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Posts posted by JTcardscolts

  1. i loved his new commercial, but REALLY think its a signal he is gonna play next season.

    he wouldnt just grab the money would he? i would say that a game of connect the dots is in order--

    tossed the football after practice 'game ready balls', peyton saying he thought he might pass the end of season physical,

    the tone i get from saturdays interview, and this commercial.

    sure does not act like a guy sweating a failed procedure!!


    I think you could be on to something. The last thing he needs is more green.

    And if it was a failed procedure do you really think Peyton would be in a funny commercial after finding out his football career is over? Not me.

    Do you really think a guy(Peyton) has to work? With All the money he has, no.

    He's doing it for 2 reasons: 1) he's fine, healthy, and ready to play and 2) Papa johns is obviously his favorite pizza.

    I believe this is definitely a good sign, at the very least a positive move in the right direction.

  2. I would rather trade the pick. But I must say nice video the kid can play some ball I doubt his running ability translate to the NFL, but the way they hit now a days it's best for him to stay in the pocket anyway. And it's always good to have it has a last min back up plan. I forgot it was him that put that hit on that DB(?) who picked up that fumble...man he crushed him.

  3. Just throwing this out there, If the Colts do trade the pick and pass on Luck, who would you like to see the Colts select in the draft, go after in free agency, or keep from their own roster to be back-up/ QB of the future.

    I personally like Brock Osweller from ASU. I didn't think he was entering this year, but he did declare. CBS had him as a 4th round pick, but scouts are calling him easily the third best QB in the draft. Luck would bring immense value for the Colts short and long term, in trading the pick. Osweller could come in and sit and slowly develop and fine-tune his skills. He would have the same impact Luck would if Manning was healthy, which is none, sitting on the bench. Osweller would have no pressure, and represents a player who could be developed. With Manning the QB position is set, Luck isn't necessary nor a need for the Colts if Manning returns. With the value from the Luck pick, the Colts would have a stronger more balanced team, making the transition easier for the future QB, allowing the Colts to compete now, and rebuild at the same time! It keeps them from having to start over when Luck takes over in four years. I would rather the Colts win now and give Manning the pieces through the value of Luck, and still getting that replacement in this draft. Plus after his final years, the team can be already rebuilt, more complete and balanced, similar to say the Giants or Ravens. Osweller is someone everyone should take a long hard look at, I just hope Irsay and Grigson are considering all possiblities and variables. Thoughts?

    yea I was looking at this kid a few weeks ago before right after his bowl game. He's a reall big QB at like 6'7" but they say he doesn't have the arm strength a guy his size should have, which I'm fine with that. Has long has hes smart and a quick release hed be a good option to sit behind Peyton and learn. I would like to stay away from a QB the first couple rounds, and get a sleeper. Everything else your spot on. Let's hope Peyton is healthy and Irsay sticks to his words.
  4. Yes I too think this could be a possibility, and would hope so. But from all indications it looks like they will be taking the best QB available. I like the idea of the trade to stack up on defense to be more like the ravens, however that's just MO. I can say it bumbs me out the thought that Peyton might not be in blue and white next year, which is a tragedy to say the least. But with that said he'll go to a better team and will undoubtedly win super bowls, which will prove that he is and always will be the best QB of all time, Elway, Montana, Frave, Marino, Brady, Staubach, Young, all great QBs but never on a 2-14 team. And most of them were a muti threat QB that were great passers. Where I believe Peyton's athleticism is completely underrated, I think he ran a 4.8(I did read4.7 once) 40, but he achieved with just one tool, his ability to throw the ball, and he did that better then any of them. Consistently did more with less, like I said on a 2-14, and always won 10 plus games, he is greatness, the Jordan of football, the GOAT. I do understand the other opinion, get luck and will be set for another 10 years. But I just believe that we built our team wrong with Peyton, as great as he is he still couldn't win SB's with a one(no defense, no ST play, no run game, I would say no coaching(IMO Dungy=overrated)) dimension team. It never has and will never work, sure youll be good in the regular season but when you start to play better(muti/tool/Pats,ravens,Pit) teams in the playoffs, you look mediocre IMO. I would just like to see our team go in a different direction, even if Peyton doesn't come back. everyone says you can't win without a elite QB, and Peyton has proved you can't win the SB without a good defense(or run game, ST play, etc..). And that is the ultimate goal right? That's why Dungy and Caldwell took him out the games at the end of the season, when they did. Which IMO cost the team a perfect season.

    Either way I can understand everybody's opinion, I just think out team was flawed to begin with, even with the GOAT on our side.

    PS. Sorry I didn't break it up I know it's hard on the eyes....and I didn't proof read, again sorry

  5. OK, "what if" Manning decides that he is not 100% and retires, Would you like to see him as a Colts coach? QB, OC or both ? I would love to see this happen if/when Manning decides to hang up his cleats.

    I would love to see this, a lot later of course. I know history has it's results of failures but I believe Peyton would be an exception.

    In Peyton we trust.

    A question to know would be does Peyton want to coach? I'm not sure I've ever heard him mention it.

    Funny thing is when I used to play Madden(like2007) the game, I would play the franchise mode(the colts or course). And when the players retired sometimes they would come back to coach, Peyton never did. And I played like 10 years into the future, and quite a few different franchises. Heck Frave even came back to coach but Peyton never did. I just thought it was wired cause I thought he would want to coach after his career. I know it's just a game but it made me think

  6. Ive always disliked OSU so naturally I hated Jim Tressel too. But after reading all the post about JT has a coach I must admit the guy was a great coach. With the right assistants in place, I'd buy that. Plus I think since he's already been in the League(I'm sure he had to make it on the practice field a couple of times?) for a year I don't think we would have to be concerned with his game translating to the NFL. The mans persona screams leader. After all that is what they're looking for.

  7. Jeff isn't liable to pay 50 million to someone who may or may not be able to contribute, he should probably stay off of it. He's openly considering retirement, if he wants to play with Peyton just say that. This whole Peyton should be the QB until X isn't how things work, and "things" are all ready happening. I don't mind the sentiment, but this doesn't really help.

    Yea it doesn't help your views and opinion, I can see why you would have a problem with. So everyone else can comment on it but not people close to the situation, or is it people who don't share your views.
  8. He wasnt here when we were winning and having fun. He wasnt here to witness the greatness and the golden years.

    He is here to fire everyone and cut all our best players just so he can prove a point that he is the new sheriff in town.

    I am not surprised at all he hasn't talked to Manning. He is afraid to look him in the eye.

    This new GM we have wants Manning gone and he wants to make himself famous by drafting Luck. He will get ALL the credit for drafting him.

    My parrot could have done that draft. lmao

    just cause be wasn't here doesn't mean he doesn't know the greatness, that is Peyton Manning. He's been in the league, he knows the HOF QB we have already.

    And just cause he's the new sheriff doesn't mean he can over step his boundaries, he still has Mayor Irsay he has to answer to.

  9. At the Monday press conference, Grigson suggested he hadnt talked to Peyton Manning and hadnt even started on that situation yet..

    ..aftre being here a week

    That struck me as ominous..since I want Peyton to come back...

    ..any other way to look at that?

    Of course he talked to Peyton, prolly went something like this.

    " well Peyton I'm happy to be here and glad your my QB. Irsay tells me your looking good, which is good news for me, cause I get to start my new career on the right path. Thanks"

    But seriously, I think he has he was just trying to avoid all the questions that would follow. Smart move on his part.

    But what everyone seems to forget is Irsay already made the call on Peyton, if he's healthy and playing it'll be in a colts uniform. So with that said I think JI realized he showed his hand a lil bit and now needs to do a lil bluffing so he can get more for that first pick. Just mo of course. You don't think that JI had this convo with grigs in the interview? I'd bet he did.

  10. This is the NFL, there is no such thing as being loyal.

    I am sorry I know that sounds harsh but it's really the truth. Ask Edge, Marvin Harrison, or Bob Sanders how loyal the Colts are. I am sorry but if they really feel like it's best to move on without him that's what they are going to do because they are in the business of winning not being loyal to Peyton Manning and sacrficing the future for it.

    In a prefect world sure Peyton comes back and wins two or three Super Bowls and retires and we have drafted Andrew Luck and he is ready to pick up where Peyton Manning leaves off at. However, very few things in the NFL are perfect. The Colts owe to themselves, the fans, and other players on the team to make sure they are good not only for the rest of the time Peyton is here (if he's here) but also make sure the team doesn't just fall apart when he leaves either.

    Look I love Peyton Manning. It feel honored to get to watch him work and pull for him and have him in my city for as long as we have. I've often felt like watching him play football is like watching a master artist work. I would love to get to see him do it again. However, I also understand that sooner or later Peyton Manning isn't going to be here anymore and at some point you have to start thinking about the future without him or we are going to go threw what we just went threw for a long time. I grew up watching them do that in the 80's and early 90's just pleading for a Jim Harbaugh to come along and lead us to a 9-7 record just to say we were in the playoffs. It's much more fun to watch a team like we've had that wins and is a Super Bowl contender year in and year out. So if the Colts have a chance to set themselves up for back-to-back success like that then I am all for it.

    With that said it doesn't mean I am not grateful for Peyton Manning. I think just about any football fan has to be and I don't think most of us are turning our backs on him. It's just the people understand that even if Peyton comes back we have him for two to three more years and that's probably it. The time to start thinking about life after him is here and while no one likes doing it you can't just ignore it either. I also think people understand from just a pure football logic stand point it doesn't make sense to bring Peyton Manning back. It's pretty clear everything else about this team is in a rebuilding mood and you are poised to get maybe the next Peyton Manning in Andrew Luck. With that said this isn't going to just be a pure football logic call made by the Colts and should Peyton have to leave I am sure he is going to be welcomed back with open arms anytime he comes back to Indianapolis just like Edge was, Harrison was, and Dungy was even though they all left.

    Peyton giving the colts a deal on his old contract, sounds loyal to me, being on a team full of averages players having to carry them week after week without causing a commotion in the locker room, again sounds loyal to me. Peyton could have thrown a lot of people under the bus, Dungy included. But he never did always took the high road. Pure class, pure loyalty to the organization. Chipper jones and the braves, Yanks and jeter, revera, how about Brady and the pats, and they had a proven back up, but still stuck with Brady. I kno it's rare(very) however loyalty does exist in sports. I hope your not one of the fans that says to the player holding out to get more money, "c'mon man show some loyalty to the team". If Peyton is let go and "forced" out, I won't ever have that view again.

    But yes u make good points but see I don't believe Peyton only has 2-3 years left, I understand hes a pocket passer, I understand the last thing to go on a QB is accuracy and the mental part, I understand he's playing in a league that favors the QB, I understand that he's a pro athlete that takes care of his body, I understand he has access to treatments and doctors the average person doesn't have, I understand that he was and is by far the best QB in the NFL. And because of this, if Peyton wants to, I believe he has a lot more football in him. See I loved MJ too and loved the fact that he came back with Washington and played when he was 40. He still averaged over 20 points a game and was better the 3/4 of the NBA then. How? cause we was so much better then everyone else to begin with. And that's a sport thats hard on the knees and everyone know your knees are the first to go. He'll I remember when he was 46 and there was talk about him coming back again, and they said, at 46, he was still better then half the league. But yea I kno its not physical like football. Then I'd just have to say Peyton is a QB in a league where they don't let u hit the QB anymore, or at least not like they used to, which really isn't a concern any way cause Peyton always went down by himself.

    So see I believe #18, if he wants, could play for years and years, so drafting a QB now is just to soon.

    And of course this is just MHO.

  11. I get what u are saying u make a valid point. You replace Peyton with any other QB in the league and the colts are at best an 8-8 team with no playoffs appearances. This guy has continually done more with this then anybody has ever done in NFL history, sure he had Marvin, Reggie, and Clark, but who's to say these arent a product of Peyton, Marvin only averaged 64 catches a game before Peyton(including Peyton rookies season) showed up. Then 100+ for 4 years after, then Reggie and Clark broke on to the scene. You guys witnessed what he did for tamme, collie, and Blair. On any other teams tamme doesnt see the field Blair is on the practice squad and collie 4th WR. The offensive line has always been a mess, Saturday....that's it. That's not even talking about the defense yet, oh that's why cause we never had one. We had bob for a couple games a year then freeny and Mathis on the out side. IMO weve been spoiled and blessed to have #18 and it angers me that fans are willing to turn their backs on him, especially when the front office finally has a chance to give back to Peyton. A real defense and a few more pieces on offense.

    Trade the pick.

    Show loyalty to Peyton, he's been loyal to us.

  12. Compared to what the "we will take Luck or be terrible forever, even with Manning" people read into comments? Hardly.

    We will not use Manning just as a holdover for Luck. We will not keep him around just to develop Luck. That's not his job, his perogative; any front office member or coaching personnel who attempt that should be immediately fired. Manning's job, if/when healthy, is to score and win. If he's still doing that at a level even semi-Peytonesque, we build to that strength, and that strength alone. Those players will still be there for Luck, or whoever takes over.

    We trade Luck, and we get 3-5 1st round picks the next few years, plus any number of developmental picks. That's value above anything Luck can offer. A great team can win Super Bowls. We get more pieces to make a great team (around a QB we know has gotten us there) by trading down than we do by keeping him to not contribute and settling for one developmental pick per round thereafter.

    Winning Super Bowls is all that matters, whether now or in 10 years. We know Manning gives us that chance, and we have an opportunity to load him up, much as New England has done with Brady. That's what he deserves. Luck assures us of nothing, but hinders Manning's ability to do it by eating up a lot of space we could have used to pad the team. It's an insult to his remarkable career to handicap that in the hopes of his eventual successor panning out. It's also bad for business. What better way to give a new GM, and new coaches confidence in a system, a philosophy, and an organization than by getting out to early success?

    Agreed completely, they talk about how Irsay is talking change, but then have a mock draft that adresses none of our needs on defense, with a decent pick at least. So let's build our team like we've done in the past and pray like he'll Luck can shoulder the load, like Peyton has done for years.

    I believe your right the more I think about it the more I become confident they will trade down and go defense.

    Hey everyone thought Caldwell was staying, experts included, and they also think were taking luck...

    Looks like Irsay has em right where he wants em.

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