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  1. Star Wars marathon of over 15+ hours finished!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. southwest1


      I've never tried the before watch the Prequels then the original trilogy all in 1 day. Go from fabulous costumes & a lousy plot to a run down set & a fascinating story. Empire is still the best from that whole lot IMO.

    3. COLTS449
    4. NBColtsFanatic


      @southwest1 we started out with movie #4 (first made) then 5 (second made) then we started the first prequel onto the second onto the third and ended with the 6th (third movie made). The originals are much better than the prequels, they are better and more realistic. Here's a fun fact- the actor who played Anakin* in the first movie went to Carmel High School. +bogie sounds like fun, I think we are planning for a harry potter one then fast and furious. +colts449 thanks!

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