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Posts posted by MB-ColtsFan

  1. Officiating was terrible on NY-NO game as well. Will fans cry for replacement refs?

    Possibly, but as another poster stated in another thread; this is just more fuel for the NFL in getting full time refs.

    What really bothers me, though is that the replay officials also missed it. Aren't they NFL employees that are not in the referee's union? Those guys have to also be more accountable.


  2. When the smoke clears you'll see all of the mirrors. You MUST have heard the pumped in crowd noise by now.

    I don't think we've had a pretty win yet, but a "W" is a "W". I'll take them. I just wish we could get healthy. Ballard probably lost 30 pounds today in the 2nd half alone. Hate to say it, but we may need Zins back next week??


  3. what are we looking for?

    The reference of "It's 11:00. Do you know where your children are", which was played throughout

    the country either at 10:00 pm or 11:00 pm during the 80's, i think on many different channels? It has morphed into

    "It's 11:06, do you know where your brewskies & buffalo wings are"


    "It's 11:00, do you know who your children are?"


    Does that make me old?? I feel old waiting for kickoff. Let's take care of business, boys!!



  4. Post count doesn't matter, if its threads with Injury reports, stats, good articles, FA, Draft, roster moves and such, but what do we get out of a thread where people just guessing on result or stats?

    Darn! You're right! Okay, let's pack up this message board seeing as none of us should be speculating about ANYTHING that is not factual.


    I love these threads. Gives people something to discuss between games.


  5. Stick with the process. Nothing strategically will change. I'm not sure if Chuck was calling any plays before BA took over, but I agree with you in regards to being progressive. If Chuck was hesitant to let the kids loose before he left, he sure as heck shouldn't be when he gets back. They have earned the right to lose the game at the end rather than playing it ultra safe.


  6. I admit, Suh has his moments, but I love his motor and ATTITUDE. I don't know, I just love players who don't give a crap about other players' view of them. You need that, especially at the position he plays. He might be a dirty player, but he is one of the best IDL in the league right now. And if he was to hit FA, I would want the Colts to throw money at him, regardless of his antics.

    Don't want any part of him. He's going to eventually maim somebody, be suspended or barred and we don't need the negative pub. We're doing just fine without him.

    My .02


  7. Funny story, I was working in a restaurant during a rush. I went to the restroom so I could check the score on my NFL app. I saw that we were down by 5 with like 52 seconds left and that (according to my app) Detroit had the ball. I assumed we had lost for the next 3 hours. I'm not fun to work with when the Colts lose lol. Glad to know I was wrong.

    Well, my app kept showing Detroit with 30 points, then 33, then 27, then 30, then...then the Colts with 28. It was really wired for a long while - then it stopped updating with under a minute left. I figured we'd los and tried to log onto the game thread. 27 pages worth!! Darn thing wouldn't load for some reason, taking forever.

    Then I get a text from my brother & (Colts fan) niece: "Unbelievable!" and "OH MY GOD!!!! That play! The win!! WOW!!!"

    Took me another 15 mins or so to find the video of the last play. Just WOW...amazing Luck.


  8. That has shades of the classic Chuck Norris joke. That aside, I think the major key here is to put constant pressure on Stafford. Keep it coming from all sides and hopefully keep the ball in front of us. Megatron is a monster, but if we put all of our focus on him, we are in trouble.

    Agree with everything you said.

    All sides would imply a push up the middle - something we haven't really been able to do all year.

    I really would love to see Chapman get some burn against Detroit. He was a virtual immovable force with

    one bad wheel. Maybe he could actually get some push with two good ones?

    I know he's playing against higher caliber linemen, and he's only going to be a spot player until he gets

    into game condition, but if he could play on some downs he may be able to provide something we need this game.


  9. For a rookie he played like a rookie. I think what was more surprising was the defense. No pressure whatsoever. Both our starting guards were out. Lots of poor tackling as well, a lot of extra yards after contact. Think back to the Manning days and how Brady never lit it up that much because Mathis and Freeney would constantly be in his face. That was with a better Pats O line too. I expected Brady to be pressured much more but I was surprised. Freeney is laughing all the way to the bank ($$$)

    Freeney isn't what he used to be and could still be recovering from the ankle injury. I still saw a few good pressures by him and he did get 2 flags thrown his direction. I didn't think he had a terrible game. I just think we're still not getting any push up the middle.

  10. Everybody here is either scared or hesisitant ot scared of criticizing luck..I'm not..i put this loss on him..

    Yeah! How dare a rookie QB who's been playing top caliber against mediocre teams do so poorly against a championship caliber team.

    Really, though, what were you really expecting??

  11. Fun game; I was a bit annoyed in the first quarter, but the Patriots dominated from the 2nd quarter on. Luck looked good, but he made some atrocious throws mixed in with his solid throws.

    Colts' defense did an excellent job of shutting down the run for the most part.

    Interesting, of course, that the Patriots' ST far outplayed the Colts' ST.

    I was amazed at how bad our ST's played today. The first pick was justa bad decision. Luck is smart and adjusted...but then just made a bad throw on the next one. That was as much a rookie play i've seen out of him yet.

  12. We were stomped pretty good - no doubt.

    But just think; before this year began not many would have thought this game would have meant anything. The reality is that this showed this team how much more they have to improve.

    I think it's a wake up call for them and i'm glad it came now when they still have time to recover and have meaningful games left to play. If this had been played later in the year and eliminated them from the playoffs i would be worried about next year. As it is I'm looking forward ro seeing if they can bounce back agaist Buffalo.

    We're not out of it yet! Coaching staff has a lot of work to do. Let's put this one behind us!


  13. Tough part of the schedule is just about to start. I still don't expect us to beat the Pats or Texans (okay, maybe we extend the home winning streak. MAYBE!), but i give us a better shot at taking Detroit and Buffalo now - especially the Bills.

    Note: We were that close to being 6 & 2. Now THAT would have blown me away...


  14. Miami having one of the best D-lines in the league is not hype it is a known fact..and we were three yards short of 100 so that's good enough for me..

    Well, you sort of have to look at the bigger picture here. If you look at who they've played thus far you'd see that, besides the Texans, we're one of the best run offenses they've played yet.

    Call it parity or luck of the schedule, but they're untested at best. The numbers are deceiving in my opinion.

    That being said, I think we've played each game a bit better than the previous, but we're getting to the part of the schedule where we'll start meeting the veteran teams. That's when we'll really see how much we have progressed. Playoffs can still be there for us but we have to continue to play more consistsntly. i don't expect the Pats, Lions, or Texans to commit the same errors that Miami and the Titans have made the past couple of weeks.


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