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Posts posted by IndySouthsider

  1. 3 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Unfortunately to this point 2013 has looked like an outlier in terms of his performance in this department which is why I think people over look it.  Probably the biggest thing holding Luck back to this point in his career is that he's been a little too wreck less with the football.  With that said that can and should improve.  

    Well there were alot of dropped INTs. 


    Listen Manning was throwing them at a hugh rate as well. This was about when PM got in a groove too.

  2. On May 22, 2016 at 3:43 AM, NewColtsFan said:


    Because the fact was correct.     There was no bad journalism involved here.    They simply stated a fact.


    There is tons and tons of HATE for ESPN on this website.     And most of it,  it badly thought through.


    I don't care if you dump on them for crap that they do.....    I don't like "First Take" either.   And I hate Skip Bayless and I'm thrilled he's leaving.        But they do plenty of good stuff which goes unnoticed here.....


    I try to save being angry for legitimate issues and not fabricated ones.




    It's a useless fact without background. Now if the story is the colts haven't drafted  Defense as an early priority. Point taken. 


    Just saying their 5-7th round picks are no longer on the team? Hmm ok how many teams have their 5th-7th round guys still? That's the quality of reporting that used to exist. Today's journalist is lazy!


    Facts can he manipulated in any manner.

  3. 2 minutes ago, threeflight said:

    Didn't Hassleback have a better w-l record than Luck last year?  Remember how much smoother the O looked the first couple of games with Hassleback in there?  I am not saying MH is anywhere close to Luck in ability. I am saying that that is HOW POORLY Luck was playing last year.  He looked like a chicken with his head cut off.


    Did you forget 2001?

  4. 7 minutes ago, threeflight said:

    So you would rather pay Luck the highest contract in NFL history, not because of his actual play, but because he is the only player on the Colts roster worth anything and that people talk about?  


    That makes no sense, but that is what you are saying.


     I am the biggest Colts fan there is, but I have news for you.  Outside of Colts fans?  Very few people think he is the best player in football.  Many think of him as over rated and overhyped.  I argued against those people for 3 years.  But if they make him the highest paid player in football...I can't argue anymore.


    I would rather pay him because he wins Football games. Period 


    Fantasy Football doesn't interest me.

  5. 57 minutes ago, threeflight said:

    Rookie records.  Not NFL records.  And he also broke the record for turnovers if I am not mistaken.  


    Look, no one is denying Luck is VERY good when he is not playing with his head cut off.  But highest paid player and its not even close good?  Cmon.......


    What turnover record? Try again. I will take the guy who wins ugly over the guy who loses pretty any day of the week.


    Andrew is a winner. Always has been. Pay the man Shirley!

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