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Posts posted by JTcardscolts

  1. Oh yea This is how we get Luck, we tell him to come sit be hide Manning for(only) 2 years, then u play and be great win us a super bowl, get yourself 4 MVPs and don't ever get hurt, then make it clear to him that when he does, and we have a bad year some of our fans are gonna turn thier back on him, and were gonna draft a "proven, once in a generation" rookie QB to replace you. Just like we did the QB before you....that'll surely work!!!! What I've learned from being a stl cards fan is that no matter how much a player does for his org, team, com, they will turn their backs on you(pujols, now manning). And dont give me that its business crap either, cause im sure u guys are the first to complain when a player is holding out to get more cash. Age, age, age....u people are crazy Manning will play till he's 45, or when ever he wants to quit, u seem to forget Frave played till he was what, 40 or 41(I think), and he was a mobile QB who got sacked all the time. Peyton....he sacks himself, with that said let's not forget when he's under center there's a 6'5" 240lbs MAN back there in the pocket. That's why running backs have a life shelf of 7-9 years, small and takes a lot of hits. Kickers life shelf(if they are good) 15-18, they don't get hit, will if they do it's to the smallest hit, and they're flopping on the ground, and that's only until they see the yellow flag.....tears my heart to say it but that sounds like Peyton, excetp he's not a flopper. So...what have we learned here? That Peyton is great for atleast 6 more years, so let's trade the pick plug alot of holes, fire Jim C., and gear up of another SB run. But he's only good for six more, Luck could give is 12. Will since they're comparing his talent to Elway, I'd take a chance at getting one of the other great QB to come after, ex: Peyton, Brady(I hate him). Big Ben, Ryan, Rogers, brees, the list is long, and that's just the most recent ones, so QB....may not be so hard to come by, especially if #18 stays here to coach him up when he retires at 45.....

    PS fire Jim caldwel, please this guy is a looser

    U play to win the game....every game.

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