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Everything posted by Colt.45

  1. JT is very smart. This move though....not the greatest move he could have made.
  2. You're missing the entire point and it's fine that you cannot understand it. Why do folks value diamonds more than water?
  3. Careful now, you're sounding anti-capitalist here All kidding aside, 100% agree with you. The larger problem lies elsewhere and it smells of suits and corporate hogwash not cleats and years of sweat on the football field. We forget this too often. Misdirected ire.
  4. I understand the viewpoint and comments can stir emotions but it is odd to me that we get mad about the players but not the owners. It is odd to me that we get mad about the players talking of their families when we dont know what their expenses are. Or that we seem to get savagely mad at folks maximizing their earning ability as if that's not what many of us do or try to do in life.
  5. It can come off as insensitive, sure. What I'm saying is that beyond the emotions, the fact is the owners make money that's truly obscene compared to players without actually having the skillset fans pay for. Also, the players are the top of the top and our emotions as fans rarely allows us see their perspective. We all had the Kenny Moore argument last season too when he was holding out. He was the enemy of the state then. Funny how much he was attacked by fans yet a season later, folks are seeing how badly Moore could have truly behaved if he really was the jerk folks painted him out to be. JT was the shining boy, always smiling, fan fave, the star, now he's the bad boy. Fans have to learn to shed some of the emotions, it's hard of course but the ire really should be directed to others. As we get older as fans, we should mature and start seeing these things. It's like we want socialism for the players but capitalism for the owners. One more thing, the often true fact is many of these players are catering to far larger communities than the average fan. Far more hangers-on, far more handouts needed, etc. I cannot bring myself to be mad at how much players make. The day i get sick of it is the day i stop watching this sport. I've said my bit on JTs strategy, i think he's going to lose and i think the strategy he has chosen isnt a good one at all. His family? Yeah, that's his personal business, I dont know his life goals.
  6. He's a wide receiver, what's there to complain about? He'll get paid in Indy or somewhere else. All business. He knows that for a fact. JT? Different story entirely.
  7. Every time a player asks for more $, this argument gets recycled. The players deserve every cent they earn. You think it's too much because you compare them to you. They're not you. You can't play football. They're at the top of the food chain, it's not a good argument. The language might seem off when they say they need to feed their families while they drive supercars and live great lifestyles but they're the ones entertaining you, not the other way around. Those are facts. There's a reason players stay away from commenting about others money. They deserve the money. The bigger question is whether the owners of these teams should have as much money as they do, the billionaires who're not exactly supermen like these athletes are. They're smart enough to keep their mouths shut but the money the owners have makes these players look as broke as many of us are. Until the society can value water more highly than it values diamonds, we need to accept that these are the standards we have agreed on, directly or otherwise.
  8. It didn't matter with that team whether they were in San Diego or coming to Indy, home field was nothing to them in the rivalry. They mirrored Rivers disrespectful attitude. Years later, i can respect them now for how great they were. If not for the Pats, that San Diego team probably wins one SB at least. Brady and Belichick denied Indy the most but there were others who suffered from that dominance.
  9. They were the Colts hoodoo team for a while there. Remember the Billy Volek game. For a while, I and many Colts fans feared the Chargers more than the Pats. Rivers and those guys were a nuisance. You knew they'd never win the SB but of all the AFC teams, I think they scared me the most.
  10. 100% right again. And there're lessons in that too if one is willing to learn them. Life goes on.
  11. 100% this. The next great receiving back who springs up, whether Bijan or even our own Evan Hull needs to start shifting the battle back to the Leveon story i.e. we should get paid as great backs plus a little something on top for our receiving abilities, and if they can block too? They'd better add that to contract talks. That's how they need to approach this. They cant get too greedy though...shift the story first, then the next set of guys need to shift the story to how they help the Line out. If the Zoom backs want to shift the story and get backs paid again, they need to be strategic about it. JT is also holding a losing hand there...he's a great runner but he's no Leveon Bell catching, and his blocking is terrible compared to Edge or Addai or Dom so the back the group should have picked should have been someone like Ekeler but he dipped and took his money when he had the chance.
  12. JT has had one elite season. The other two have been teasers for multiple reasons that are not all on him. He has HoF potential....that's just it though, potential. So, the ol fella has to curate his brand and this is JT doing JT, this isnt some empty head, this is a smart, thoughtful fella, he cut agents to get this money. He's made his point and I think the larger story is what he and other backs want to force the NFL to acknowledge or act on, the problem is they've got zero leverage. None. This battle was lost when that dazzling Steeler back, LeVeon Bell couldn't get paid. In retrospect, Bell should have taken that money and reshaped the way RB contracts were thought of and crafted in future, instead it got acrimonious and he ultimately lost out which is what Jim Irsay tried ineloquently to point out in that 'airhead moment' tweet, everyone loses in the NFL, the machine goes on. If Bell who at his prime was everything JT is PLUS an ELITE receiving back, couldn't win, JT certainly hasn't got a prayer. It's a business, JT has a losing hand sadly. Philosophically, that culture guru the Colts had back in the day, the special units guy whose name escapes me, well he didn't seem to have nailed this. The good boys - JT, Moore, Pitt, Shaq, etc are all smart guys and really good team players, the thing his methodology didnt seem to account for is that smart guys also understand this business and will get theirs as best as they can. Fans need to know this
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