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Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum


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Status Replies posted by HungarianColtsFan

  1. Weekend is almost over. :(

  2. Weekend is almost over. :(

  3. Weekend is almost over. :(

  4. Another winter storm blowing through, who was it asking where the snow was??

  5. TGIF! Business benchmark lesson in the afternoon.

  6. If you could step into a time machine & go anywhere, anytime, or meet anyone where would you go, who would you meet, & why?

  7. TGIF! Business benchmark lesson in the afternoon.

  8. TGIF! Business benchmark lesson in the afternoon.

  9. TGIF! Business benchmark lesson in the afternoon.

  10. After long detective-work I've identified B.Kravitz's sources: Jack Daniels. Cheerio Bob!

  11. After long detective-work I've identified B.Kravitz's sources: Jack Daniels. Cheerio Bob!

  12. Valentine's Day is a result of international consipartion of gift and flower traders. I shall give a blue heart to my bride:-)

  13. Finally got a got a decent snow! Aaaaand it's melting...

  14. Valentine's Day is a result of international consipartion of gift and flower traders. I shall give a blue heart to my bride:-)

  15. Valentine's Day is a result of international consipartion of gift and flower traders. I shall give a blue heart to my bride:-)

  16. 20 inches of snow...tomorrow SB, too bad that we're "only" hosting it.

  17. Irsay says NO decision on Manning has been made. #Colts and #Manning will start talking after SB #WaitAndSee http://t.co/7XogBvt4

  18. Worst winter in 25 years in Hungary.

  19. Dave Dameshek ashames Colts' fans as being shaky...I'm speachless!

  20. Snow alert in Hungary???

  21. Snow alert in Hungary???

  22. Suck for Luck? How about, good Luck for Chuck!

  23. Suck for Luck? How about, good Luck for Chuck!

  24. Family affair exposed... :-(

  25. Family affair exposed... :-(

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