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Everything posted by Restinpeacesweetchloe

  1. If Colts want to keep Blackmon they should be able too at a good cost with all the safeties on the market. Plus add one of these vets.
  2. Even one that had 9 sacks this year. That’s double what Stewart had given. He is younger then Gilly so yes it will cost more.
  3. Like Zach Hicks and Jake Arthur said on their show today this would actually be a very Chris Ballard move. Just like Gilmore. He is going to cost a lot more the Gilly though so we will see. It might mean not bringing Kenny back or Grover.
  4. Colts biggest weakness is safety and corner. It’s a nice FA group this year. Their safeties were getting up there in age too.
  5. I am not concerned with the PED. I really think some of these players make a mistake and just aren’t careful with supplements they take. Done read ingredient lists. Bills have no secondary left. They also cut White.
  6. So weird when they are expected to be SB contenders. Maybe they have some younger defensive guys they want to start. Or maybe some younger players in FA.
  7. Jake Arthur said Wilkins would be a good fit for colts but that would mean not bringing Grover back.
  8. Zach Hicks said colts would have to pay sneed 20 million a year. That seems really high and not sure I would do that. Their two safeties are getting old. I would probably pass. Bills are releasing so many players.
  9. As discussed above that is only if he signs an offer sheet with another team. He isn’t going to but that doesn’t mean he can’t take that offer back to colts and request a trade.
  10. This is probably true with the loaded draft class. But if the draft class wasn’t loaded that would probably be different. Plus any team without a long term solution at QB would not even be in the running.
  11. You don’t see corners being traded for much higher than a 3rd. So I doubt it will be higher than that. The fact a team has to also sign him to an extension could lesson the compensation too. Chiefs would probably like to have a higher round pick in the 2nd or 3rd. It’s a win win if colts draft a pass catcher at 15 and then trade for sneed giving up their second. Get 2 game changers there.
  12. Patriots are going to have a rookie QB and are rebuilding. I doubt that would happen. Vikings unless they bring back cousins are in the same situation. Lions defiantly could land him as they are ready to contend. Jags could be too.
  13. Guess it would depend if Sneed wants out and he forces his hand. If he wants to leave and forces it probably won’t cost as much. If we go pass catcher at 15 I am perfectly fine giving up the second.
  14. Wow this could happen. I don’t like the draft compensation it might take but having a bet QB who is still pretty young to go with Brents would have me very excited. Hopefully it wouldn’t cost us our second round pick. That speed trade could even happen before next week too.
  15. Just my guess but I bet Pittmans extension is done by the end of next week. He will have a couple days to talk to other teams and then it should come to a close with an extension.
  16. I think players are fine with the franchise tag as along as it is just a place holder for the extension. I think where players get mad is when teams use it to just get another year out of a player with no intention of signing them long term.
  17. Wentz was the last QB he had with an arm. Every other QB was not a deep thrower. What I think is going to happen is we will see the deep stuff with Wentz combined with the intermediate stuff he had with Gardner, Ryan, and rivers. I truly believe with Richardson we will finally see his complete game.
  18. Saw this the other day but didn’t know if it was speculation or rumor. Looks like holder confirmed it is true.
  19. What? Contrasted catches he is 100% elite. Just wait until he has Richardson back a lot of you will be proven wrong. We will finally get the Pittman that is all around WR. Having a QB that can hit him at all levels of the field will be huge. Every QB he has played with has had a limitation. Wentz was terrible in the middle. Minshew terrible downfield. Rivers really couldn’t throw much downfield by the end.
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