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Posts posted by JTcardscolts

  1. Your just a really big PM fan and u dont want to see your fav player let go which I understand. Your telling yourself luck will be a bust so you don't have to face it that maybe the colts actually will move on. There were just as many people if not more saying PM had peaked that we wouldn't be a franchise qb and so on. This is a rare prospect that you have to consider. 2-4 years of an aging qb or 15 years of a younger qb will amazing potential but some risk

    I understand where ur coming from and your logic, but Luck they say is the best prospect, and that is what it is he's a prospect, not proven, just a guess. Albeit a very good guess, the experts says. But there's also that chance he could bust. In this case where do we go from here? Now keep in mind we"ll be on the hook for this guy his first contract.
  2. Hey next time you call a guy uninformed and living in the past, get your facts straight. Yes vitamins and supplements can enable one to live life fuller, richer and even longer. But vitamins and supplements do not magically turn 36 yr old athletes into 26 yr old athletes. If that were so we'd see football players playing well into their 40's. But guess what we don't, and even when we do its very rare. The fact is that the body ages, and vitamins, supplements, proper diet and exercise can slow the effects of aging, it cannot stop it. Eventually time and age wins; no matter how many trips to GNC you make a week.

    Hey I think we had a break through, and I agree with you. But I believe with the transitions the QB is heading towards, "two hand touch", that this is the major contribution to the "new"(my words and my words only) life span of the QB. But with that said u did say vitamins and supplements didn't help, in a round about way. So in a way u did sound il/misinformed.

    It has nearly ZERO amount of common sense at all. First, a neck injury is not the same thing as a broken hose on your vacuum. This is more than a simple matter of "repair and replace." Second, multivitamens and health supplaments, are you kidding me? So you're saying that if Peyton takes his Flinstone vitamens and his Ginko Biloba that he can play until he's 45? Come on now. Yes, advancements in medical science and health care enables athletes to play longer; and improved training teaches 300 lb lineman to play with quickness and speed. However, age is age, and no matter how you look at it Peyton's clock is ticking? The question is, how much time is left on the clock? 2 or 3 years - probably. 4 or 5 years - maybe. 6 or 7 years - not likely. 8 to 10 years - not even close.

    Hahaha you better go get informed. I assume it was critical the first time Peyton had it done too right. Well u see the outcome of that didn't you, the only difference is Peyton didn't get the needed rehab due to the lockout. Ha I imagine this is all news to you. peytons neck is already healed(sources says, they held him out the last 2 games) and in all accounts it's stronger then ever before. Vitamins don't help and supplements don't help. Really. So growing up I was lied too about drinking my milk cause it'll make my bones stronger. What??? I can't believe them. Wait, prenatal vitamins didnt help the growth process of my 2 unborn children, so we wasted our money. Your kiddin. So one of my baseball heroes R. Clemens is vindicated because HGH(illegal, however a supplement) didn't help pro-long his career. Yes.

    You sir. are wrong. Period. I thought that's the purpose of a vitamin was to help live heathier, stronger, and in some cases longer. But just some general info for you the life expectancy 100 years ago was 50 now it's 78, sounds like were growing healthier and stronger as a socity. if were living longer why wouldn't our muscle and joints evolve with our age? Kind of hand in hand don't you think? Then throw in some omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin d, calcium, and a antioxidant(which helps cell regeneration, also foods are way better then the pill form supplement) and it all leads to a pro-longed career, especially considering Peytons ability to stay in the pocket and get rid off the ball fast.

    But hold on your right Peyton can't do it cause his joints won't be able to handle him getting out of the pocket to scramble. and he holds on to the ball to long and takes to many hits(like Frave, yet he played in his 40s). And his weight is just to much of

    an issue and is a liability. Not to mention Peyton has had how many concussion and injuries, far to many to risk him going back out there.

    Wait a min this isnt Peyton at all, sounds like Vick. Heck he's what 32-33 and takes a beating yet he is still an effective NFL QB. He tore up his leg(his money maker) and came back and still running on everyone. And about it being a big time surgery, pitchers have Tommy John surgery all the time and come back stronger then ever. That's a big time surgery yet pitchers have it all the time.

    So next time u decide to call my stuff junk u better go get informed, cause u sir are living in the past. Welcome to 2012. Don't worry were all relatively new

  4. Don't worry, we'll only release Peyton if he's unfit. We won't have a choice in the matter so if it ends up that Luck is crap then we'll not feel like * because we would have had no other choice.

    One thing I'll point out is that Quinn's stock dropped a fair bit (for whatever reason) coming into the draft. If the same thing happens with Luck then alarm bells should be ringing.

    I believe it was Russells rise(per media) more then it was quinns doing, that caused the slide in the draft. I believe he had a good combine showing. I recall this really well cause they were talking about the 2 QBs and which one was better, before their bowl game, Brady had the edge cause JR was said to be too raw with only one good season under his belt. Then came the bowl game which JR had a good game and again here comes the experts, saying he can make all the throws, even the ones the pros cant make. It was something like this, Russells combination of arm strength, size and athleticism has all the scouts drooling. And for Quinn it was, while Quinn isnt the best athlete he does have the capability to get out the pocket and make throws. The funny thing is Quinn was twice the athlete Russell was, Quinn ran 4.74 40 , Russell ran a 4.85(some reports 5.0) 40 and not to mention Quinn was way more elusive then Russell but it's kind of funny how the media word things differently.
  5. There could be plenty of back ups in a few weeks. Besides, Dan Orlovsky proved himself a capable back up, given the circumstances. Also, I would bet my house that another QB taken in this draft will end up better than Luck. Simply because QB's can come from anywhere: Brady, Brees, Montana, Young (who was a supplemental draftee), Favre, more recently Dalton.... There are a lot of QB's who end up better than the 1st overall pick, and in every instance, those QB's were not nearly as hyped as the QB who did go off the board first.

    Our DT's were injured, so of course they didn't help. Apparently our GM didn't let our DC do what he wanted to either. Proven NFL QB's wouldn't have come in and get more than 5-6 wins with this team. If QB's mean everything, why do the Ravens always get into the playoffs? Why do the Steelers get by with a QB that averages 3 INT's per playoff game? How is it that St. Louis only won two games with Bradford after his fantastic rookie season? How did Tim Tebow, and anybody from Oakland manage to have the same record as Philip Rivers in San Diego?

    The game is pass-heavy, but systems lend themselves better than QB's right now. We have watched two different back up QB's play in place of Rodgers the last two seasons, and both have been close (at New England last year), or put on a performance better than Rodgers himself ever has (last game against Detroit this year). We witnessed as Cassel won 11 games in New England, and got better as the season wore on. Peyton Manning is, and has always been, the only exception to this rule. That's what makes him unique. He wins against impossible odds; he makes something from nothing.

    If Luck doesn't have an amazing system and/or talent around him, he will be as mediocre as the rest of them. Also, he's not the "best" prospect in 20 years; he's just got the most media around him. He wasn't even the best player in college football this year (no, I'm not talking about the Heisman). The sheer volume of publicity outlets available to him only perpetuates that. He's going to be viewed as a colossal failure when, as is likely, he doesn't live up to this hype.

    Right you are sir, I imagine no one will be responding to this post.

    Will said. Kudos to you.

    I Will be liking this post right.....now

  6. Just thought I would bring this up for a friendly debate.

    Physically And athletically these guys are identical, College stats very simular(at least their last season), both ran a pro-style offense in college, and both colleges are known to be run oriented, and known for their o-line. Even their schools they went to are simular in the fact they are both "prestigious" universties academically. So neither one of them were slouches when it came to class time.

    Coming out of college Quinn too was highly talked about as being a NFL ready quarterback is rookie season, coming from Wiess pro-style offense. And the only reason he was taken 1 overall was because of Russells raw and "rare" potential to be a big time QB with his big time arm(side note, the "experts" blew this dude way up, it was ridiculous). Also the fins were to take him at 3 but decided they couldn't pass up Ted Qinn athletic ability(this was when Hester was doing his thing and everyone thought they need a sick return guy to be successful), Cleveland passed cause of Joe Thomas was still on the bored and without a o-line your franchise QB is useless, they were gonna trade up but soon realized no other team had that need and waited till 22 to get him. And when they did make the pick the next day that's all everyone talked about is how the browns had a A+ draft and will be back on the map in a couple years. Didn't work out will for them or Quinn did it( I too was on Quinn band wagon), following year Derek Anderson(6th rounder) gets the job from Frye and, the "experts" quickly proclaim him the new browns franchise QB(just like they did with Freeman from Tampa this year), and Quinn, the NFL ready prospect is now and has been a NFL back up QB. As for the raiders who took Russell 1 overall, well they passed on players like, "megatron", Adrian Peterson, Okoye, Patrick Willis, Lamar woodley, Ryan kalil, revis, Sidney Rice, And Jon beason. Could you imagine if they traded down and would of got a few of these guys on the same team?

    So am I saying Luck is the next Quinn?

    No that would be doing a diservices to him.

    I'm simply saying the draft can be hit or miss, and some of these so-called experts are just like us they watch a player and come to a conclusion, which could be biased. Go head and say but theyve been doing it for years tho, and played. I bet there's an old timer reading this right now that's been watching football longer then some of us have been alive, no one his calling him an expert, heck I played college ball and I am far from an expert, but would bet my bank account I could pick a better draft then "some" of these so-called analyst and experts. So yea they get paid to do it, true. But I can guarantee all of these experts have been wrong on many occasions and have costed a lot of teams a lot of money because they said this guys should be drafted at this spot. But where I work if u cost your company money you don't get to keep your job.

    So I'll ask u again if we draft this guy and release Peyton, and he turns out to be a bust. Where does this franchise go from there?

    IMO this would be devastating and would put us with the bottom feeders of the NFL withthe likes ofthe browns, raiders, lions(I kno theyre doing better), and bills(then too). Lets face it guys It's not like were flashy franchise people. If we get in a bidding war over a player why would they want to come here? The year round nice weather, all the hot babes in swimsuits, all the celebs walking around. No, it's cause we win and if Luck turns out to be a bust and no Peyton we become the laughing stock of the NFL. And just like how everyone is talking about taking Luck, everyone will be talking about how the release/trade of Peyton was the worst in NFL history.

  7. ...and if we don't win the Super Bowl in Manning's last 4 years, are we supposed to build around Keenum or did you draft him just as a backup? If backup, then when do we get our next franchise QB? Oh, wait...that's right....we just passed him up 4 years ago.

    no u use your 2 first rounders next year(2013) to trade up an get Barkley from USC. Thats if they find out Peyton isn't who they thought he was, if he does play well they could always trade that 1st round pick in 2013 for for a 1st round pick in 2014 and have 2 1st round picks in that draft.
  8. Dear Peyton

    If you are reading this I would like to apologize for our fellow colts fans that are in favor of letting you go. See you must forgive them for they are blinded by the media and obsessed with the flavor of the week, Andrew Luck. I feel that when they find out that u are indeed healthy and better then ever, they will be back on the 18 trian just as fast as your release. keep your head up champ your a pro, I can't wait to see u back in blue putting the rest of the NFL in check, like you've done for so many years, and will continue to do for years to come. Get well and hurry back, we need you.


    A Peyton fan

  9. I to am a cards fan and was destroyed when they let Albert walk, no one is worth the money these big time athletes get paid now a days, but bottom line is if the market dictates it then Albert and Manning deserved to make the most for what both have done for their team, community and org. Still gets me to think AP won't be wearing the cards uniform in 2012, however I still root for both stl will always be my team. With that said management believed they used him enough with the deal he gave them when he signed his first contract, and turned their backs on him, for this the game he returns to stl I'll be wearing my cardinal AP shirt with duct tape cover the cards logo.

    Sorry got a bit Off topic but to get to the question at hand, I would follow and root for Peyton till he retires, and would be so disappointed in the colts, but with time would come around and again roots for the colts with a very high love/hate relationship.

    On another note people tend to forget the money and publicity great individual players bring to their organization. not to mention the future implications it could have, if they decide to hold a grudge cause the fan base turned their backs on them at the drop of dime.

    Peyton must stay(if he's healthy)...the future of the francise depends on it

  10. me thinks if another fan base said they were trading one of the best qb prospects ever because they already have a great 36 year old qb coming off three neck surgeries we would laugh our arses off.....

    Pats didn't give up on Brady when he tore his ACL, oh cause they couldn't, cause they had the rest of the team who could play and they did well that year. Don't matter what QB u but I'm that system and they'll succeed.
  11. What r u talking about lol

    Prob the most rambling no sense post. A new England fan???(I'm a colts fan u sound like a manning fan) Learn something for crying out loud? I keep saying aging qb coming off injury? (that's a factor believe it or not u may need to learn something for cryying out loud) and you can't deny what the rookie qbs did this year I don't care what the experts said last year. you r like a lot of people on here with the twisting of words questioning fan hood cause I'm not just a manning fan and am concerned that he may decline. I also said he may not do "BRO" read my whole post don't pick and chose what to hear. You have been on the forum a day and r calling people pats fans and not colts. U don't even know me

    I've don't nothing but state facts, with the exceptions of my expressed opinion about your views. Which u do keep posting the same thing, old, hurt, top prospect. I've continued to say if he's healthy is what they should base their decision on, if he's not then I believe either option(trade the pick, draft Luck) is a win for our org. What gets me is how you people could turn your backs(so fast) on imo, the best QB of all time, the guy has done nothing but great for us, he deserves much better. It's not even close to the situation with what Brett Frave put the packs through, he's been professional for us shouldn't we do the same for him, do u think if Peyton couldn't play he let us pass on the opportunity of getting Luck. No, the guy screams integrity, shouldnt we show loyalty?

    Just answer me this, yes it's hypothetical, but if u knew peyton could give us 4-5 years, at the least, of greatness(not playing time, experts said frave this year would have been a top 10 QB) would u still take luck?

  12. It's not far fetched at all. Did you watch football this year besides colts games. Rookie qb's did pretty well this year. Not to mention PM is coming off an injury and he stated real slow last he came off an injury plus he's aging.

    "to even think he could come in and develop under them conditions"

    What r u talking about?

    Also 8-8 this year under these conditions with everybody on IR would of been acceptable I think. Polian even admitted he planned poorly for mannings absence

    What's the most important position in the nfl?

    OL, DT, WR????

    bro....to even insinuate that the previous 10-6 record was was even partially Peyton faults is an insult. Even with his 17 int, he did everything anybody could ask for, he completed over 500 passes!!!! What... that's rediculous. u could make the argument he'd had to do to much, hence the 17 ints.

    What rookie QB u mean Dalton with the 7th ranked defensive in the league, an above average pass blocking o-line with a down hill running back, and a throw it up and get it or out run you, beast at WR. Not to mention a lot of thee "experts" were were high on him too, said he was most NFL ready QB in draft. he only drop to 2nd rd. Cause they question his arm strength.

    Cam....come on now defenses didn't kno if he was gonna run it or throw it, caught most of them, and the experts off guard. Dudes a DE who can throw the ball, what did u think was gonna happen. Bigger better(passer) Vick. But no line, no defense, no sucsess...

    Blain gabbert was also high on the experts list, some said take him over Cam. Poor team poor results, let's see how long he can take it before he folds. Bad team(condition)+all pressure on you= low moral and eventually failure.

    No one else really....that kind of proved my point, it's a team effort, ask Denver

    But u keep arguing the same point hes aging and got hurt. All the time every time, and best QB prospect in 20 years. I've been at you with this before u kno how I feel go look the rule book about the NFL passer and learn something for crying out loud, instead of rambling on with your oh so obvious biased opinion, imo.

    8-8 I don't think so, we've been in that situation many of times and it never stopped a double digit win total. Sounds like ur not even a fan bro, must be a new England fan in disguise.

    But u are right in one way QB IMO too is the most important player, but if u just have a QB who u gonna throw too, better they surely won't let him play both ways. Sounds like we need a team, not a prospect QB, for a position we already have locked down.

    Keep in mind if he's healthy.

  13. DT isn't why we won 2 games. If we had a qb we would of won at least 8. This league is about passing plain and simple. If u don't have a qb ur not going anywhere. We have a chance to get the best prospect in 20 years.

    And a 8 win season is suffice, we were 10-6 with Peyton and the same team and he threw for 4700 yards and 33 TDs , not to mention he attempted 600+ passes. To even hint that luck could come in and duplicate that is absurd, to even think he could come in and develop under them conditions without a vet QB for a mentor is far fetched. 600+ attempts means 2 things, 1 defense couldn't keep the opposing offense on the field long enough for our offense to get a rest, and 2 the run game was nonexistent. Our Running backs arnt that bad are they?
  14. Because the greatest players always seem to make the best coaches :hmm:

    What ur kiddin...he's the best coach we have one our team, have u seen what he's done with group of mediocre WRs(except Wayne), I'd argue he's the best WRs coach in the league. Think what he could do coaching his own position. That'ds of course when his playing days are over.
  15. Regardless of what everyone says u make a valid argument, the same "experts" that predicted cam was a bust is predicting Luck is HOF QB right now. Point taken I get it. These people are to blinded by the media(espn) to see that we already have a HOF QB on our team. I heard Rob on first take today say if u pass on Luck and Peyton gets hurt u just ruined the franchise, no we will just trade up next year and get the next QB these "experts" proclaim to be great But since everyone keeps throwing out the best "prospect" since Elway(which he had a horrible rookie season), I figured I'd give u the definition of it, It's the possibility or likelihood of a future event occurring. So I'll put it to u like this let's say u won a million dollars and I say hey u know youll have the best prospect out of everyone if u put in the whole million. R u going to? No!!!!! Face it guys everything is chance hit or miss. But this can't be argued, let's say we trade Peyton(altho if this happens he'll be cut to save 28 mil bonus) and we take luck and the so called "experts" were wrong and he's only a mediocre QB at best, 6-10 7-9 8-8 5-11, we are forced to stick with him for atleast his first contract(4-5yrs) and now we cant suck enough to get another good pick, and well since he's a once in a generation prospect we'll have to wait another 20 years to get another chance at a great "prospect". If we show loyalty to Peyton and he sticks around after he retires has a colt, and becomes the OC/QB coach, were set for, well however Peyton sticks around for. The knowledge he could pass on would make tebow a great QB, ok that may be an overstatement but u get my point. I think everybody agrees he will be a great coach one day(he is now) and if we turn our backs on him, it could cost this org for years and years to come.

  16. I wouldn't, as I have repeatedly said. I would take Kalil and build the lines to hopefully win another championship with Manning and to smooth the transition to his eventual successor by developing a good running game and excellent pass protection.

    yea that sounds great to me, peyton with a run game...watch out. they had the Edge, but back then we only had pass blockers, and they could run block. you could trade down to 4 and get the tackle from stanford(hes not far behind the kalil), then you could also take his teammate the guard with the 25th pick, and then go defense the next 2 rounds and maybe a WR in there, ive always wanted to see Peyton with a big time WR, and im not talking about blackmon, im talking some on 6'5'' with 4.4 speed, and can jump out the dome, just throw it up and go get it(i kno its not peytons game), but this would make all the short stuff open wide up for peyton to pickem a part, then our mediocre RBs could actually break off some big runs too...i would like to keep our 3 core WRs, wonder if there will be any big time WRs in FA?

    but to feel in some spots with FA vets sounds great too...i would like to see a big time LB on defense

  17. Bottom line is the #1 pick is overrated, everything is chance, just like there's a chance Peyton may never play again(knock on wood), and there's a chance Luck could be a bust. If Peyton is healthy u trade the pick, this is why. If a sales person comes to your door trying to sale a vacuum and he says this thing is great, I'm an expert been in the business for 20 years and its the best I've seen to date, and here listen to all these guys they say it is too. But here's the deal u already have one that's great just has a broken hose, but the repair man says it still under warranty we can fix and make it stronger(stated by a doctor) then it was before. Ok the sales man pitches this, it's out dated and old, but u just got new carpet and it's a lot less stressful on the "old" vacuum. Repair man says that should help extend the life of your current vacuum significantly. Now most people since they already have money invested in the "old" vacuum are gonna stick with what's been great for them(assuming that vacuum will be brought to full strength, which we will kno before the draft. And all signs point to yes), and maybe use the extra money(picks) to give the vacuum some help, idk a broom, a mob, maybe a rug so people can wipe their shoes off at the door. Yes I'm a big Peyton guy, but facts are with the league heading the direction it is, to protect the QB, and all the mutivitiams and health stuff on the market, it is very feasible a QB can play till his mid 40. What???? U say. No way!!! Well not very many people thought u would see a 6'6" 270lbs man run a 4.3 40 either. Not many people thought they would see 60-70 year olds competing in body building and triathlons either. Guess what people they do. And the QB is the only player on the field(when he's in the pocket) who gets to play 2 hand touch, while everyone else has to play tackle. IMO #1 pick is overrated especially if that position is filled(which we should know before the draft), and we are inneed of other positions more so let's trade down, feel are gaps, and compete for a SB(hopeing that we resign some of are FA vets). Worst case scenario, Peyton turns out no to be able to play, trade up next year and get Barkley from USC. He wasn't to far behind luck anyway. besides only3 of the past QBs taken #1 overall are HOFs, 4 if u count Peyton. Heck while I'm at it 5 if u count Luck cause all the "experts" are saying so, or atleast you luck lovers act like it.

    An don't get me wrong I'm not a luck hater, I really think the first pick is overrated and we need to take advantage of it, obviously I could see taking him if we were a QB away from gettin to the big game, but infact a lot of people would say were a whole team(except QB) away from getting to the big game, and 14 months ago all colts fans were saying that, or atleast that we were a defense away.
  18. Bottom line is the #1 pick is overrated, everything is chance, just like there's a chance Peyton may never play again(knock on wood), and there's a chance Luck could be a bust. If Peyton is healthy u trade the pick, this is why. If a sales person comes to your door trying to sale a vacuum and he says this thing is great, I'm an expert been in the business for 20 years and its the best I've seen to date, and here listen to all these guys they say it is too. But here's the deal u already have one that's great just has a broken hose, but the repair man says it still under warranty we can fix and make it stronger(stated by a doctor) then it was before. Ok the sales man pitches this, it's out dated and old, but u just got new carpet and it's a lot less stressful on the "old" vacuum. Repair man says that should help extend the life of your current vacuum significantly. Now most people since they already have money invested in the "old" vacuum are gonna stick with what's been great for them(assuming that vacuum will be brought to full strength, which we will kno before the draft. And all signs point to yes), and maybe use the extra money(picks) to give the vacuum some help, idk a broom, a mob, maybe a rug so people can wipe their shoes off at the door. Yes I'm a big Peyton guy, but facts are with the league heading the direction it is, to protect the QB, and all the mutivitiams and health stuff on the market, it is very feasible a QB can play till his mid 40. What???? U say. No way!!! Well not very many people thought u would see a 6'6" 270lbs man run a 4.3 40 either. Not many people thought they would see 60-70 year olds competing in body building and triathlons either. Guess what people they do. And the QB is the only player on the field(when he's in the pocket) who gets to play 2 hand touch, while everyone else has to play tackle. IMO #1 pick is overrated especially if that position is filled(which we should know before the draft), and we are inneed of other positions more so let's trade down, feel are gaps, and compete for a SB(hopeing that we resign some of are FA vets). Worst case scenario, Peyton turns out no to be able to play, trade up next year and get Barkley from USC. He wasn't to far behind luck anyway. besides only3 of the past QBs taken #1 overall are HOFs, 4 if u count Peyton. Heck while I'm at it 5 if u count Luck cause all the "experts" are saying so, or atleast you luck lovers act like it.

  19. Running QB????give me a break. He extended plays. He didn't have neck surgey 3 times. Completely diff situation. Brett was a unique QB

    unique!!!! you kiddin....not much to being a gun slinger, and played when he was hurt, not much else really, and frave was a running qb until he got to the nfl, where they had to teach him to stay in the pocket and give the play a lil time...didnt listen to well, any time your out that pocket you become a "runner" and its open season for you, especially when the defense could actually tackle the QB, hardly unique...great however, yea i agree....det spent 3 1st round pick on a WR before they got that beast they have now, they spent 1 on a QB and what do you get....fanchise QB

    with the defense how they are so limited to how they can hit the QB, and if Peyton is 100% healthy(which they say we should kno before the draft), yea he'll play for a long time, as long as he wants.


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