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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. you'll hear plenty from Pat...... he has "contacts"  and could be informative, but his % also gets kinda annoying........ he's a frat guy at heart, and more power to him, live it up...... I just think he has a much higher opinion of his comedy than most others do........

  2. Love Pat, but jeeze.....  looked up to Pat, but before that we had a pretty dang good punter know as Hunter Smith..... before that we had Rohn Stark, Tom Tupa, etc..... McAfee was great....and got out while the getting was good..... great punter, big personality...... mediocre comedian..... hope he becomes more, because I enjoy his takes, but really that was mostly because he was an NFL player, for my favorite team..... his shttick just lost 75% of it's appeal........without football, he's kinda *y..... unless you like jock tyoes with more money than sense....... again, love Pat, but now, very few people have reason to laugh at the antics of "just another guy who likes to party and has a few million"


    If this is all health related, I totally understand..... just retire, and do comedy, please don't pander....

  3. 1 minute ago, esmort said:


    That tweet really makes me curious 

    It's probably a tweet relating to his personal life, but if it relates to the colts......  would have to be a big betrayal for Robert to tweet that..... who is involved currently that he thinks highly of and is on the edge?  don't recall him being OVER supportive of coaching......  probably personal

  4. JMV sounds like he is leaning in the direction that it won't be Raye III, says after talking to some people last night, he has changed from thinking it would be Raye III, to thinking it will be someone from outside, leaning towards Ballard.   That might be solid info, but Ballard is also the only one interviewed thus far, other than maybe Raye !!!.......  

  5. 2 hours ago, krunk said:

    threads or posts.  the bulk of the entire forum knows his faults well and they've been stated over and over again ad nauseum sometimes to the point where no one even knows what the guy does well.  that's how bad the anger is.  problem is a lot of it extreme.  it's as if we are being coached by Jerry Glanville or somebody which is silly.


    fair enough.  I agree many are overplaying that hand.

  6. DD on his radio show...... and I know he's generally playing Devil's advocate and all surly, it's his schtick, yada yada.........   


    But seriously..... defending Grigson to no end over the last month.....  claiming that a big reason Grigs was fired was "financial"  what?  They still have to pay him Dan.....  for 3 more years...... to do nothing.  Hell of a severance package if you ask me.  Team didn't fire him to save money, pretty clueless claim.  


    Of course he says if his buddy URban Meyer walked in the door, he'd be hired in a heartbeat...... uh, what?   Simple fan-boy jock-riding there.....


    Then, the part that really gets me, is him trashing former Colts players......  Wayne, Brackett, Freeman..... claiming they are whining and crying about Grigs mistreating them... says only Pat has any cache....  ok.......  saying he'd only ask Mathis about 'roids and why his guys "under his leadership" sucked all year and are whining.... wth?  


    lol..... just had to vent.  I usually like Dakich, but he's full of it when he says he isn't friendly with Grigson..... why else would you belittle fans, former players, coaches, owners, etc......  just to defend a guy with a questionable AT BEST record in his former position?

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