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Posts posted by CamMo

  1. Watch his most recent press conference if you haven’t yet. We have an extremely excited (albeit nervous) quarterback and I’m so happy FOR him.

    I think once he gets his confidence back, “checks off the boxes” if you will, we are going to see an Andrew Luck that some of our fan base has even forgotten about.

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  2. Chester Rogers posted videos on Insta of him riding bikes w/ Andrew around Stanford (Andrew’s helmet is super dorky <3 ) and one of him running a route and getting the ball dropped perfectly in front of him. I’m guessing Andrew was throwing, but wasn’t in the vid. 


    No other receivers seen or mentioned...Hmm.

  3. 33 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    The problem with protests like this and that is that the people doing their "proud acts" together, as a sign of unity, automatically put those who don't do it on the side of being oppressors.  Despite what they say or intend.


    The modern term is erecting a silo, a wall.


    If you have a legal entity like a country, its logical to have some segregation from other countries in order to maintain common standards among those who are within your country.  If you're talking about a group viewing themselves as a group based on race or gender, uniting together on that basis, is at least segregationist, and probably inherently racist or sexist.


    Its probably one of the most arrogant and offensive gestures in American history actually.  Much more offensive than the american flag and anthem, which does not discuss race or gender and therefore does not unify people on that basis.


    Its really becoming disappointing to see what is being taught.  How people are sort of being molded to see themselves in terms of race when so much supposed progress was being made in the 70's, 80's, and 90's rejecting that identity.


    Edit:  I'm walking this comment back a bit.  I don't know the context of the gesture that was performed in the 60's, on a personal level since I was too young.  My thoughts were that if I saw a group of people today choosing to segregate and identify themselves in terms of race, and giving power to themselves on that basis, or on the basis of gender, I would consider it to be totally against how we have been educated since the 60's.



    I read your comment multiple times, but I’m still not sure I fully grasp your message. Feel free to set me straight.


    There is a division, but the division isn’t between white/black, woman/man. One of the (many!) divisions in the 60s was that there were those Americans who believed black people shouldn’t share the same public spaces as whites, and those that believed that was wrong - that separate was inherently unequal. I’m not black and I know which side of that “division” I stand on. It doesn’t offend me to see black men raise their fist for civil rights. It doesn’t offend me or make me feel like an oppressor to see black men kneel because black men and women are disproportionately targeted by police and the judicial system. Why would it? I understand their message and it’s one I, too, see as an issue. I think there is a discussion to be had. This thread is a perfect example of that.


    It sounds like you don’t see inequality ie racism/sexism in our society today, and those that do are separating themselves needlessly? If that’s the case, we may be too far apart to have a meaningful discussion. But, I always love hearing another side.


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