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Posts posted by Archangel

  1. Defense played great and extended the lead in division to 2. What's so bad about that ?


    Played jacksonville enough said they should of dominated them from the start. I want them to play lights out against a quality team and not get put on their butts

  2. Well need to look at the defensive line coach he job is to teach the techniques, He obviously did not teach the defensive players on how to split a double team or even  look for the double team which NE did all night, Everyone wants to blame the players but it starts with the coach not just head coach but all the coaches involved, I am not the coaches or pretend to be so I do not watch practice or watch the same game film. But as a OLC and DLC you are supposed to break down the blocking schemes and or the defensive schemes of the next team you are supposed to face, Therefore you relay this to the OL and DL and adjust your scheme IMO

  3. Well with blount going to NE and Tate possibly signing with the Vikings, Really baffles me on why we did not even take a look at either one of this RB, I know they have on and off field issues but so do a lot of other players, IMO the colts needed to look at all option to see what is best for the team and right know they are saying they do not need a RB to replace Ahmad but they would rather spend money on a return guy when ST is doing alright. So I am clueless of this action from the front office.   

  4. Toler was the problem alright. By my count 4 passes completed against him for around 45 yards and 8 tackles (4 on running backs). I don't understand why toler allowed freeman to constantly get pushed around and it was tolers fault freeman couldn't get off a block. It's totally tolers fault that the d line was manhandled and I don't know what Toler was doing when he kept tripping up Werner, walden, Kerr, Hughes, chapman when they were about to sack Brady.

    I get it. Everyone loves freeman and hates Toler but Toler was one of 2-3 guys that actually game to play.


     Toler is a agressive player and does get beat or caught with a lot of pi but he is no different from any other cb in the league and a good example was last night when the pats got away with plenty of pi and holding I believe toler gets targeted to much

  5. You can make changes, but you have to have the talent to make them work. I question whether we have that after watching the last 10 games. Things need to change there, and that has not been something the coaches are quick to make on either side. I hope this game opens some eyes. 


    Your are right need the talent to a certain degree and I hope the coaches open their eyes on this, But talent goes only so far it is up to the coaches to get the most out of the players they have and so far the coaching staff has under performed in getting this players mentally ready for some of this game. and I understand if a couple of players having a bad day but when your entire defense gets blown out in two games and the camera looks at the DC and he looks totally lost then their is a promblem.  

  6. No they were not. Unfortunately, the one who always makes stupid plays is Toler... and I have never seen a guy get caught pushing off/holding so much. It is like watching a little kid who can't stay out of the cookie jar. I do bet Gronkowski gets a fine for his purposefully slamming the guy into the camera man though. If he doesn't that would be a pretty silly, and for Collinsworth to say he is not harmless is equally so because the guy makes a fool out of himself constantly. 



     I agree with you on toler, but the entire team was not up to the task tonight and I do remember Pagano taking blame for the steelers game because the team came in unprepared, Well i see the same coaches not even attempting to make any adjustments during half time. and if the team contiunes to play the same schemes through out the game the end result is a lose. sorry but you do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that you have to game plan each team different and the pats do this every year against this same coaches who look so lost on the sidelines as if they did not expect them to run

  7. I mentioned this at the beginning of the season the after the denver and philly game, The colts were being out coached and out played if your players don t buy into what you are trying to do you will loose and so far the coaching has not been too impressive yes the colts have won some games but they are so far off from adjustments at half time. And you would of thought for the past three years after playing new england you would of figured out by now what their basic game plan would be and what they were going to use against us and we still cannot stop them from running the ball, Totally disapointed in they way this coaches prepared for this game and or any of the games this year

  8. It takes time for the defense to trust the man beside him so if you have noticed this past couple of weeks the defense was working well together also remember we have missed Arthur Jones  who should be back next week vs cincy, Let him get a few reps in their and the colts should be really hard to reckon with

  9. The 1st QTR was spectacular! I still wasn't happy about that illegal formation that gave the Texans 6 points as opposed to 3 points which swung momentum in Houston's favor. 


    It was nice to see Nicks making crucial completion contributions. Woo Hoo! 


    JJ...Worth every penny in his new contract. Darn baby, just think where Houston be without him...Ryan Fitzpatrick played much better in the 2nd half. Kudos to him for hanging tough & still fighting all game long.


    Colts are 4-2. Nice! 




       Yes he might be worth it but remember they will have to deal with salary cap 

  10. after the game I really sat back and evaluated the performance of our beloved Colts this past few weeks, I was upset like many others on this forum over some of the mistakes that cost the team a couple of fgs and or a win, But then I realized  we were playing a very good defense #1 if correct. Those mistakes came from a team who was very aggressive on offense and defense I will not fault them for that as a matter of fact I really praise and enjoy this team aggressive attitude. If you remember the Denver game we were all upset because the lack of aggressiveness and we were still one play from tying the game in the last minute. The Philly game was a game we should of won but their again the colts were playing a high powered offense and a couple of mistakes cost us the game the coaches admitted they made the wrong call but over all very good game. So remember this is still early in the season and mistakes will happen. I would like to see a flawless game every week by the Colts and when I do not see it I get frustrated and start posting right away not thinking about the overall picture but in the end a win is a good win in my books and I really do not care how they do it.     

  11. Coaches do have challenges. 




    Some plays, however, are not reviewable. Penalties, for instance. Bill Belichick argued for EVERY play to be reviewable, but that got shot down.

    Yes you are right they have do have challenges so let me rephrase they should have a couple of challenges for the end of the game designed just for those calls in which the game could of been determined by a bad call or no call and I am not saying challenge every call just the ones that could determine the outcome. Everyone went over the edge after Mondays game including myself over a couple of calls that were game changers, Not saying the outcome would of been different Monday but then again if the coach could of challenge the horse collier tackle it could of changed the outcome. 

  12. as I had stated before with 4 minutes left in a game the coach should be able to challenge a call by the officiating crew if they feel that a bad call was made and the refs who are looking at this games in new york should be able to ask for a halt in play to confirm a flag if it a call looks suspicous. I am not saying to challenge every call but give them a couple of challenge calls for the last 4 minutes this will take a extra couple of minutes but then the outcome of a game will not be determined by the refs.

  13. Imo the team did a good job of using the run and pass in the first half and kept the eagles defense guessing as for the defense we did not shut them down but kept them out of the end zone basically bend but don't break Dungy style, should of went into the locker room at half time to make adjustments that were needed to win the game. But what I did observe in the 2nd half was their was no adjustments on defense or offense and pretty much stayed with the game plan from the first half. The eagles on the other hand did do some adjustments which in the end cost the colts the game. Should of put in some blitz packages together for the 2nd half, the offense went to the well to many times on the misdirection play when they should of done a couple of play action passes and or run to the strong side, Their was some plays in which Luck could of run to escape the rush and that would of slowed the pass rush down he did this last year against oakland when they rushed him on almost every down. He finally started using his check down players late in the game but this was already to late to make much of a difference. But what really got me was when the opposing coach makes a statement after the game and said after watching film on the colts all week they kinda figured out what the colts game plan would be so this tells me this team is pretty much predictable on the their schemes. But it has only been 2 games still a long season hope they can make some good adjustments and get a good win for  us and them.

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