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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. In a weird twist, I'm starting to think Luck plays week 2, if not week 1.......  JMV had Holder on, saying he wouldn't quote Pagano word for word, but that Pagano said the biggest reason Luck was not removed from PUP was gamesmanship...... if that's true, they are either breaking the rules, and letting Luck throw to WR's behind closed doors, or they are severely foolish...... It would also explain why they stuck with Tolzien, and really didn't seem to worry about who the "starting" QB is for week 1 out of he and Morris......   either way, I'm optimistic he plays sooner than later..... would be crazy week 1, but I see it as a possibility.

  2. 2 hours ago, TKnight24 said:



    Either Geathers is about to retire or TJ Green has impressed at CB and will permanently play there or something else 



    I'm not sure signing Earl Wolff IV has been the precursor to anyone retiring or permanently switching positions, like.......ever......   lol

  3. 7 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

      If the Steelers game taught us anything, it's that improvement is coming. 

      Consider players that should be coming back at some point this season:

    Andrew Luck

    Eric Swoope

    Clayton Geathers

    Malik Hooker

    Jack Mewhort

    Ryan Kelly


      In the meantime, the Colts are solidifying depth and giving experience to younger players.

      Rankings change from week to week in this league and we knew it would take time for the defense to gel. Special teams look pretty good. 


    Feel better?

    Like the optimism, but not sure I'd include Geathers in the "should be back this year category"  more like "slim chance he's back this year"

  4. 23 minutes ago, ColtsArmy84 said:

    What makes me angry is that we wernt more prepared for this possibility and didnt have a more capable guy as a back up. Its kinda late now to acquire another guy and get him up to speed. I remain positive because I believe that Ballard is the type of guy that would of brought someone in if he thought Luck could miss 4-6 weeks. I think Luck is ready but there not gonna take him off PUP until they have to.

    Might be, but that seems highly silly....

  5. 32 minutes ago, J@son said:


    Based on what?


    Just a general feeling, and the vibes coming from the organization are a complete lack of urgency.... not in rushing Luck, but not even trying to have an open competition at QB in his absence...... also, the historical secrecy around injury severity, and the tendency for "minor" initial injuries to end in months or season's absences......  it just is a very "here we go again" feeling....  Still looking forward to the young guys developing and team growth, but tempering my expectations of anything beyond that at the moment....

  6. Finally starting to give in to the idea that the FO/Owners aren't really too worried about pushing for contention this year, and are content developing talent and letting Chuck be the fall guy at years end.....  Not that I'm necessarily opposed to the idea, but it takes some getting used to when you start to come to the realization....

  7. 8 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    and that is a under statement lmao. No way are we signing him.

    technically, you are 100% right..... there is No Way we would, or could sign him...... unless he's cut....... gotta trade for him.    Now, excuse me, I'm gonna go throw up a little..... lol

  8. 2 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    ?? Belichick is the head coach AND the GM.

    He knows that, and acknowledges it, he just says Bill as HC has a higher rate of success than Bill the GM.....  Bill has trouble with certain positions when it comes to evaluating talent (WR)

  9. 2 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    I don't care where everyone had him mocked.  As you know, every year the mocks are way off usually after the top 10.  This year they were totally off.  No matter what Mayock or Kiper say, they don't have the resources like an NFL team.


    More importantly, a teams draft board takes into account need.  The Colts weren't going to pick a QB in the first round the last 4 years no matter how high he was on others draft boards.  So it's not revisionist history to say the need was more for a D player (or O lineman) than any WR. 


    No one is saying he shouldn't have been drafted in the first round.  But I think just about every Colts fan was saying he shouldn't have been drafted by us.  The need wasn't there.

    Sure it was, Reggie was on the brink of retirement and hurt, and TY was not re-signed at that point.  I was not completely sold on the position at the time, but I could see the logic.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Major_Adobe said:

    Not trying to justify Tolzein over Morris but the backup QB requires a lot more than just playing QB if that makes sense. When AL comes back they'll revert to more of a coaching/spotter role. Maybe Morris doesn't have what Tolzein does in this department? Just speculation.


    It does seem that with AL's history, we should invest in a backup QB that can play. 

    3rd stringer can do that just fine as well......   as long as they are on the 53 man

  11. 14 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    Easy.  Kevin Costner and the Cleveland Browns. 


    Seriously though, I'd still love to know how they had a little WR ranked that high on their 15 draft board.

    Dorsett was drafted 29th, right where pretty much every evaluator said he would, and should..... get picked  anything else is revisionist history...... Dorsett has by no means lived up to his draft position, but let's not act like "Only Indy was dumb enough to draft him anywhere near the end of the 1st"  as many seem to want to suggest.....

  12. 3 minutes ago, DaColts85 said:

    I know his name will come up, but I know little about him.  I do not know his style which will be important.  Does he favor offense over defense or vice versa.  I know he's a ST coach currently but he might favor offense...idk!

    He's an interesting Cat, 55 years old, played OL in college, drafted in round 9, only made it to 3 NFL camps, never on final roster..... coached Strength and Conditioning at UTEP, and also Offensive Line, was Missouri's S&C coach for 9 years, also coaching OL for 2, and Defensive Line for 3, has coached ST's in NFL for Philly, Chicago, and KC..... was with Ballard in CHI, and KC, and interviewed for CHI head coach job while Ballard was there in 2012..... was also interviewed by Miami for their HC position in 2011......

  13. 1 minute ago, DaColts85 said:

    I take anything Dakich says about sports other than basketball with the smallest grain of salt.  Unreliable in a lot of his comments on football and the Colts.  BUT, I can see this being true as in the locker room sees Pags as a worried about the job only type right now and not what he has been.  We need a coach with a backbone...You see plenty of teams do well in the league over the years and it is typically because they have a solid owner, and a coach who has rules and a backbone.  Curious of who might be there next year anyways.....

    Dave Toub......  who is intriguing, but scary at the same time lol

  14. Dakich also says there is a large, and growing faction within the team that wants Gore released, so who knows......   I could kinda see it if they believe they are not going anywhere, let Frank go win in his twilight years..... and Start Turbin until Mack is ready

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