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Posts posted by RockThatBlue

  1. Because what we've seen from Purifoy so far says he should be playing?

    To be fair, Gordy has looked pretty awful when hes been in this year. I'm just saying that I hope Purifoy gets himself quite a few reps. Hes been in during garbage time but not long enough to know if hes good or bad.

  2. Please tell me you are smarter than this.

    Here is what you wrote in post #165:

    "um, many of the supplements offered at places like GNC are considered PEDs by the NFL."

    You are CLEARLY implying that you believe an over-the-counter product "offered at places like GNC" caused Landry to fail his test.

    i.e you are trying to defend him.

    Surely you understand this?

  3. Since Toler is out, I think I'd rather Butler stay as the nickel back but play Purifoy over Gordy. Gordy has looked pretty awful when hes been in. I'd rather see what Purifoy has to be honest. Thoughts?

  4. You are downplaying that roster on purpose.Luck by the way has a team he plays with.He doesn't win games,he contributes .That roster was not a train wreck.No way.

    I never said it was a train wreck. But it certainty wasn't good by any means.

  5. have you not noticed that the Rams beat 4 power house teams already? Im a strong believer that defense wins these championships. You never see a single team winning the super bowl where the defense was bad. They said Peyton probably had the best offense of all time last year and look what happened.

    And then in 2002 Raiders vs Bucs. It was the best offense in the league against the best defense in the league..defenses will always prevail no matter how many weapons the Patriots have. All they need to do is pressure Brady and its over. He doesnt like being touched. And im sure the Rams and never the less Cardinals... would do a much better job than the Colts D and the Broncos D...

    the 2007 and 2011 Giants did it...Gronk choked at the end...

  6. Personally I would have him rest another week and be ready to go for the browns. My head will burst if he gets injured again because he isn't ready to come back.

    Another bone I have to pick, since he was our biggest acquistion in the offseason he hasn't lived up to they hype (because he was injured), how come I haven't heard those ruthless fans talk about how he has been a letdown? Not that I want to hear it, but I think it's kinda strange, how people bash Landry, Toler, Richardson, Nicks among other players for having a big name but not living up to the hype. Why hasn't any1 put Art Jones in the hot seat? Does he get a free pass because he wasn't playing? Toler, Landry, and Richardson were all banged up last year. When they came back, still struggled from their injury, and were all put on blast for it! Why is Jones any different?

  7. Fleener was a monster against the Pats. Linebackers, corners and safeties all tried, and no one could do anything to stop him. He threw Browner -- the physical and aggressive DB that was supposed to stop our TEs -- directly off of him at the line, then beat him like a redheaded step child the next play on a backside fade. Yeah, Browner isn't good, but he's supposed to be the Pats physical stopper, and Fleener did what you're supposed to do against a guy who can't cover you.

    And, Fleener has been blocking much better all year long. His run blocking wasn't good against the Pats, but overall, he's been better there this year.

    It's hard for me to understand what reason anyone would have to be critical of his overall performance this year. He's been productive in fewer chances this year, has improved as a blocker, and when we needed him to step up, he did.

  8. As a bipartisan here... your inflating what he said... dramatically... he simply said the 2012 roster wasn't a train wreck... and he's right it had a lot of talent. Maybe not proven talent but it was filled with more playmakers than 8 or so other teams in the league, and that's all he's saying.

    Colts fans have a habit of belittling the rest of team just to embellish the QB. Luck had talent with him in 2012 and he performed well but he also dug us big holes. The wins were not a sheer dominance of Luck but a team coming together and overcoming a rookie QBs mistakes and a rookie QB overcoming his teams mistakes.

    I never said it was or wasn't a train wreck. But it was not as good as he acts like. Thats what I've been trying to say.

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