist history..and they have a 1st-team all-pro LT returning.....


    ... I agree about LB..its a hole..and they need either Ware or Jared Allen..


    But talk about 'building the monster'


    Lets not forget that they did not play KC until the last half of the season. That's the only defense that I can see that had some credibility to give them trouble if  they played earlier in the season when KC D was steam rolling people it would have been a different story.

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