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Everything posted by DougDew

  1. There is a difference. When you are the one being confronted over posts simply made on the forum, you do notice a pattern from those who confront you. OTOH, if you are not being confronted...and are the one doing the confronting......its weird to stalk posters you don't like and keep receipts about what they say on various threads to try to claim they are liars about their own opinion's.
  2. You are taking this thread somewhere nobody cares about. For six years, we have gone back and forth because you persistently confront me to tell me what my opinion is. Now, its that I have contempt for Ballard, and have had it for 6 years. Maybe you are just a bully, and have confronted me over posts I have made that you didn't like...and all bully's get frustrated when they swing and miss...and the target doesn't back down. When Luck was still playing, I commented that it was not "Grigsys Oline" that got Luck killed, but that him holding the ball too long was a big contributor, you confronted me (as did others). I said I did not like the Hooker pick...first pick right off...when the forum loved it. You confronted my over my non-love of the pick. I was not enthused over the Nelson pick...never hated it...just not enthused like the rest of the forum. I was one of the few posters back then who introduced...introduced...the concept of positional value to many on the forum. You confronted me over my comments. When Hines was a backup RB, I said I couldn't see why he has a roster spot as a backup RB. This is when the forum was praising him for "all of the things he could do" and that he was a star that was just not being used correctly. You confronted me over my comment about Hines. I commented that JT is exactly the RB he was in college, straight ahead between the tackles mainly big-play fast guy without elite shake and bake. You've said that me not saying he's elite is some passive shot at Ballard. And throughout those 6 years, I have said that we will never reach the level of perennial playoff contender by picking elite players in less valuable positions, and, that we need playmakers. That reality has finally hit a lot of members like a 2 x 4 upside the head, because that's all I hardly read anymore, about how we need playmakers. Maybe bullies just hate it when the target doesn't back down and is a lot more right than wrong. Must be frustrating. If you notice, closely if you can, none of those positions are actually CRITICAL of Ballard. They merely burst a gush bubble that was formed over "his genius". Please don't confuse bursting a gush bubble with contempt. I liked the Smith, Leonard, Pitt, JT, Cross, Blackmon, AP, Raimann, and many other picks based upon the combo of skill, need, and draft spot. Those are not the sexy picks people talk about, so they don't get much press. Next, since I won't gush over AR until he sustains gushability for a couple of seasons...if he does...you might also confuse my nongushy comments with me trying to find a reason to take a passive passive shot at Ballard because of my "contempt".
  3. Yeah, I got the threads mixed up. As you know, there are a lot of comments that lack nuance and rush to the absolute. Maybe that makes things easier to understand, IDK. I don't think you will have much luck educating someone who already doesn't see nuance.
  4. Musicians, Are, Addicts. Suggesting. hmmm. If that's how you read my comments, I can't have a discussion with people who can only see absolutes, and read text only that way. The convo won't work. Go Colts...yay. BTW, based upon how you read my comment, I would think that you would say I was suggesting that introverts are addicts.
  5. I agree. But you said to Chad that you are making this point for discussion purposes. So I assume that you don't think very many posters here believe that. The use of "RAS" has become a simple label of a more complex thought...like the one you described, but I don't think many believe your suggestion above.. JMO.
  6. JFC. He said it was a toss up between AP and Woods at 53. He took the "wide out". Woods fell to 74 because nobody else valued him close to 53, only Ballard. Why is mentioning that factual situation contempt for Ballard? Raimann is a good player, projected to be a good player but not an early great player. How is it "contempt for Ballard" because I think the word "lucky" makes more intelligent sense than the word "steal" . What's wrong with you, and your obsession of whether or not I "really have contempt for Ballard or not". You seem to have a (false) narrative, and get hugely frustrated trying to prove it. Your narrative is false, so you will never prove it.
  7. Not as a personality. That's just how everybody else uses the word....as a label. What is an introvert personality? An introvert is a person with qualities of a personality type known as introversion, which means that they feel more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas, rather than what's happening externally. Many introverted personalities have occupations and hobbies that take them with other people. That's usually a matter of circumstances and income choices, but job and hobbies do not always reflect who they are at their root. Addiction is a focus on self. Artistic expression is self expression, usually of their own thoughts. Neither focuses on what is happening around them compared to an extroverted personality. That is the general connection between addiction and musicians, among others...but I have no idea if Irsay has an introverted personality. Its why folks on this forum who call out others...and there is about 3 or 4 persistent posters.....are almost always wrong in their basis. They are wrong, but call out others for being wrong. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so awful.
  8. As is common, use of terms migrate into becoming simple explanations for more complex things. However, Ballard has definitely valued RAS, as can be seen with nearly each draft pick. Perhaps folks are simply wanting to see a bit more production along with the RAS. Or perhaps CB has more reliance on RAS as a component to the package of attributes that are evaluated. Jelani Woods, for example. He tested out nearly a perfect 10. That RAS did not show up in college production in either school he was at, IIRC...elite RAS did not equate elite production. And Ballard said that it was a toss up between Woods and AP at pick 53, so he valued Woods very highly. Woods' issues this season aside, he does not appear to be the second coming of George Kittle where I would think a pick 53 slot would suggest how he would develop. Just seems that CB valued Woods that highly based on the 10 RAS, where production and other attributes would have dropped him....and did...to 74 where the other GMs left him available.
  9. You don't have to explain it to me. It was humorous hyperbole with a degree of truth at the root, which is why it was funny. I didn't read it as an absolute, but I hardly ever read anything on this forum that way.
  10. My lucky comment was to counter the notion of a steal, as far as what it implies. Scouting and due diligence, etc. is obviously paramount to drafting. I'd also say that the 49ers got pretty lucky with Purdy. I mean, you pass up a near-all-pro Qb 7 times...and so does every other team. No way that anybody's scouting/due diligence saw that.
  11. Ah, ok. You mean that Irsay may have directly told Ballard to not invest in a younger QB because Irsay was holding out hope for a Luck return. That would be some pretty heavy meddling though.
  12. Ballard said that Luck was not coming back as early as is first presser on the matter, IIRC. Many others were holding out hope, and Ballard said that he has to assume that Luck won't ever be here. Whether he meant it, who knows, but he sounded pretty convincing then.
  13. That comment has a lot of "you's and "your's" in it. Frequent mean-spirited posts of nothing but personal shot/baiting. Your trouble-making quick trigger quote failed to catch my edit of that comment, which wasn't written how I wanted it. and @Gramz Yes, speaking from authority, I do know what Introverted is: Art is an individual expression. Creativity an introverted activity in the sense you are satisfying yourself with the product before others see it or hear it. Like being a writer. Introverted has absolutely nothing to do with how social a person is, or how many friends and bonds they have, or how long they've been in the same band. Addiction is a very introverted and personal thing, As another has noted with the music industry (which means the successful musicians...the actual artists...not the weekend band hackers), the association is valid, but not absolute...as if anybody was saying it was.
  14. I read it as saying that Ballard would choose RAS over college production. You might not, but many people share that opinion.
  15. Having obligations that are bigger than yourself helps folks stay on target. Rich people can farm-out those obligations to others.
  16. Hmmm, if someone is confident that Pitt will be retained next year, and confident AP won't be #4 next year, simple logic says that the person is confident the Colts won't draft a WR at 15 next year. That's a passive way of making a bold prediction at this point. Its seems that the tiresome mission of rushing in like a white knight to squash anything negative about any colts player or owner often conflicts with meaningful discussion.
  17. Yes, it was Deebo, thanks. I thought Brown and Deebo would have been better options because I wanted a long term solution opposite TY at the time. I observed that we never had that WR ever since Reggie went down, and the Funchess was just a stop gap. I thought that a fix for WR#2 was more important than finding an immediate slot WR, who can probably be found elsewhere. I'm not criticizing the pick directly since I don't know if either Deebo or Brown was available at 34 ( I think they were). Just saying that I was unenthused with the WR solutions after the draft. If Ballard wanted a slot, I understand targeting PC later in round 2.
  18. Did he already leave the Raiders and is on his 3rd team? That's who RYS was traded to.
  19. I guess it depends upon how quickly we need that WR that's more dynamic than Pittman. Do you draft defense at 15 and hope AP ups his game, or do you not pass on a great WR at 15, which effectively drops AP to WR#4, and he's not going to get that development (not necessarily a give up on him) Maybe the best option is to draft Bowers, so the receiver room improves immediately and AP gets another year to develop.
  20. I get that. Did I express negativity towards his business activities, other than his occasional meddling being unhelpful? If he did all of that stuff without floating out little tweets, I would have nothing to say about Irsay, and a haven't ever really talked negatively about him other than in that context.
  21. , hear it goes. Its comical to read some of the responses, both harsh towards Irsay and kind. I have been friends with many addiction doctors and nurses who work in clinics.... in Indy. 20 years of conversation here...from an unemotional clinical perspective. Not from a class room.....which tend to follow a narrative and is smattered with agendas. Not from maybe the biased perspective of a one-time addict. Your expression of sympathy towards the addict does nothing. If anything, it just makes him sadder that he's hurting your feelings, and sadness doesn't help the addict, who is already ashamed of his problem. Expressing sympathy merely helps YOU feel good, emotional decompression after hearing bad news. Unsympathy, with a threat to kick his * would be a more effective response. When a long time addict tells you he's clean, 100% assume he's lying through his teeth, right in front of your face. Coming from a press release or an interview doesn't make it more truthful. The rehab process and medical detox's only go so far. Most of the long time addicts enter rehab because they know their body is on the edge of breaking down. They know its time. They get the chemicals administered. They get time away from access. Then they go right back to taking the substances when they leave. They think they can manage their addiction themselves, by managing their substances. Especially administering the "detox's" (to mimic what they saw at the clinic). They oftentimes get into trouble when they manage their situation poorly. Clinics, the addict's money, and YOUR money won't fix the addict. He needs to fix it himself, at its root. Usually its a life-changing event that does it. Some women get clean when they get pregnant, for example, out of new obligations that are bigger than themselves; Your sympathy, sadness, and tears are not life changing events for the addict and provide little motivation. Neither is kicking them out, or divorce...for many. And the clinics and rehab process is very helpful for people like that. Those institutions are wonderful assets for our society. So please donate to these institutions if you can. But don't for a minute think they do much for the life long addict like Irsay, who is rich enough to be isolated from direct obligations to others. He's got plenty of people to run his business and his life, so he only has to focus on his personal motivations. Other things to say, but those are the points relevant to the discussion.
  22. Well, to some of us its just sports, and don't get much out of getting more personally involved with our sports experiences.
  23. No. I never do that, unless its a rare response to some who attack me in that manner for being "negative" (which is really me not living in a bubble of positivity)
  24. You seem to be encouraging us to build a perceived sense of self-importance, that because we are on a Colts forum, we are somehow closer to the Irsay's and need to express some sort of sensitivity. We're not close to him and his family, and we are not like circling vultures trying to decide who will get the lamp and who gets the washer and dryer. I'm a fan and I care about the future of the Colts. To me, ownership simply is a function of that.
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