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Posts posted by RockThatBlue

  1. Let me start by saying that I'm cautiously optimistic, as we will have this division wrapped up shortly, even with the expected loss of Bradshaw, once you get to the playoffs, anything can happen.

    That is where the positives end, this team is a pretender.

    With home losses to Patriots, and Eagles and Road losses to Denver and Pittsburgh, we haven't beaten any playoff caliber teams this season, except maybe Baltimore, and we just squeaked that one out.

    This defense is a complete bust when it comes to what we had hoped for, we spent big money in FA to build this defense into a unit that can make teams one dimensional by stopping the run and forcing them to throw at our better than average secondary. What we proved last night is that we can't do anything against a playoff caliber team, we are outmatched at coaching across the board and our guys can't execute even if we did have a good game plan. It really makes me sick to think that I bought into what they were selling only to find out it was snake oil.

    The offense is OK, Andrew Luck is as advertised except he refuses to bring the ball down, there is no reason to throw the ball 2 feet above a receivers head on almost every throw, I'm not sure if he's being coached to do this, or if he just does it on his own, but it seems to be a staple Luck bad high throw tipped and picked. The O-line continues to be the achilles heel of the offense, by refusing to win their matchups and open run lanes, this isn't just last night, this is all season.

    So, before everyone jumps on me for expressing my opinion, the sky isn't falling because IMHO the sky never got high enough off the ground to fall anyway.

    Hate to agree but I have too. We have not beaten any elite team this year. If we can't beat an elite team than this team is not elite.

  2. The Browns are not that good. We can handle Hoyer like we did Dalton. We lost to an elite team.. that doesn't mean we will lose to all good teams. I guarantee the Browns don}t make the playoffs. We can beat the Cowboys too but I am worried about Demarco.

    The browns have a pretty good run game. If they get a good run game against us they very well could beat us.

  3. Today was not about being prepared. We handled Brady but the defense just didn't want to tackle. We're a young team.. it'll take a while to beat New England. Took Peyton a LONG time and he still is having problems with them.

    We clearly werent prepared for their run game.

    But I'm not just talking about against NE. We have had too many stinkers every year under Pags. I realize we are a young team but when we play bad we play absolutely horrendous. We will not win many playoffs games like this. Its super concerning.

  4. This is happening at an alarming rate. We will not win many playoff games coming into games where we look like we have no clue what we are doing. Did we have really not expect them to do this to us? I love Pagano but something is seriously wrong with our preparation and yes I'm very concerned about it.

  5. As much as I like him and hes been serviceable, he was really bad tonight. I havent seen a linebacker be thrown around that bad since the Gilbert Gardener days back in 2006.

  6. Yep, Pats OL and DL both dominated them to the point where the Colts can't stop the run nor run the ball. That's not going to net even one win against the Pats if they continue to play like that.

    I thought things just may be different, but unfortunately they were not.

    It was the NE playoff game all over again.

  7. Can't question Pagano there. The O-line was absolutely dominated the entire game. We all saw it, the coaches saw it and the Pats probably wanted us to go for it there just so they could shut us down even more. O-line and RBs gave Pagano no confidence to go for it, and as mentioned earlier, we had rushed for negative yards up until that point, with the exception of Luck's scrambles.

    We could have threw it or had Luck run it. Luck was our leading rusher after all lol

  8. I didn't agree with going for it on 4th down at the Patriots 30 like we did. I thought that was absolutely stupid.

    As bad as the D was playing you still can't just sit there and hand them an extra 7 points like that.

    I didnt agree with that call either.

  9. I absolutely think we should have went for it. We were marching down the field. I am glad we got the three points but I must question Pagano about not going for it there. We get a TD there and this game could have went in a different direction. JMO but what do you think?

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