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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. When Dick Bavetta used to do Pacers games, especially against the Knicks in the playoffs, I knew that was bad . I used to call him Nick Bavetta.
  2. Yep. Nobody is picking Miami tonight. CBS Radio, ESPN, NBA Network, etc. all saying Boston big. Go Miami!
  3. Yep. It started in 1994, from 1994-2004 we made 6 ECFinals and an NBA Finals. Then of course took the Heat and their all-star team 7 games in 2013 in the ECFinals. We have had some spectacular memories from Reggie and Rik to Paul George and David West, Roy Hibbert was even good for like 3 years, he gave the Heat fits .
  4. Regarding your post about Donaghy, I thought it was hilarious you said his full name . Yeah he was one of a kind.
  5. I actually thought we got screwed in game 7 at Chicago in the 1998 ECFinals. The Refs let the Bulls get away with everything and when they were on offense they were just throwing bodies at our players when they got in the paint at the end of the game and a foul was called everytime. Despite all of that - we only lost by 3 points, we were the 1 team that scared the crap out of them in a game 7. We had them beat. Phil Jackson even looked worried.
  6. "Timothy Francis Donaghy" . Regarding your trade scenario's, I like the 1st one. I think Brown is a very good player/sometimes great. That is another reason why I hope Boston loses so maybe they will panic and want to make changes. Also if we could trade up and get Brandon Miller that would help our franchise out a lot. He reminds me of a young Kevin Durant.
  7. Dick Bavetta was the main Ref of Game 6, Lakers/Kings in the 2002 WCFinals. He was bad too. Despite that game 6 monkey business, the Kings still should blame themselves for losing that series. They still had game 7 at home and shot 2-20 from 3.
  8. True, they were pure comedy and in a bad way. Joey hated Tim Duncan, I could never figure out why.
  9. So far the Cubs have been dull and have been playing bad lately but I still love the franchise (always will), been a fan since 1984. It is tough to watch and keep a close eye on them when they aren't winning though. They are in a weak division so anything is possible I guess. Tearing the team apart in mid 2021 has done us no good at all and really made no sense. The Cubs could have easily tweaked their roster and at least kept Bryant and Baez, just do a semi-rebuild. Bryant and Baez are players you build around because they are still young. Oh well water under the bridge now. I will always have my 2016 World Series Championship as a fan. Cubs broke the 108 year jinx and gave their fans 6 years of good-great baseball from 2015-2020. At least with the WS Championship we can't be called chokers or losers anymore. Yankees haven't won a WS Championship since 2009, Cards haven't won one since 2011 and they are the 2 best franchises in baseball history. Crap happens.
  10. I am not really a big conspiracy theorist type of person but I have watched the NBA long enough to know that monkey business seems to happen at times. I can't see Boston losing 2 straight NBA Finals if they do make it and they have HCA this year is one thing that is bugging me.
  11. Boston may be the luckiest team I have ever seen after what they pulled off last night, a tip in by a 6'3 PG with .1 of a second to win it. Smart's 3 had to miss perfectly for that to even happen. They have the Basketball Gods on their side after what I just seen. I am rooting for Denver to win it all but something seems fishy lately with the way Boston is getting Ref treatment and making these crazy shots. They are also going for their 18th championship so I don't fully trust the NBA right now. The NBA has been known in the past for being accused of altering games. In reality, Denver has the best team and should win it all but we will see??
  12. Same here, I liked the Lakers because of their style of play during the 80's. The Lakers with Magic were the real deal! It was very entertaining basketball like a 5 star rated movie. I was also a fan of the Shaq/Kobe Lakers but rooted for the Pacers in the 2000 Finals as the Pacers have always been my true favorite team being from Indy. I wanted Reggie to get his ring. I honestly, I am not a fan of LeBron, going to the Heat in his prime ruined it for me. I also disagree with his politics on a lot of issues. He is a great player though and is a great father to his son's so he isn't a bad guy in reality. I just have always thought that he has been an attention seeker.
  13. Hats off to Denver, I thought maybe this could have been LeBron's last dance for his 5th Championship. Magic still has more championships 5-4! Denver clearly has the better team and Joker is the best Center in the league. He actually should have won League MVP again but the NBA gave it too Joel Embiid. My top 5 greatest players remain the same as LeBron fails again in bigtime series. He had 40 last night but he was also a big reason why the Lakers lost games 2 and 3, games they should have won had he took over late in those games. 1. Michael Jordan - that will never change now. 2. Magic Johnson - clear #2 to me. 3. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar - best Center of all-time. 4. LeBron James - makes my Mt Rushmore, best player of this generation. 5 - is tough, I think Kobe Bryant belongs here but one can make an argument that Larry Bird or Shaq belong here. The older generation may even think Bill Russell or Wilt Chamberlain belong in the top 5 = understandable. The NBA playoffs have been beyond unpredictable, I have been wrong a lot. Nobody thought the Heat would steamroll the Bucks and now they are making the Celtics look like chumps. Very few thought the Nuggets would sweep the Lakers either. It is looking like the Nuggets vs Heat in the Finals, may the best team win.
  14. The Atlantic Ocean, Marge was all business getting Homie healthy to soak in the salt water
  15. Cubs have been stinking up the joint lately, doesn't surprise me though. They will never have a team like 2016 again and I have accepted that. That team was ranked in the top 10 of all-time by MLB.com. 103-58 and World Series Champs. I will always have that so it is all good - here Homer was dying, he was sick but Marge took him to the ocean, and he soaked in it and he got his powers back
  16. I am not sure this is correct. We could get a steal at #7. We drafted Reggie Miller at #11 in 1987 and Paul George at #10 in 2010 and nobody thought either would be great or game changers. Reggie was a great shooter but not a great player coming out and George was a crapshoot pick. The 2 best players we have had in franchise history went 11 and 10.
  17. Our over/under wins before 2012 was 5.5 in Vegas. I remember espn and Nfl.com had us winning 5. I had us winning 8 because I figured Luck was NFL ready and he would be good. We won 11 lol. We were 2-14 in 2011 and almost in complete rebuild mode, no Peyton is why we were ranked 32nd by espn. I figured Luck would give us 6 more wins, he gave us 9.
  18. Cubs are currently 2 games back of the Brewers at 19-19 in the NL Central for 1st place. Brewers are 21-17, Pirates are 21-18. Tight race early. So far I am pleased with how the Cubs have played, they should actually be way above .500. Cubs have lost several 1 run games. If they can close better as the season moves on, Cubs will be in good shape in a division that is up for grabs.
  19. Called it a week ago. Lakers will take care of the Nuggets as well. AD will neutralize Joker and Lebron will destroy that team, they have nobody that can guard him. Lakers made the Warriors look like doo doo.
  20. Lakers now up 2-1, my money is on them. LeBron is getting one for the thumb. Not saying the league is rigged but Steph having more Rings over a guy that the media says is as great as Jordan will never happen. LeBron would also match Magic and Kobe with 5, while Steph and Shaq have 4. LeBron would move to #2 without argument then because of his resume as well beating Kareem's scoring record.
  21. I am not sure what is wrong with the Cards but they are currently 10-24, a terrible start - they have lost 8 in a row. Cubs are 17-16 (which is respectable) but a +47 overall which is the best in the NL Central division. Cubs have lost several 1 run games or they would be in 1st place in the NL Central, they are just 2.5 games out of 1st place. Pirates and Brewers both have lost 6 in a row. Cubs are keeping me interested so far.
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