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Posts posted by Finball

  1. 29 minutes ago, neug3246 said:

    Last line of defense doesn't only mean on the ground, it also means in the air and that is where Hooker will make his plays worthy of this pick. Turnovers win games and Hooker will create a lot of them in a pass happy league and playing against QBs like Bortles, Savage, Watson, and even Mariota in our division, let alone any other QB we will play. With teams like the Rams, 9ers, Bills, Broncos, and Ravens who don't have a QB. Granted the ravens have a QB but they also like to throw so I see potential for turnover there.


    Bills have medicore QB but Taylor doesn't throw many picks, only 12 the last two seasons. He avoids MOF like plague.

  2. 16 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

    But it was a good pick....Fin....it was what the Bears SHOULD HAVE done


    But with the way he has fallen, I don't think his medicals have checked out.


    I couldn't have known that for sure but I guess that's what has made him fall. It's not just the Bears that have passed on him.

  3. 16 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Granted but Bortles has his moments. He's no Luck but why take a WR then you can get an shut down corner.....


    They think they can get the corner they want at 18, I'd guess. But didn't take Davis would last there. I think that's their thought process. We'll see how it works out.


    I personally wouldn't have taken Davis there. Hooker, Adams or Allen.

  4. 17 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Yeah, you have Luck and Bortles in your division and you go with a WR when the best CB in the draft is there??? That makes no sense to me but they do have that number 18 too. They could package it and move back up I guess 


    The have Luck in the division...


    Bortles doesn't scare anyone.

  5. 16 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


    What is so special about Trubisky? That is how GMs get fired. You give up all that to get Trubisky.


    I don't think Trubisky is special nor do I think it was a good trade (the opposite in fact).  But that's why they made the move, so no other team can jump them.

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