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Posts posted by Smurphy1

  1. Agree about Zibs, but the coaches played him none the less.  As far as the NT, I've said this before.  Remember MT. Cody at Bama?  He was a legend there, all american first team, and a first round pick by the Ravens.  He still hasn't cracked the starting line up.  Admitting that Baltimore has a lot more talent at NT than we do, but still it goes to show that's not an easy position to learn in the NFL.


    Chapman was a nice player at Bama, and about 40 lbs smaller than Cody.  I hope the kid does well but we have to have realistic expectations for him.  I'm really hoping he works out and anchors that D for years to come.


    I don't know much about Mt. Cody but just because he was better than Chapman at Bama doesn't mean that Chapman can't be better than him in the NFL. It could be something as simple as Cody not having the work ethic or drive to succeed at the NFL level while Chapman does. There is only one way we are going to find out and that's during a game starting in September.

  2. He likes dead center IIRC. The MIKE still can be there, but it's not the position he is use to.

    Its a little different but I think it will to his benefit because it will allow him to do what he is good at, making lots of stuffing tackles.

  3. Except that only comes when he is at middle linebacker. He has admitted he suffers if he doesn't play middle.

    The MIKE still exists in a 3-4 line up. If anything this will improve his play because he won't be doing 7 yard drops every other play for pass protection like he had to for the stupid tampa 2.

  4. @ mr. Debonair,...ummm alright. Thats really not the point I was trying to get across. If the rams got 3 first rounders(swapped one with the redskins so its actually 2) and a second rounder, i dont see a reason why not to believe we could get more for the #1 pick.

    Its too late now. The Redskins were the only team that were going to pay through the nose to move up the draft. They already made their trade. There are no other teams willing to pay even close to what they paid for the #1. We are basically stuck with the #1 pick. I for one welcome our new Luck Overlord.

  5. After we draft Luck I think our next biggest team need is NT. Good NT don't grow on trees and it takes a few years for rookies to fill in at that position. I think we should try to build as good a defense as we can afford right now and rebuild the offense through the draft over the next few years.

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