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Posts posted by Archangel

  1. I have to say this was a really bad play calling the last series this is on the oc really thought the colts did not do enough blitzes imo and like last week the officals helped the outcome of the game really feel bad for a team who works hard to win but is being held back by the coaching staff and the refs

  2. I keep harping on this, but we really need to make a better effort at sticking with the run if it's showing promise.  It will help Andrew limit the turnovers and open up the play action passing attack. Yes we got behind so that was a factor, but during those first couple of drives you can't watch 5 and 8 yards a pop and then get to chucking the ball down the field out of the shotgun.  If you're going to chuck it, do it off the playaction with the one on one coverage.


     Should of used all weapons at their disposal depended to much on RW for a first, also the run game would of really been effective in the 4th with 2.45 left had plenty of time on the clock to score we were on their side of the field and the denver defense was tired could of just ran it down their throats.

  3. Why is it that Pagano is so afraid to be aggressive when his offense has so many weapons? I thought that the first drive of the game was huge for both teams. I forget exactly where the Colts were (Broncos' 38?) on that first drive, but instead of going for it on 4th and 1, Pagano instead elected for a fairly difficult 55-yard field goal which eventually didn't matter (despite being missed) due to a delay of game penalty. However, none of that even happens if the Colts just go for it right from the start.


    This would have been a perfect time for a QB sneak or to use Richardson. Richardson may not be some people's favorite, but the guy excels at picking up 1-2 very tough yards in these types of situations. The FG was far from a sure thing -- why not try to pick up the 1st down and keep the drive going? I think had the Colts gotten a TD on that first drive, a lot could have been different.


    I actually like Pagano very much as a head coach, but it drives me crazy sometimes how conservative/close to the vest he calls games. I realize you don't want to make mistakes that will cost you the game, but the Broncos are a team you need to be aggressive against IMO. Not to mention that was not an easy FG in the first place.


    Yes I believe the FG would of helped, IMO they should of went for it but the OC needs to call the right play for this situation I even saw in preseason we could not make a 1st down when we went for it on 4th down. Also IMO we should of still kicked the FG with the penalty it is mile high he could of kicked from 60 yards. Even if it was missed and you give PM a short field it was a lot better then letting him drive 80 yards

  4. All in all, I think you have to feel good about our defense after the 2nd half. They're a young group missing their best player and they played tough on the road against the best QB in football. I think there were a lot of encouraging things on the field tonight. Let's hope the 2nd half Colts and the 1st half Eagles show up to Lucas Oil next Monday.


      I like what I saw out of the young rookie kerr he will be a monster when he catches up to speed of the gamw

  5. I don't think we used our personnel in the best way tonight in the passing game.  We should have gotten Nicks much more involved in the game.  Also I think we went away from the running game too fast.  Trent was making good gains out there.  I'm very optimistic about our defense, to shut those guys down in the second half like we did still not being able to generate much of a pass rush leaves me feeling pretty good about what things will look like when Mathis gets back and Newsome gets some more experience.  I think our run defense is going to be up there with the best of them as long as everyone is healthy.



       I agree could of ran a little more on the last series the defense for the broncos was tired was plenty of time left

  6. Defense absolutely needed to play better.  Giving up 160 yards to Blount is inexcusable.  But lets not act like 4 interceptions doesn't hurt hte defense when 2 of the 4 resulted in possessions with the Patriots starting inside the redzone and which they turned into 14 points.



    Could of held them to six points

  7. I Watched the season after Reggie went down the offense had to find ways of adjusting with out him and it took a few games remeber the colts had 14 turnovers during the season. So this was the time for the defense to make their mark and come up big and they did not. All I saw was the defense go into the wrong direction. Yes give them credit in some games they did show up but when you are 14 to 21 points in the 3rd quarter in almost every game that is a promblem. I do not know what happened but after the Denver game put they feel apart and giving up over 88 points in the playoffs is flat out wrong. The coaches did not prepare for the game because if we were blogging about what the pats were going to do why did the coaches not see this if they did well then your right the players are at fault, but I will put the blame on the last 2 games on the coaches for not scouting and properly preparing the players.

  8. IMO try and get a center through FA if not move RG to Center and pick up another guard, I believe the RB and WR positions are solid and will be better in their 3rd season. The defense really needs a couple of big DE to help stop the run, Iam going to give the CB and safties a pass due to the fact they are unable to cover receivers if their is no pressure on the opposing QB. Hopefully werner gets better learning his position. And sorry for this but the DC did nothing for me this year not at all happy with his game planning this year and the playoffs was a absolute shambles.   

  9. I would be ok with a new d coordinator, but luck and this offense need some continuity, we can't be having a new offensive coordinator every year.


     I do believe Pep will be better next year as I said they really progressed with the injuries. We cannot have luck carry the offense and try to win it all still needs some help on O-line

  10. I saw the offense getting better by the end of the season, IMO the offense gets healthy over the off season we will have a pretty good season. In saying that the defense went in the other direction and I think the defense quit buying into the DC schemes

  11. This team far exceeded everyone's expectations. This team has had so many injuries that it's ridiculous. I don't think any other team could have overcome that many injuries. 2 best running backs, best tight end, best wide receiver, starting O-lineman, not to mention all the injuries we had to deal with in the secondary. Bottom line is this team improved from last year and with all the circumstances, that's pretty amazing. Pep Hamilton struggled, but made some adjustments with the offense and it was very effective. And enough of calling out luck... We have such high expectations for him, and that's not really fair. I think we forget that he's only a second year qb. This team has nowhere to go but up. We beat the nfl's best this season without a lot of our best players, and THAT should scare people.



     The defense was not hurt this year with injuries and yes they could of tackled better but giving up over 90 points in playoffs is not what I call a good defensive scheme against a team in which the colts coaches knew exactly what the patriots were going to do

  12. Hey look. The negative nellies only paused their rants from last week.

    Right back on track from the first half last week.




     I have been stating this for weeks when your defense contiunes to give up points the like they have the past few weeks their are promblems in the coaching. They have play makers put it is how your coaches approach the game. It was blogged all week that the Patriots would run and pass short if we knew why did the DC not see it

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