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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. My pops would love this season. He used to love ugly Vikings wins. He used to always say I would rather win ugly than lose pretty . Vikings are 7-1. Packers losing is hilarious
  2. Mahomes is the best QB in the league IMO. I had him rated #1 before the season but I had the Bills going to the SB because Allen is a top 3-5 QB and they have a better defense than the Chiefs.
  3. Yeah I have seen many going back to 1984. The 1984-1986 days were brutal. The Jeff George days were brutal. The Paintman in 2011 lol. I have to say, today ranks way right up there.
  4. You got that right Bills losing is insane, Allen is injured as well.
  5. Lets tank and get our QB, might as well right? We better pick the right one otherwise this place will implode.
  6. No I would have let this season play out and you don't know we go 8-8-1. Even then we would have picked around 20th, we could always trade down to get a QB we like. At least this season would not be a dumpster fire. I think 9-7-1 would get us in the playoffs, we will never find out now.
  7. Sam just a threw a TD pass, almost everyone in here wanted him to play. Matt Ryan has to be laughing his balls off about now. 1-2-3 Cancun
  8. The only defense to that is, Matt is injured. Still, our FO said Matt benched for the whole season. At that point, it was tank time.
  9. You have no idea what I am even talking about. Pulling the plug on a season only 7 games in is so ridiculous in a league where there is so much parity when you are 3-3-1. Some in here love it when we just quit I guess. Unless you are like 0-6 or worse and have no chance, you don't do that. The FO and coaches are very smart, they know by playing Sam we had no chance. Everyone in here might as well talk about what QB we should draft next year. I would keep Sam as backup.
  10. I f we play Sam the rest of the season, we will be lucky to win a game. But hey, maybe we finally get a chance to draft a franchise QB.
  11. Point is you try and win instead of tanking until you are totally out of the playoffs. If you like losing and watching this crap show, more power to you. You act like with Matt we were 0-7 and not 3-3-1.
  12. This is a lot worse, at least we moved the ball against Denver and got 4 FG's.
  13. This is one of the worst offensive performances I have ever seen.
  14. I always try to be positive but this has been bad. Just calling it like I see it.
  15. On that last play, Sam had 2 guys wide open (1 in the middle and 1 on the right) and he just ran it. I am watching this game with a friend and he even said the guy is wide open over the middle. This stinks. Then we miss a kick. This is the worst I have seen us play since 2011 when we Painter and crew.
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