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Posts posted by CamMo

  1. 1 hour ago, MightyLucks said:

    One source described Luck as "very close" to throwing, which is a huge milestone for the franchise QB. That also means Luck does not need another surgery, which is good news.


    I don’t get how him being “very close” to throwing equates to no more surgeries. I thought throwing an actual football would be the test.


    I’m just going to stay cautiously...pessimistic. That way maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised lol

  2. 51 minutes ago, LSD9402 said:

    Mentioning Cutler as the fall for Mcdaniels, is well and all, but NOBODY seemed to like that guy in Denver. I don't believe you just stop becoming azzhole if you are one, which seemed like Mcdaniels bigger issue than anything X's and O's or personnel related. The time you change is between 20 & 30, not 30 & 40.  If he comes here, I hope to God it was just a chemical imbalance in Denver.




    Eeeek. A complete 180 of Chucky P could soon be in our future. Just hope it results in (a lot of) wins.

  3. He seems pretty diva-ish...


    But with that being said, if he can help our team win, he should have played.


    I was wondering if this topic was ever going to get posted. I went ahead and followed him on insta. He could post some interesting things during the off-season.







  4. 3 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

    This presser is hilarious, Ballard tries to play it coy and conservative and spin a narrative and Jim contradicts him with his exuberance every other question.


    Yup, Jim just can’t help himself. He’s harping on Andrew Luck coming back and I can only imagine what’s going on in Ballard’s head right now haha


    Also, I think Irsay wants a top RB. Anyone else catch that?

  5. Kinda agree with the person who said this press conference just made things more confusing.


    Maybe he did want to get away because of all the talk? He was SO vague about these overseas “resources” though, it makes me think something must’ve been done. But who knows.


    His pain has decreased significantly and he’s feeling optimistic that he will not need anymore surgeries. So I’m gonna say it was a good message, nonetheless.

  6. I really liked the question about leaders in the locker room following the era of great leaders such as Manning, Mathis, Brackett etc.. Ballard said Mathias Farley, Clayton Geathers, and Ryan Kelly are players who (could) have that voice.

    I was really wanting him to say Luck as well, but....


    I will also say Pat McAfee is exactly where he needs to be lol he’s 100% Bar Stool.

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