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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. 12 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

    Its really fun to imagine the upside of Poe but one has to look at the risk vs. reward. He is night and day sometimes,  He does plug up the A gaps but he is inconsistent as a pass rusher but he can show tremendous prowess at times which make him so intriguing.


    Bottom line its about the contract but Ballard knows him better than anyone else so lets see

    If he was his size, stopping the run, AND a consistent pass rusher from NT, he'd cost a lot more than he will get....

  2. 1 minute ago, jvan1973 said:

    There are 2 now.

    There will be a lot more over the next few years.....  but as of right now?  Kyle Long and David DeCastro make 10M per, Osemele 11.7 per, and Zeitler 12 per.  Bar's been set.  Not sure why anyone of their caliber going forward would be paid any less?  Hell, Leary just got signed for 8.7 per, and that was after a year of being a backup... albeit on a stacked line.

  3. 4 minutes ago, BCoop said:


    It's not logic. It's math. You don't blow your entire load on two guys when you have all kinds of issues with depth.

    If Grigson's 2013 class wasn't such a steaming pile of %, we wouldn't even be having these discussions because we could just fill out the roster with affordable contracts and look to the draft for talent. Not really sure what that has to do with my original point anyway.

    Well when speaking of "load blowing" The 2013 class that is non extant on the Colt's roster, would be using the precious cap space that has to be held onto.  The same space that we would spend re-upping 1, maybe 2 studs from that whiffed class, we can freely spend on 1 or 2 studs of a Free Agent nature.  Thusly, it has everything to do with your aforementioned post, and little to do with said load blowing.


  4. 1 minute ago, BCoop said:


    Technically, we CAN. But, we shouldn't. You add those salaries up with dollars allocated to rookies, to Butler/Turbin/Punter, to rollover for next year and injury insurance, and you're not left with much to actually fill out the roster.

    seriously?  Glad we don't have anyone to resign from Grigson's 2013 class then, because following your logic, they'd all have to be let go.....

  5. 1 minute ago, COLTS449 said:


    With the Colts and Atlanta Braves yeah. With UK Basketball??? I'll let you answer that. And in life in general. No not really.

    UK basketball?  eh, if you like nice shiny new things and folding in the tourney more years than not, sure..... ; )

  6. 3 minutes ago, BCoop said:


    We can't afford to sign 2 guys at this level and still fill out the roster.


    You need to lower your expectations.

    yes, they absolutely could.  you can always make room for players you really want.  They just have to be worth really wanting.


  7. 2 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Its a lot of money for a G.  However, you have to look at the structure of the team.  


    We have a lot of cap space, and no real stars needing to be paid this year or next year, or probably the year after.   If you build the Oline with AC, Mewhort (who wont command Zeitler money), Kelly, Zeitler, and either Clark or Haeg or someone else, you've got a good young Oline and still plenty of draft picks and cap space to devote to the defense.


    I think its a lot of money and would lean towards not doing it, but I wouldn't hate the signing...all things considered.

    It's not like we are going to be hurting in cap space anytime in the near future....

  8. 22 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    No one's saying it was a brilliant signing, but he had other teams trying to sign him & he chose the Colts, and was quoted as saying Pagano was a big reason why. Not sure if that'll be enough to sign a guy like Hightower or Poe, but if one of those guys meets with Chuck, I like our chances.

    That was because his former DC in SD was Pagano's brother, and the scheme and terminology was very similar......  not necessarily that Pagano was some excellent recruiter


  9. 3 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    This area does seem to be the one place where Pagano does indeed have some type of magic touch. If Bouye comes to Indy for an interview, there's like an 85% chance that he's a Colt after that meeting.

    Not sure that closing deals with FA's over the years has really been due to Pagano.  Is that even in his wheelhouse, as opposed to say, Grigson/Ballard/Raye?


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