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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Most of the media hates us in general, they blame us for DeflateGate which is beyond stupid. We weren't the team that cheated. If you notice since Deflategate the way our games are refereed are bad for the most part (get a big play, it's called back/Interference when there is none, I can go on and on) and we are 16-16 overall missing the Playoffs twice. Most on the NFL Network and most on ESPN bash us and picked us to go 6-10 this season as well. The team that is known for cheating = Pats - most of the media loves them, the team that is a small market and has always done things the right way and we won our SB fair and square without Ref help and cheating scandals - most of the media bashes on. Makes sense, rolls eyes!


    - I put most in bold because not all of the media is included but about 90% of them are.

    Your handle kinda tells all...... biased much?  lol

  2. 1 minute ago, MB-ColtsFan said:



    1 minute ago, Colts1324 said:

    That's what I am confused about. Everything reports to Irsay still deciding on who is coming back except the report or two that said he was coming back. NFL.com reported it. So either the report about Pagano's job as safe was a lie, Gruden spending 10 hours with Irsay is a lie, or Irsay was drunk and changed his mind lol.

    That's not really called for, cmon man.

  3. I'm not traumatized, ( and i can't stand the cancer is an excuse for Pagano *s) because i had bone cancer and had a leg amputated above the knee the day after my 10th birthday......   and I'm not traumatized because i've ever been fired......... or gotten a DUI.......   Luck is fine, Chuck is more than fine..... Frigging TRAUMATIZED?    LMAO...... lets leave that at the door......  neither has been traumatized.

  4. 7 hours ago, Freeupfreeney said:

    Why the facepalm. This is a serious question. The dude never really gets a lot of good plants before he releases the ball. Even with the O-line playing way better this years. You can see how physically nervous he is. Or do you think I'm wrong.

    Dude isn't traumatized...... poor choice of words....... he's a hundred million dollar man..... he isn't traumatized, and could walk away any time he sees fit.....

  5. 3 minutes ago, JPPT1974 said:

    I always thought he could go into what John Elway is doing in Denver. Or that he could be a broadcaster. Or a coach!

    so you basically figured he could do whatever he wanted post-playing-retirement, football wise?  way to go out on a limb lol

  6. 8 hours ago, BOTT said:

    If a patriots receiver doesn't drop an easy touchdown in 06 Dungy would be a poor man's Marty Schottenheimer.


    Plus, he wasn't that innovative.  Just modified the cover 2 he learned in Pitt.

    We have senior posters here who hold more sway than they should, that statement by itself isn't totally foolish...... but, your knowledge of football may be.

  7. 13 minutes ago, John Waylon said:

    Keeping his fans out of the loop?

    Were you on mars when he announced a couple weeks ago that he didn't anticipate any changes, or are you so dense that you don't understand what is going on?

    Irsay isn't going to hold a press conference to repeat himself because a big bunch of you can't take a damn hint.


    What was he gonna say then, that he was chucking both of them?  That interview was noncommittal at best, and his statement of not anticipating changes was immediately followed with the caveat that things are always subject to change......  he left it as open as he really could have.

  8. 1 minute ago, Jason_S said:


    good god here comes more extreme nonsense.   The Colts biggest loss this season was by 21 points.  There was one loss by 16 points and one by 14.  The other 5 losses were by 8 points or less.



    yeah, we aren't losing by 40!  good grief...... only 21 games over the five years that we have lost by 22 points or more


  9. 12 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

    Jim tweeted out roster moves yesterday.

    Does anybody really think he'd be letting Grigson make roster moves if anything was changing?

    signing nobodies to below bottom of roster "futures" contracts?  Absolutely, every team in the league does that the day the season ends.....  nothing to negotiate, they take it or leave it, and they always take it..... don't even need a GM to get those temporary deals done, all they are for is to call dibs on a guy and let him use your facilities to train in the offseason.

  10. 6 minutes ago, UKColt13 said:

    Jim is smart enough to know that silence lets the rumour mill go wild. Continued silence is bad for Irsay, the coaches, the fans, media and the players. Everyone is sitting in limbo. 


    Im thinking Irsay is cooking something up. Anybody think he might be shopping Pagano somehow? Can't think of any other reason he's let this go for so long.

    Shopping Pagano? for WHAT?!?  LMBO

  11. 56 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


    I forgot the Colts went 0-16 the past 5 years with Pagano...never winning a game or even holding a lead.

    because everything in business is black and white...... give me a break.  Chuck is not a long term answer as an NFL HC.  Fire him today, not one team is going to bring him in as HC unless there were no other options....

  12. 2 hours ago, krunk said:

    The success level isn't really much different than the first 5-6 years under Peyton and Polian.  I don't like some of the losses we've taken either, but I'm not going to kid myself and think everything should be identical. Processes are different.

    they also realized they needed to change to a coach that could better develop the team and QB midway through that 5-6 years.....

  13. 3 minutes ago, NDcolt said:

    MODS please lock this thread, I failed to accomplish my goal of getting Fans to believe in this team no matter the circumstances!  

    I'm disappointed, you should expect better of the team than that first half!   j/k

  14. Just now, dgambill said:

    Actually that game was big. If both the Texans AND the horrible Jaguars sweep you and Tennessee jumps you in the standings it actually DOES tell you a lot about the team. Which is why I expected us to show the London game was a fluke...to show the real difference in quality between us two and we came out flat...lathargic and we didn't execute very well and for all purposes we should have lost that game. I was dissapointed to see that we are basically closer to Jacksonville level than say KC or Pittsburgh.

    London game wasn't a fluke.  In fact, it closely resembled more than a few games this season, and rendered the exact same result as 7 others.....


  15. 2 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

    we don't have to throw another year away with all of their lame excuses.  Grigson suddenly jumping on the Pagano bus because "he had to", they are attached at the hip after the extension,  Starting out games horribly, ending games horribly, not being prepared, making horrendous play calls, time-outs, red-flags, inconceivable play-calls and gaffs, not protecting luck and acting like nothing is wrong, allowing line backing core to reek to high heaven....leading the league in QB pressues/hits/etc.... accountability issues, fan-base desertion, disjointed draft picks decisions, total flame-outs and no in-game adjustments to stop the bleeding.....i could go on but a little vomit just came up.

    corps, not core...... sorry, I guess I'm, that guy

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