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Posts posted by CamMo

  1. 9 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    I'm trying to figure out whether you want Melvin back or not. Not exactly a resounding endorsement there Camo. Is that a hard no or luke warm yes? We'll just put this in the indifferent column I guess. 


    Yeah, I’d say I’m leaning more towards ‘keep him’ after the things I’ve read on this thread. Some good points about the defense changing, him being able to play the ball more when it’s in front of him, etc. When he turns his back and starts running, my confidence goes out the window- idk whether he’ll just tackle his man or play the ball. haha


    Some pressure up front would definitely help, too. 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:

    Wait... you're tellin me that in 2017, the only 2 teams to have a lead going into the 4th more often than the Colts were the 2 teams that made it to the SB... ?




    This is the point that really got me too. 


    After reading that entire string of tweets and trying to grasp what they really meant, this is the one that made me want to throw up. 


    Our team seemed very predictable, but seeing the actual predictability quanitfied makes me upset. I hope Chud gets to see these somehow. :angry:

  3. What I heard him say was that Andrew Luck can be optimistic about being able to play, but that it doesn’t mean anything if he goes out and gets smeared and gets re-injured. “The Colts need to fix the O-Line and get a running game.”  I think a lot of us would agree with that. Everything shouldn’t fall on Luck’s (now surgically repaired) shoulder.


    He really didnt say anything different than what I’ve read on here 100+ times, he just said it in his very annoying, big-headed, Stephen-Smith way. 

  4. 1 hour ago, threeflight said:

    I owned and trained race horses for 20 years.


    One thing, beyond all, is key.




    Yes, every once in a while you can breed a home bred mare to a $5 k claiming pacing Stallion and get a open or free for all horse.


    But 99 times out of 100, if you want the true world class race horses?  You need to breed a world class mare with a world class stallion.


    Sure, there will be duds, but % wise that is the best bet to getting the best of the best.


    And sure, you can hire a  Frazier or a Reich.  And every once in a while you will find a Pederson.  But most of the time  You will hire a Pagano going that route.


    If you want special, you cannot be afraid to pay for, and to go after it.  

    Manning is special.



    A horse breeding analogy. I’ve officially seen a bit of everything on this forum. :)


  5. 26 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

    I keep reading that last sentence over & over again particularly the 2 words I highlighted in red. 


    So, you want Luck to fail or suffer a setback then? Look, I get your sense of trepidation about Luck's recovery timetable. I won't tell you what to think CMO, but from my perspective, Andrew probably just wants to get reps in private so that by the time Colts fans see him sling the ball INDY fans will go, "Yep, Chewbacca is back & the Blue Horseshoe can start winning division titles again."


    That's how I look at it anyway.  


    No way, man. I want Luck to succeed and win endless amounts of Superbowls with the Colts haha  I think he’s a beast. And that’s why I don’t want to get my hopes up about him being all good now.

     I DO believe he’ll be back this season, just think it’s too premature to say “no surgery.”

  6. 53 minutes ago, Restored said:


    I agree and people need to stop thinking that throwing a football is the tell-all for how his shoulder is doing.



    What should be the tell-all? Ian Rapaport’s verbiage? Andrew’s gut feeling? His muscle mass? 


    Those arms are looking hella good. 


    1 hour ago, Somewhere ovr the Waynebow said:

    I'm surprised he isn't throwing yet. I'm also surprised to see Rapsheet say, very clearly and definitely, that he doesn't need another surgery. 


    If it's 100% true he doesn't need another surgery, that's the ultimate takeaway here. 


    I guess this is my main point. How can they say “no surgery” until he throws a football?


    I’m not sure what “working on arm speed” actually entails, but his workouts could be using the exact same muscle mechanics as throwing a football?...I was a soccer player, I know zero about how the shoulder and bicep interact to cause the issue Andrew had (has?)

  8. 1 hour ago, MightyLucks said:

    Luck specifically said that throwing wasn’t the only way of knowing when he held that presser last month. 


    Of course it’s not the ONLY way of knowing, but how is the actual act of throwing a football not a test at all? The article says he’s close to throwing and will not need more surgery. Sooo what happens when he starts chucking footballs and the same thing happens as last time?



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