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Everything posted by Moosejawcolt

  1. Agreed on a wasted talent on a hopefully developing team. His skill set will most likely be in decline when and if Richardson is that guy. I am not sure u could get anything for him. What do u get for a great runner who is not a great blocker and average pass catcherwho wants a new contract? I would bet not much.
  2. U don't think Taylor fits what the Jets want to do with their rb. Aaron Jones was a Rodgers favorite and Cook fits more of that role than Taylor. Taylor vastly over estimates his value in today' NFL.
  3. Spoke to a source on the Jonathan Taylor contract extension front and was told: "The number he and his team want won't be entertained by anyone in the league including the Colts" U were saying???
  4. Irsay was not taking a jab a Taylor He was protecting the collective agreement. A certain postion cannot rewrite it just because they don't like it. If they played in the era of Barry Sanders, they would be getting 20 mill a year or more. They are not and the game has changed. This is capitalism in its truest form; supply and demand.
  5. Taylor is apparently very right but he is looking like a clown. I have said on here that reporters from various podcasts were taken aback by Taylor's lack of accountability on his play last year. This just adds to the fact that maybe he is not the right type of player for this organization. Taylor is acting like he is the 2nd coming of Barry Sanders. This guy has had one remarkable year out of 3. He is acting like he is a hall of fame player. To me he has not really proven that he is worth a 2nd contract. He has a lot of mileage from Wisconsin and his short NFL career. He is not a guy I would be so ready to sign to a 2nd contract. Balard is finally showing that he needs to play hard ball. What does Taylor expect? Does he expect a team to actually trade for him and then sign him to an extension? Just plain stupid!! The trade request comes across as very childish and he and his agent are ignoring the rb market and what it is at this time. Trust me the other young rbs are watching this and they see an opportunity to seize the moment.
  6. Cook is a better overall rb than Taylor; he just wants to go to a contender and that is not the Colts. People are forgetting that the Colts have to do nothing. He is under contract for this year and franchise him next unless they need it for another player. In reviewing the roster, there does not appear to be another player that they will be forced to use the tag on next year.
  7. "It will go public as they always do. IF the contract is seen as unfair by the player ,his agent will leak it. If the players request is seen as unfair by the player, the team will leak it. I agree they rarely leak it but i think this one will be contentious". That is my quote from page 5 of tis thread
  8. Look at some of my earlier posts. I said this was going to end not so good.
  9. I think what Taylor is missing is this and I am becoming very tired of this act. He is under contract. The rb market is what it is. He is coming off an injury. He had one remarkable year. His rookie year was a good year and last year was not. People can look to the Oline as the problem, however he showed that he was not able to lift himself past the Oline play. He is not a good pass blocker and an average pass catcher but I assume he wants elite money. The age of being a pure runner and average to below average in those other two areas will not get u an extension and/or a raise and it shouldn't. Ballard needs to play hard ball and I think the issue with Ballard that he wants to be seen as a nice guy and take care of those who he has drafted. I really think Irsays comments was him saying no go on a contract that was not in line with the current market. Ballard has been burned on 2nd contracts to Neslon, Leonard, Kelly and Smith. Time to re-evaluate the way u do business with these non premium positions beside RT
  10. Did I not predict t this over a week ago that this was going to go South?? Lol
  11. I remember listening to a coiple ofcpod casts and how a couple of thr guys were less than impressed with JT after a game. They thought he lacked accountability in some of his comments and was 1st out of the locker room. I predicted this is going to get messy before it gets good. Thr problem is that u can't trade him because of the rb market. JT is in an unwinnable situation. He has one year left heading into a contract year. He won't sit and he needs to out forth maximum effort. Therefore, the Colts are in the driver's seat and who cares if his feelings are hurt.
  12. He is just not on Monday night, Thursday night or play offs. In other words big time televised games.
  13. It's not its not a valued position. It's just that the game has changed. U can plug in play a rb coming out of college. In the old days, u needed that elite talented rb coming out of college. The objective was to stop the run. Now teams employ 3-4:receiver sets leaving a lot more space for rbs to gain yards. Therefore u don't need that elite talent anymore. A lot of these rbs would not flourish in the old days. They would not be successful running into stacked boxes like the Sanders and Petersons of the day. It is much like wrs now a days. Thry are not being man handled off the line. They r running free off the line and finding open seams in the defensive zone. It is a lot less physical of a game and that's why u r seeing a lot more later picks excelling.
  14. U take away the injuries snf McAffery is on of the very few backs worthy of a 2nd contract. He is not just a runner. He is an all around rb and a weapon. Shanahan regularly disposes of his back but Lynch (cough, cough) traded for him. That shows u how much he values him as a weapon and not just a rb. Taylor is not on McAfferey's level. Years ago there value may have been reversed but not in today's game. That's why the Chargers gave Ekler a little more cash. Td machine and a great pass catcher. Taylor as great as he is woule be easily replaceable if Richardson becomes what we all hope he can and guys like Peirce and Woods hit their strides.
  15. How bout this Derrick. If u r a man who weighs 230 and runs 4.4, maybe u should be switching positions early in your career? I imagine he would have been a great edge and/or linebacker if he would have focused on that postion.
  16. I meant they agree on the market in terms of what they worth. Sure they wanted to resign them on their terms and were quite happy to let them play on the franchise. They may have offered say 13 at 2 years and the players probably wanted 15 at 3 years. Just speculating but I bet both teams wanted two years probably 2 or 3 million below what the player wanted. If that is true them they have set the market for the Colts in what they would offer Taylor. Honestly, I don't even know why the Colts r discussing contract terms with him
  17. The market has spoken. Now if Ballard were to sign Taylor to a deal, it would go against what the rest of the NFL is doing. I stated that it would be a mistake to give another deal to Tayor, and apparently, the Raiders and Giants agree. If Ballard extends Taylor's contract, I will be so done with him as a GM and this is from someone who said I would give him a 2nd chance now that he has his qb.
  18. Taylor won't be happy but I don't think the Colts want to give him a contract. I think Steichen has a lot of influence and is thinking wrs talent.
  19. Ballard maybe starting to put his whistle in his pocket and let these players play it out before signing. I think Nelson's last contract stings a lot and I think even Irsay may be pulling Ballard in a little.
  20. U could argue based on physical talent and his lack of weapons on offense that he could have been the greatest rb. This guy could have played coming out of high school
  21. https://www.stampedeblue.com/2023/7/15/23754883/projecting-jonathan-taylors-next-contract
  22. Never said it was but that's kind of how I view him. Straighline runner. Great size and speed. Average pass catcher and below average blocker. Not a lot of wiggle. Am I missing something? He is actually a throw back rb. The only issue is today's elite backs need to be elite in all areas to warrant an elite contract. If they are not , you have the committee approach. Honest question. Do u view Tsylor as being elite in all areas?
  23. https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10082754-colts-jonathan-taylor-not-a-creative-rb-who-can-do-it-on-his-own-nfl-exec-says.amp.html
  24. https://twitter.com/_MLFootball/status/1679502111157911555?t=iZVs5s16zwH87dxQBXJBLw&s=19
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