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Posts posted by Archangel

  1. I'm a season ticket holder. In my opinion a couple of things are going on here. First Season tickets are expensive as are playoff tickets. The price of your seat goes up for the playoffs, Just look at a ticket for the Super Bowl compared to a regular season ticket for a home game, and what I'm talking about is how much the price of the ticket goes up. The next thing is that the season ticket holder have an option to buy or let someone else buy their seat for the playoffs, a lot of times Season ticket holders do not buy for the playoffs because of the dollars needed. I do not think you can blame season ticket holders for 10,000 tickets going on sale The blame should go somewhat on the public who now have the ability to by available tickets and are not  and to the team for putting out the inconsistent team this year and causing people to not really get behind the team. No matter how you look at it is that it is for 10 games and a playoff game and a lot of cash for a team that is not playing well at this point for the playoffs and I think that affects a lot more teams than just the Colts.  Lets also wait until later in the week to determine if there is more orange than blue


    Totally disagree with comment do not buy season tickets if you do not want to buy playoff tickets because you don t like the product put on the field, I live in naples Fl and came all the way up their  this season to watch a game paid good money got good seats and was satisfied in cheering and backing up the team that is what a fan does, I am a colts supporter Peyton is gone so people need to get over it and start supporting the team we have now, Yes I was the first to vent on some of the bad decisions this season but it did not stop me from supporting the team

  2. I don't anyone here wants to lose in the playoffs, many just don't expect to do much, including myself.  I expect to beat the Bengals and after that, it gets a little hairy.  If the Ravens beat the Steelers, then we get to go to Denver and play a Broncos team that is currently looking beatable.  Then there is the Patriots, which is a giant hurdle.  There are three things this team would need to get to a Superbowl, more focus, better execution and a little bit of luck (no pun intended).  


    Forgot about that you are correct  if the Ravens can somehow beat the Steelers and we dispose of the Bengals we would then head to Denver.

  3. I think the colts can stop the run Arthur Jones has played a few games getting used to the playbook also with Redding and Chapman the front 3 should be solid, The LB corp really needs to step up I think Phillips will see more action as with Jackson also with Newsome in the lineup on passing downs should help the pass rush, But it will all boil down to the front seven getting pressure on Dalton in order to pull out a victory, I also see this as a great test for the young players to come in and produce during the playoffs

  4. an injured Mathis is better than a healthy Bjoern pass rush wise.


    Already thinking Bjoern is a bust the man is only in his second season before we start judging give him at least a 3rd year then everyone can start grading him on his performance also Bjoern was not a OLB when he came to the colts if correct he played in a 4/3, How long did it take Mathis to become a elite pass rusher it was not overnight and by the way he had freeney on the other side. I like Mathis all I am saying is we do not know what condation he will be in when he starts training camp, I hope he gets back to his old self but who knows and as for Newsome I think another training camp will be beneficial for him in his development and a good pick for the 5th round 

  5. Your point is well-taken but just for clarity purposes his injury was to his achilles and not his ACL.  There is no telling what impact he will have next year when considering age and significant injury.



      My bad I thought it was a ACL except my apologies for my miss information

  6. agree. Pass rush should improve next year with him improving and Mathis coming back.



     Not to be negative but what makes everyone believe that Mathis will be the same player he was before his injury, I want him to be but for a pass rusher a ACL tear is a very serious injury even for Mathis.


    I think Newsome is a very solid player for a rookie should get and deserve more snaps, Next year he will be a major Asset to the team

  7. Personally do not care what any outside commentator says, Next week begins a new season for the colts anything can happen. Yes not happy about the last 6 weeks but it is over time to move forward to the playoffs will return to the colts issiues after the playoffs time to root for the colts.  

  8. IMO if correct and at his age and when the ACL took place is takes almost 2 years to fully recover from a ACL tear, The older you are the longer it takes to heal just a opinion, I also stated if his tricep injury happened during the cincy game they should of put him on IR, With that said I believe he has maybe one year left to prove if he has fully recovered from his injury so before we judge and if he does not retire lets see what he does during training camp

  9. Now that I have calmed down from the beat down the colts took yesterday. I feel the same way as everyone on the forum this past 2 days the colts have been horrible


    the past 6 to 7 weeks for many reasons. I was the first to agree some of the coaching staff needs to be replaced after this season the lacking of leadership from some of


    these coaches and getting them prepared for this games is horrible. The O-line really needs to be addressed in the off season enough said.The RBs are what they are


    and cannot be given a grade until the line issue is addressed, The LB corp needs to be addressed also. The D-line are young and have showed so promise. Cut Landry


    put Sergio in his place and Adams at the FS spot for next season. Now all that said I have been a colts fan from the Baltimore days so I have and will always root for


    them no matter what win or loose and even during the 80s and 90s when the colts was every ones punching bag thats how bad they were, So now I am spoiled like most


    people on this forum expecting a win every week not thinking we could get blown out or lose, IMO things will somehow work themselves out and all we can hope for can


    the colts fix their problems before the playoffs start

  10. took you few years knoiw that he bad caoching ..   need dc like rex ryan . oc like  coaches for pats.


    No it did not take me a few years to figure this out I was replying to a question from someone who really did not understand what chuck has done wrong, I have personally been saying for months the coaching staff has been a major issues with progress of this team. I have tried to get behind this coaching staff in their decision making but after today I just cannot accept everyone saying its the players, It starts with the coaching staff.  

  11. I'm not sure I'm defending Pagano by asking - what exactly did he do wrong today? It wasn't a scheme thing today as far as I can tell, it was execution wasn't there and talent wasn't on par with the Cowboys.


    I do not like the coaches going out and telling the media what your scheme for the game is going to be, The first 3 plays of the game sums it up the cowboys loaded the box and dared the colts to run sorry but this is bad coaching 

  12. I was trying to be positive this past few weeks, Trying to back the coaching staff in their decision making on a weekly bases and knowing what needs to be done, And thinking this game would of showed us where the colts stood in preparing for the game. But after this blow out their is something wrong with the coaching staff.


    1 No run game at all saying that the colts were playing from behind but still their has been no run game at all the past few weeks.

    2 Evaluation of players have been really bad why are they playing allen as a wr when he is a better run blocker and put fleener and the wr slot

    3 The defense is horrindus no discipline what so ever, no pass rush and no presence in the run defense at all.

    4 Why are you playing the starters if you planned on not even trying to win.


      Sorry bottom line this is all on the coaches not preparing or putting the right scheme in for each game  

  13. The colts have 3 good tight ends, Rest reggie and use coby in the slot and use the other 2 for a 2 tight end set for the run game, As for the O-line cannot say much their I have  said in past threads the colts have issiues in their scheme, Are they playing the power run or zone or a basic man up each week I see different sets, Would be nice to see the line play a good game together as a whole but again who knows, Need to feed Herron as much as possible to run the clock and wear down the defenses, As you know at the beginning of season The colts controlled the clock need to get back to that and the only way to do this is start fast and let the opposition play catch up. Without Davis in the lineup might not be bad I have seen the defense hold their own the past few weeks. As for the seedings do not really care because we will have to play the best to be the best, I am happy we won the division and made the playoffs. 


      GO COLTS!!!!

  14. Won the division proud of that but I hope the colts clean some things up, really not happy in the effort of the offense today to many mistakes, Don t know what the problem is but the offense seems to be playing like it is preseason and still trying to figure the schemes or the plays not enough short passes today or runs to balance the game.


    Sorry to bring this up but if Reggie got hurt in the cincy game why was he not put on the 6 week IR list and use Griff in the slot for 6 weeks until Reggie was Healthy, I know this is not the right time for this posting posting   

  15. I really do not care who are the starters, just as long as they do the job they are getting paid for and for the love of god find the right combination of offensive lineman and let them play as a unit for at least 3 or 4 games so the coaches can find out if any one of them can play this switching players every week is really poor management 


    And by the way practice is overrated, All I hear is the player had a good week of practice first of all none of the 32 teams come in and practice like they did in the 80s or earlier in which their were 5 days a week practicing to get ready for the next week game,  Bottom line is I really do not care how he or any player does in practice. all I want to know is what he can do during a game. 

  16. I was unable to watch the game except the last 3 minutes. I have heard different reasons on what the team brought to the table. would some one please let me know exactly what happened, We did win which was great but from my understanding from some of the comments are 


    1 Defense was no good 


     2 O line was no good 


     3 Could not run the ball


     So exactly what did we do good to win, Just your thoughts

  17. HT hurt his knee and was out


    Honestly need to stop finding the right combination and see what the first few games brought to the table and start working with that group for the final push to the playoffs

  18. Neither was I. My only point is you can only beat who you play. We'll need to play better vs the teams like Denver and NE, but it is what it is.


    Yea your right you must beat the team in front of you no matter who it is and by all means a division win is important and a win is a win, Really hope they can start on executing better before the playoffs start

  19. Ahhhh... never noticed it was Jacksonville. I thought it was still New England.


    Was not trying to be rude just saying.  I want to see the offense and defense put a good quality game together against a good team and not for everyone to say how good they played against a team they should of dominated from the beginning, And if we all look at it this game it was not a barn burner from a offensive standpoint they struggled the entire first half by missing assignments and or just flat out getting out manned, Yes I want them to get all these bad games out of the way in which they act so clueless on both side of the ball before playoffs starts. 

  20. Defense played great and extended the lead in division to 2. What's so bad about that ?


    Played jacksonville enough said they should of dominated them from the start. I want them to play lights out against a quality team and not get put on their butts

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