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Everything posted by Restinpeacesweetchloe

  1. Ok it says it will be ripped out in march to make way for a pool for the Olympic trials. Then they will lay the new turf after that.
  2. Could be right after the combine then. I am sure it doesn’t take long to pull up and lay the new turf.
  3. Sometime after the Olympic trials I believe. They are in middle of June. So after that.
  4. You defintely want your TE to be able to be on the field for all 3 downs. Gives you more options and helps with disguising plays.
  5. Yeah I have heard the opposite that he is a very good blocker.
  6. Like Ballard has said he lines his board up with the players they already have on the team. If they view bowers ceiling as higher then what they have at TE yes they could draft him.
  7. Yeah Dayo and Buckner are pretty similar. I always thought Dayo could be Buckners eventual replacement.
  8. Imagine if colts took Bowers at 15 and a WR with their second pick.
  9. I think there are a couple DT that are considered first round picks so I wonder if Ballard is thinking they can upgrade from Grover.
  10. It happens every year. Colts have a major weakness and he fixed it on the offseason. But then he fails to secure another. This is one reason they can’t get ahead of the game. Getting Richardson back hopefully will help cover up some things that you can’t fix. Right now Moore, Grover, Blackmon are set to be FA. That’s 3 big players that are going to be hard to replace.
  11. When asked about those two players he said reality you can’t bring everyone back. He was talking more about salary cap I believe. Ballard is good about fixing a weakness but then he creates another somewhere else. Hopefully that doesn’t happen at DT and safety.
  12. Ballard didn’t sound confident being able to get Grover and Blackmon back. Sounds like they want them back but says they have to fit within the plan. He is on the radio right now. Destin doesn’t do that.
  13. Ballard will be one the radio in at 930 with Kevin if you all want to tune in.
  14. It’s a source other than Ballard saying they are confident it will get done. They could have easily said the opposite since it was a source unamed. Ballard never talks contracts. He seemed pretty happy about where they were with Pittman yesterday.
  15. I hope we can get Blackmon signed because looking for two starting safeties seems likely to not happen. I think we are in win now mode with Richardson coming back and need to act like it.
  16. Sneed is someone I think we could feel confortable giving a multi year contract to. Mt gut instinct might be wrong but I do get a feeling Ballard is going to pull off one move that will shock us that we don’t expect or that we really didn’t think he would attempt.
  17. Yeah possibly. But I don’t think it will be anything outrageous where Ballard can’t match it.
  18. Maybe I just really want to keep that 15th pick. Is sneed really worth a first? I don’t recall many CB trades where CB get a 1 at in return. But with the deep WR class what you propose here could work well. Doesn’t sneed need a new contract soon too? He is still young so I would be ok with it but that 15th pick would sting.
  19. I think colts are the one that will be ones paying him the most. I don’t think he will have a bigger market anywhere else.
  20. I would. It trade 15 but if you could get him for a second I would do it. Could probably trade down in first and get that second back.
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