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Everything posted by HOZER

  1. He needs to take as much time as he needs, he was struggling big time, injury makes sense.
  2. Nationals are so streaky man they took 2 out of 3 from the Brewers before this series.
  3. Looks like some pretty good storms rolling in up North of Indy soon, a lot of red on the radar. Hope the bad stuff stays north for those waiting in line to get in
  4. Welp, that was a short stay. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2023/08/05/colts-place-draft-pick-on-injured-reserve-cut-local-running-back/70535886007/
  5. Looking forward to Assad starting today, glad they’re giving him a shot, he seems to have “the stuff.”
  6. Blanked, ouch. The Professor struck out 9 in a row I believe then fell apart. Win some, lose some. 🤷‍♂️
  7. 7-0 Braves in the 7th, ouch! Let’s start a RALLY!!!!!
  8. Wow that was a crazy game! Tuned in late and Cubs were already up 5 in the first! Candelerio looked good during his first outing back with the Cubs! Hope they can keep this energy going for the rest of the season!
  9. Yeah Reds are a good team for sure, well managed. Did you see the Cubs signed Candelario? Big bat that can play 1st/3rd. Curios to see if they move Wisdom to 1st and put Candelario on 3rd. Might be a nice boost to the offense. Suzuki worries me though, you can tell something’s bothering him.
  10. Ugh was hoping for a comeback, lots of batters left on bases. Stroman needs to find out what his malfunction is or they need to let him go. And what’s going on with Suzuki, not impressed with him at all, he may need a trip down to the minors to rediscover himself, bring somebody up that’s on a hitting streak and can play right field.
  11. Stromans been rocky lately, hope he gets it going again. Would be nice to take the Reds down. Wonder who they’re looking at picking up since all signs point to them be buyers, if there’s anyone let that’s not injured.
  12. The Professors off his game today, might be an early exit for him. Theirs plenty of game left but not looking so hot at the moment.
  13. They haven’t won this many games in a row since…….2016! crazy huh? Let’s get a sweep tomorrow then I hope they can keep this going against the Reds/Braves!
  14. Beautiful catch, Alzolay had me a little worried!
  15. I would be honored to get gunned down by that stache!!!
  16. Both glorious examples. I’ve got the Doc Holiday going at the moment, with a little wax I can get the Rollie Fingers to work!
  17. I mustache you a question…..what if Im already rockin a mustache?
  18. Wrigley is NOT a dump, especially after all the renovations that have been completed recently. Been going to games there for years and never once thought it was a dump. In fact if you do a quick search it’s in most polls top 5 stadiums in US. Regardless, most go to watch baseball, drink Old Styles, and eat chicago dogs, couldn’t care less about sticky floors and crappy bathrooms.
  19. They’re definitely gelling at the right time….Hoping they’re buyers and not sellers, gotta keep the mojo going!!!
  20. Welp. That’s the end of that. What a gross season to witness, down to the very last few plays. REALLY hope the team can get it together this off season and bring us a better product next season.
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